That’s the title of an 18 minute documentary from ‘Indomitable realist’ you should watch. I think it’s just out today. Hat tip: Brad
It features Somalis in Minnesota, Lewiston, ME, and Shelbyville, TN. It includes one segment on the Lost Boys of Sudan. I didn’t know Glenn Beck talked about the State Department populating Rep. Michele Bachmann’s district with Somalis (something we have written about here on several occasions).
Click hereto watch. Then be sure to check out the comments!
Just now, I happened to catch the live mark-up proceedings in the US Senate Judiciary Committee and saw Senator Graham make his pitch for his Amendment #1, described here, that is clearly in response to the Boston Bomber Tsarnaev family’s re-visits to the homeland where they supposedly were persecuted.
Dick Durbin leans on Graham at a previous meeting of the Senate Judiciary Committee
Graham sought to amend S.744 with a provision that would revoke refugee or asylum status to anyone who returns to the land of their alleged persecution without “good cause.”
Of course, if S.744 passes there will be much to do about what exactly is “good cause” and how a refugee or asylee might apply to return “home” for a visit. Going home to a funeral might be a ‘good cause’ but as Graham pointed out going home to learn bomb-making should have a penalty. Graham’s victory is a symbolic victory for common sense, but likely temporary.
Arguing against Graham (and voting against him) were Senators Leahy and Durbin (no surprise). Graham was successful by voice vote. However, cynic that I am, I think Leahy and Durbin just went through the motions of opposing Graham for the sake of making a show for their “humanitarian” lobbyist friends.
Throwing Graham a bone to keep him on board (with the Gang of Eight and Grover) now was probably more important—they can always dump his amendment later in the process. And, besides, now Graham can say he strengthened security measures in the bill.
Update May 21: His amendment lost of course, the Dems teamed up with Graham and Flake have defeated just about everything Grassley and Sessions tried to do. I’ll have more tomorrow, but for now check out this letter of all those opposing the bill when it comes to the floor. We are among some great patriots!
This is such good news! Really, really, really good news! [Amendment lost but thank Grassley anyway and tell him to take the fight to the floor!]
You must call Senator Grassley this morning to tell him you support this effort! (see below)
Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) is offering an amendment to S.744 to remove all references to refugees/asylum from S. 744 until after a report is completed about how the Tsarnaev terrorists were granted asylum! I could kiss the Senate Judiciary Committee ranking Republican!
Erol Kekic of Church World Service does not want more security provisions added to S.744.
I stopped in his office last Wednesday when I went to DC for the State Department hearing and left a letter for him asking him to do just what the Washington Times is reporting (LOL! But, I am sure he figured this out without any help from me!).
From the Washington Times (hat tip: Joanne). Emphasis below is mine:
The Boston Marathon bombing hasn’t derailed the immigration debate, but it has sent lawmakers back to the drawing board on some key provisions, including changes to the asylum system that the two suspects in the bombing used to come to the U.S.
Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev were brought to the U.S. a decade ago by their parents, who fled the deteriorating economy and burgeoning conflicts in the Central Asian region the family had called home.
Now, as the Senate Judiciary Committee works its way through the 867-page immigration bill, some lawmakers say it’s a chance to make changes that could help prevent a future incident.
Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa, the ranking Republican on the committee, has introduced an amendment that would prevent any changes to the asylum or refugee systems until at least a year after an audit of what went wrong in Boston.
“The Boston bombing probably made us take a closer look at the asylum provisions in the underlying bill,” Mr. Grassley said. “My asylum amendments don’t address Boston specifically, but they will require a look back by the inspector general before any changes to weaken the current asylum law goes forward.”
The asylum program is for those who apply from within the U.S., while the refugee program is for those applying from outside the border. The U.S. is the most generous country in the world in granting protections, but the programs also have seen periods of fraud and abuse.
Mr. Grassley said the bill written by the “Gang of Eight” senators actually waters down some of the security measures in current asylum and refugee law, and he said he would prefer to see the process stiffened instead.
Let the whining begin!
Refugee contractorsare out in full force trying to protect their turf. You see, they are paid by the head (with your tax dollars) to resettle refugees and get asylees hooked up with welfare goodies. They don’t like Senator Graham’s amendments one bit either!
Human rights groups [Federal contractors—ed]…. are gearing up for a fight over another proposal by Sen. Lindsey Graham, South Carolina Republican, who wants to prevent anyone granted asylum or refugee status from returning to their home countries, unless they got a waiver from the Homeland Security Department.
And, who is one leading whiner—Erol Kekic of contractor Church World Service. Kekic testified at the State Department hearing on Wednesday for CWS and for the lobbying arm for contractors—Refugee Council USA. Mr. Kekic is from Bosnia, here is his bio.
Erol Kekic, director of the Church World Service’s immigration and refugee program, said there are situations where someone wants to return home to see a dying relative or to try to play a role in constructive politics. And then there are the situations where someone was granted asylum years before, but their home country has since stabilized.
“If we’re going to deny protection for people like that I think that’s really taking away from any common sense,” Mr. Kekic said.[Most people would see it’s common sense that if a person returns to the place of his persecution he is either crazy or never persecuted in the first place!—ed]
He said it wasn’t even clear whether Homeland Security officials could track every person they suspected of returning to their home countries.
We better damn well be able to track these people after what we learned in Boston!
NOW! Please call or fax Senator Grassley’s office and tell him to strip out all refugee and asylum references in S.744. No matter what happens with his amendment, thank him for his concern for our security!
Here is his fax and phone number. If you call it will ring for awhile…they are being swamped with calls.
(202) 224-3744
Fax: (202) 224-6020
This is the most important thing you can do today if you want to get this refugee program under control. And, don’t forget to call Senator Rand Paultoo. Although he isn’t on the committee he will eventually play a huge role in determining whether this monstrous bill—S.744—passes.
Update: The refugee contractors are tweeting like crazy esp. IRC, CWS and Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS).
From the editor: for all those arriving here, be sure to see Senator Grassley amendment to S. 744 here.
Didn’t we give Iraq a democratically elected government Paul went on to say! Yup!
Maybe Rand Paul needs to ask his pal Grover Norquist those questions.***
Below is a story I missed last month (again in the wake of the Boston Chechen refugee terrorist act).
And, if Paul keeps this up I will have to withdraw my criticism of him here when he was kissing-up to the Gang of Eight plus Groverbill.
Tell Senator Paul to keep his distance from Open Borders Muslim sympathizer Grover Norquist. AP Photo
The snarky HuffPo articledoes mention that two Iraqi refugee terrorists were convicted in Kentucky, but there is another problem with importing the high number of Iraqis. Iraqis are not finding work (unemployment rate is 67%) and they are heavily supported by welfare (95% are receiving food stamps). Some are so unhappy that they have returned to the Middle East.
The HuffPoreports the number of Iraqi refugees entering the US through 2012 (64,174), but so far in FY2013 we have already imported 11,066 which means we will top 20,000 this year alone! Some may be Christians but a large percentage will be Muslims!
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) expressed concern Tuesday morning about Iraqi refugees who might be coming to the United States to commit acts of terrorism.
Speaking about immigration on “The Dennis Miller Show,” Paul said that the United States needs to reexamine its asylum-granting policies and specifically mentioned the number of refugees fleeing Iraq, a country still dealing with intense violence years after the U.S. invasion in 2003.
“We’ve exempted [Paul must mean ‘resettled’—ed] 60,000 Iraqis in the last three years. My question is, for one, are any of them intending to do us harm? And two, we won the war in Iraq — why would they be running from a democratic government?”Rand asked an agreeable Miller.
According to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, the United States has admitted 64,174 Iraqi refugees since 2007…
In 2011, Paul sounded off about background checks on Iraqis seeking refuge after two Iraqi refugees in Kentucky were charged with conspiring to send weapons and supplies to al Qaeda operatives in Iraq. The two men were successfully thwarted by an FBI sting operation. One was sentenced to serve a life term in federal prison; the other to a 40-year term.
***In 2007, long before the War in Iraq was over Grover Norquist and “conservative” buddy David Keene were pushing for the US to bring in Iraqis. They,along with Ted Kennedy, said we broke it (Iraq), so the only way to fix it is to “welcome” tens of thousands to the US.
Readers, thanks to the help of a reader from Kentucky, Robin, we have identified Rachel Bovard as the staff person in Senator Paul’s office who is working the immigration issue for the Senator. I dropped a letter off to her last Wednesday when I was in DC for the State Department hearings asking that the Senator investigate the Refugee Resettlement Program. Please contact her by phone or e-mail and encourage the Senator to keep asking questions and to oppose S.744 which will make it easier for more refugees and asylum seekers to come to America.
For some unknown reason information on the International Rescue Committee’s D.C. lobbying office came up in one of my alerts this morning. Maybe it’s because last week they put out an alert to tell supporters of the refugee resettlement industry to call US Senators working on the Gang of Eight plus Grover bill being marked up in the Senate Judiciary Committee today.
We told you about that here last Thursday. (Go there to see what you must do!)
You need to call today too! S.744 will increase the number of refugees and asylees in the US and it provides a slush fund for “non-profits” like the 9 BIG federal refugee contractors and their 300 plus subcontractors.
I recommend that you tell Senators that due to recent refugee-perpetrated terrorism cases that they should strip all references to the refugee program from S.744 and hold separate hearings!
To add insult to injury, the word is that the US State Department helps to fund the lobbying offices for the contractors. I have written about that before especially as it relates to the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (or any of the nine)—it infuriates me to think the Bishops are taking your hard-earned tax dollars to fund their lobbying campaigns!
Here is what the IRC says about their DC shop. And, btw, they were not at the State Department hearing on Wednesday. Where were they? Or did they feel they had an inside track to the State Dept and didn’t need to provide their wishlist for 2014 before their critics in public?
Asst. Secretary of State for PRM, Anne Richard, in Philadelphia recently with an Iranian transgender refugee.
Oh, yeh, they do have an inside track—Anne Richard, the Asst. Secretary of State for the refugee program, just recently left the IRC as one of its 6-figure salaried veeps. Classic Washington DC case of the revolving door (federal contractors in and out of government jobs)!
The International Rescue Committee office in Washington, DC maintains relations with U.S. government offices, especially those that support some of the IRC’s programs. This includes the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Migration, and Refugees and the U.S. Agency for International Development. The IRC meets regularly with decision-makers on both sides of the political aisle, and in both the Executive branch and Congress, to raise issues of concern and advocate for change in U.S. government policies. The IRC is also active working in coalitions and with other non-governmental organizations. Members of IRC’s public policy and advocacy department in Washington, DC also plan and guide IRC’s global advocacy efforts [Like snuggling up to Hamid Karzai?—ed]. The Washington, DC office houses staff from IRC’s International Programs Department and the Women’s Refugee Commission.
Contact Us:
International Rescue Committee
1730 M Street, NW – Suite 505
Washington DC 20036
Tel: 202-822-0166
Fax: (202) 822-0089
Gang member, Senator Graham, has amendments to S.744 for the purpose of increasing security in the refugee program.
Senator Lindsey Graham still has two amendments pending that are apparently inspired by the Boston refugee bombers ‘success’ in killing and maiming innocent Americans on April 15th. We told you about them here and here. It will be interesting to see if those commonsense security enhancements make it through mark-up. You can bet the IRC is lobbying hard against them today!
Here is our entire archive on the IRC for the ambitious readers among you! They just hired former British Foreign Secretary David Miliband to step into his $450,000 a year job as its new CEO.
Photo is from Philadelphia Gay News, here. Muslims persecute gays, so there is a big push to bring in refugees who are LGBTs from Sharia-loving countries.