UNHCR warns that Malta is in deep trouble as Libya implodes; RRW: Clinton, Rice, Power at fault

Before I report the latest news from poor Malta, let’s remember exactly where the blame lies for the deterioration of Libya—it falls squarely on the United Nations and Obama’s “humanitarian Vulcans”***—Hillary Clinton, Samantha Power and Susan Rice—as I reported here in 2011 and more recently, here.

The three reasons (Rice, Clinton, Power) Libya is an Islamic hellhole that could easily become the newest ISIS acquisition! Photo: http://www.inquisitr.com/694431/samantha-power-the-most-appalling-and-terrifying-presidential-nomination-in-decades-commentary/



(To our US readers, I will get back to refugee news from America, but Europe’s death spiral is rapidly speeding up at the moment and we must report on it.)

From the Times of Malta where the UN tells Malta it must “integrate” the migrants and others.  How many ISIS fighters will be among them?   Malta Patriots prepare!

The local representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Jon Hoisaeter has urged Malta to prepare for a potential upsurge in migrant departures from Libya as the situation in that country deteriorates.

Malta, the European country being targeted by the invaders from Libya.

Speaking before the Social Affairs Committee, he said the situation in Libya could see Libyans escaping from that country, and not just migrants.

Talks about the evolving scenario were being held at various levels with the Ministry of Home Affairs. However, there was no comprehensive discussion on any contingency plan for the various scenarios which may emerge.


He did not wish to be alarmist, he said, but the UNHCR wished to help the Maltese government in planning for potential future scenarios such as massive movements across the sea as the worsening situation in Libya led to more people leaving that country – not just third country nationals in Libya, but also Libyans.

This was something which needed to be high on everyone’s agenda and Malta should also be discussing what support it could receive from the EU and what it could plan, with Italy, for example.

We need to be ready for a potentially difficult year, a potential year of record arrivals in Malta. I am not being alarmist, I am not saying this is necessarily the most likely outcome, but it is something we should discuss now, not in the summer when the focus will be on the immediate response, not planning,” he said.

***The phrase “humanitarian Vulcans” comes from Edward Klein’s book The Amateur.

Our complete Malta archive is here.  As much as we wish to help the Maltese people, this news is even more evidence that the US State Department must STOP bringing illegal aliens from Malta to the US!

In our previous post this morning we told you about Bill Clinton’s role in helping to destroy Europe via his Kosovo policy!

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