This is an interesting turn of events. Just this morning I wrote about Somalis in South Africa protesting the “xenophobic” treatment of Somali migrants by other black people in the Rainbow Nation, here.
Now comes news (really only the photo below, I couldn’t find a story) about a protest in Columbus, Ohio (one of the largest Somali resettlement sites in the US) in support of Somalis in South Africa and against the government there.
American Somalis should tell Obama to put pressure on the African National Congress to be more welcoming when he visits there later this month, after all that’s what the Rainbow Nation idea was all about. Right?
Also, today, it has been reported that the man considered the father of this model socialist government, 94-year-old Nelson Mandela, has been hospitalized in Johannesburg.
This is from the Columbus Dispatch:
Eric Albrecht | DISPATCH