Next week: Iran to bully Burma over Rohingya

Update January 6th:  Iran sending humanitarian aide to Rohingya in Burma, here.  I have a better idea, Iran should just take them home to Iran as refugees and care for them there.

I’ve been telling you lately that Iran and the OIC are pressuring Burma over the Rohingya Muslim issue.  Here is just one more story about a trip by Iranian legislators planned for next week.

I have an idea!  Why don’t all those Muslim countries including Iran just divvy up the Rohingya and take them to their Muslim countries instead of pressuring Buddhist Burma to break their country’s bank by caring for all the destitute Rohingya.  Everyone will live happily ever after!

Hey, isn’t that a good plan all around?  Rich Middle Eastern countries like Saudi Arabia could set an example of Muslim charity both with the Rohingya and with the Palestinians and take them in. *

From Iranian news agency Ahlul Bayt News Agency:

(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) – The representatives of Iran’s Foreign Ministry, Imam Khomeini’s Relief Committee and the Iranian Red Crescent Society will accompany the lawmakers in their two-day visit, which is scheduled to start on January 9, deputy chairman of the Majlis Committee on National Security and Foreign Policy Mansour Haqiqatpour said on Thursday.

He added that Iran has recently dispatched the first consignment of humanitarian relief aid to Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar and noted that the second batch of aid would be sent to the country within the next days.

Some 800,000 Rohingyas are deprived of citizenship rights and suffer from a policy of discrimination that has denied them the right of naturalization and made them vulnerable to acts of violence and persecution, expulsion and displacement.

On December 25, the United Nations General Assembly issued a resolution expressing concern over the persecution of Muslims in Myanmar. The resolution called on Myanmar’s government to “protect all their (the Muslims’) human rights, including their right to a nationality.”

Watch for it!  The US refugee contractors will soon be clamoring for their share of Rohingya.  They already are!  The US Conference of Catholic Bishops lobbied the State Department for more Rohingya to come to the US, here last May.

* Silly me, I forgot Saudi Arabia imprisons Rohingya who have gotten in there.

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