“Recovered Muslim” explains why we have to stop coddling Muslims

Bosch Fawstin grew up as a Muslim in America.  He’s not a Muslim now, and he gives us a clear and riveting account of what’s wrong with the way so many politicians, experts, and ordinary citizens regard Muslims, Islams, and jihad.  His FrontPage piece was originally published in 2011.  It was hugely popular and it’s being republished today, Memorial Day 2013.

Readers here are well aware that Islam is not a religion of peace, though we’re still constantly being told it is.  Those who say so point to the majority of Muslims who are not violent. Fawstin says these people are not moderate Muslims, they’re just not very Muslim.

Another problem with Muslims who aren’t very Muslim is that they lead some among us to conclude that they must be practicing a more enlightened form of Islam. They’re not. They’re “practicing” life in non-Muslim countries, where they are free to live as they choose. But their “Islam” is not the Islam. There’s no separate ideology apart from Islam that’s being practiced by these Muslims in name only, there’s no such thing as “Western Islam”.

…Objectively good human beings, who identify themselves as Muslim, give Islam a good face, one far better then it deserves. This only gives us a false impression about what it is we’re facing, with just another excuse not to face it. And this leads to our acceptance into our culture of stealth jihadists who have figured out how to say what we want to hear, while they scheme behind the scenes to further Islamize the West.

Fawstin blames George W. Bush for setting up a false idea that set us on the wrong path.

The Muslim world is where the true meaning of Islam can be found in practice. Islam – not any alleged deviant form of it – means misogyny, censorship, anti-Semitism, homophobia, wife-beatings, beheadings, honor killings, pedophilia/“child marriages”, murdering infidels, etc. This is evil, and Islam sanctions every bit of it, but we’ve been told that we must respect “one of the world’s great religions” because it’s a religion. Following 9/11, the only thing George W. Bush knew about Islam was that it was a religion, and that apparently was a good enough reason for him to exonerate it as he did. And his advisor on Islam, David Forte, told Bush exactly what he wanted to hear, that “Nothing this evil could come from religion.” But 9/11 did come from a religion. Whatever else 9/11 was, it was an act of faith.

And Bush saying “Islam is peace” shortly after 9/11 gave the enemy a gift they couldn’t have foreseen. Here was the one man who was charged to defend America from their attack and here he was defending the very ideology that motivated the attackers. Honesty is the best policy in general, and when it comes to war, it’s a moral imperative to find out the truth, to tell the truth and to act on the truth, no matter what sacred cow is killed in the process. And so a big part of why nearly 3,000 victims of jihad on 9/11 haven’t been avenged is because of respect for religion, even for a religion that calls for our destruction.

Muslims who really care about Islam are part of an organized effort to spread Islam, and I sometimes refer to this collective effort by Muslims as “Organized Islam.” No matter the means involved, Muslims working towards a more Islamic world want the same thing the jihadists want. This organized effort includes Mosques, Muslim organizations, Muslim individuals writing books, blog posts, etc. And they all invariably engage in anti-Western, Anti-Israeli propaganda, at the very least.

At the level of the federal government, things have gone from bad to worse under President Obama.  At the same time, it becomes more obvious every day to ordinary people that Islam is our enemy.  Our should-be leaders are blinded by either fear of Muslims or a desperate desire not to be seen as bigoted.

A friend sent me this quote from General George Patton:  “It is not the sharpness of the bayonet, but the gleam in the attacker’s eye, which breaks the enemy line.”  Our enemies have gleaming eyes and they are well on the way to breaking us.  Where are our leaders who can put the gleam into the eyes of the West?

Why are we importing Uzbeks in the first place?

Here is a news account from a supposedly independent news outlet in Uzbekistan (UzNews) that suggests that the government of Uzbekistan (a Muslim government) has ‘set-up’ Uzbeks in the West as terrorists so they might clamp down on their own radical Islamists at home—huh?

Frankly, I don’t know what the reporter is getting at, I just want to know why we are resettling these troublesome people in the first place.   Why is the US State Department and maybe the CIA so hot to help these Uzbeks? We even airlifted some here (some against their will) because we were so eager to get them on our soil.

Fazliddin Kurbanov your friendly Uzbek “refugee” next door!

Just ten days ago we caught one relatively new Uzbek refugee in Idaho with bomb-making equipment.  Then, as UzNews tells us and we reported, another Uzbek threatened to assassinate Obama.  But, we didn’t know about the 2011 threats to Senator Joe Lieberman from an Uzbek in Philly, nor about the Uzbek “refugee” in Norway.

However, I’m wondering why our scribe at UzNews forgot to mention the Uzbek terror suspect arrested in Colorado back in January 2012, here.  The Denver Post intoned at the time in its coverage of the case against Jamshid Muhtorov who was arrested on his way to TURKEY:

It’s a complicated case that raises questions about the fine line between freedom fighter and terrorist.

Here is some of the UzNews story:

Today, Uzbek citizen Fazliddin Kurbanov will face a trial on charges of terrorism in Utah.

At a pre-trial hearing in Idaho Kurbanov pleaded not guilty. Human rights activist Surat Ikramov doubts his commitment to terrorist ideals.

Kurbanov was arrested on 15 May in Boise, Idaho. U.S. authorities have charged him with the illegal possession of an explosive device, conspiracy to support a terrorist organization, the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, and the dissemination of information on bomb-making and weapons of mass destruction.

Before this incident, three other Uzbek citizens have been charged by authorities in Western countries with terrorism or attempting to kill high-ranking officials.

This shameful sequence of events started with Ulugbek Kodirov who was in the USA on an expired student visa. He was arrested in Leeds, Alabama, on 13 July 2011, in a sting operation when he attempted to purchase an M15 assault rifle from an FBI agent masquerading as a gun dealer.

He was charged with staying in the USA illegally and the illegal possession of firearms and grenades and repeated threats to kill President Barack Obama.

How many readers here remember this next incident?  The Uzbek threatened to shoot the Jew—Senator Joe Lieberman—in the face.   I had to search around for news about the case, and here is report at American Thinker in which the author says the whole thing was soft-peddled and largely kept out of the mainstream media.

Uznews continues:

The next incident involved Dmitriy Dyatlov who was arrested in Philadelphia in August 2011. He attracted the attention of security services by threatening to kill Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman.

Norway too!

Approximately six months later an Uzbek refugee, former police officer Alisher Abdullayev, was sentenced in Oslo. He and two accomplices were accused of having links to a terrorist organisation and preparing terrorist attacks.

Then here we have a “human rights activist” saying the poor fellows were set up!  I think these “human rights activists” are fronting for something! What?

Well-known Tashkent-based human rights activist Surat Ikramov, the leader of the Initiative Group of Independent Human Rights Activists of Uzbekistan, believes that Kurbanov and Kodirov can only be called terrorists with some difficulty.

Read the whole thing and see if you can make ‘heads or tails’ of it.

And speaking of Norway and its open door policy to Muslim immigration, Daniel Greenfield writing at Frontpage magazine told us on Friday that NORWAY LOSES $713,000 ON EVERY MUSLIM IMMIGRANT IT ALLOWS IN!  I’m guessing their terrorist Uzbek will cost them much more than that in the end.

They are fighting back in Sweden!

The City is ours!  shouted the Swedes!

Swedes take to the streets to defend their city. You won’t see this mentioned in US mainstream media. Photo from Fria Tider

After five nights of watching rampaging immigrant gangs (largely from Africa and the Middle East) torching cars and destroying property, and the police taking a non-confrontational attitude toward the lawbreakers, the Swedish people are rising up!

There is hope for Western civilization in Europe after all!

Here is the story from the Fria Tider (thanks to reader Paul for making my day!):

Stockholm. Faced by another night of terror at the hands of predominantly immigrant rioters, Swedes grown tired of the police’s inability to put an end to the unrest took to the streets Friday night to defend their neighborhoods.

The vigilantes were described as a motley crew of homeowners and concerned citizens, as well as neo-Nazi activists and football hooligans.

What did police do initially?  They began aggressively rounding up the Swedes!

In the Stockholm suburb of Tumba the police decided to abandon their earlier non-intervention policy as a large group of police officers rounded up and dispersed a group of vigilantes trying to fend off rioters.

The decision to round up vigilantes while, according to Stockholm Chief of Police Mats Löfving, ”doing as little as possible” to stop rioters, met with a wave of protests in various social media and on the Internet. Representatives of some vigilante groups contacted Fria Tider to give their view of last night’s events.

Here is what one of the defenders of Stockholm said:

It makes me sick to see the police clamp down on us Swedes with full force and without warning, using nightsticks and tear gas, while they don’t do a damn thing about the immigrants. We are only trying to help maintain order, while the immigrants set cars and buildings on fire, said a young man who wished to remain anonymous.

After a huge public outcry, the police did let Swedish patrols go after the Muslim immigrants:

Later during the night the police appear to have relaxed their attitude to the presence of vigilante groups in the streets. The police is reported to have stepped aside and watched as a huge crowd of vigilantes chased immigrants through the streets of Tumba, chanting ”the city is ours” and ”we will do what the police can’t do”. Several independent sources testify about vigilantes managing to scare away groups of rioters torching wastepaper baskets.

Be sure to see a ludicrous second story at Fria Tider where owners of burned cars were being ticketed!

For new readers:  We have been writing about the downfall of Sweden since 2007 as the welfare nation opened its doors to Muslims from North and East Africa, and the Middle East.  Here is one post about how “refugees” are dashing to Sweden so they don’t have to work and another where Muslim youths say the Swedes are wimpy.

Our whole Sweden archive is here.

Send this post out far and wide please!   ***Update***  You sure did, this post has been seen by thousands and thousands around the world in the last two days!  But, I have seen no mention of Swedes rising up in the mainstream media, have you?

Update May 30th:  NYT mentions Swedish riots, but no mention of Swedes fighting back (of course).

Update June 6th: Researchers to study root cause of riots, unlikely to mention Islam (here).

I’m AnnC@refugeewatcher on twitter. Please tweet this and also follow me!

Muslim immigration fraud: Let me count the ways!

Update May 30th:  The Blaze has much more on this case, thanks to Vlad Tepes blog (via twitter) for alerting us.

Although this story isn’t about political refugee fraud as we recently witnessed in the Boston Bomber case, it’s about an alleged Lebanese terrorist getting into the US by marrying an American.

Remember last week I told you that the legal Muslim population of the US is growing by 100,000 a year mostly through the refugee program, grants of asylum, family reunification and the diversity visa lottery, but there are other ways as demonstrated by this alleged member of Hezbollah caught in Texas.

Here is the story from My San Antonio thanks to Joanne:

The FBI has arrested a San Antonio man on charges he lied to get into the United States and tried to get a sensitive Defense Department position.

Wissam Allouche, 44, appeared for an initial hearing Friday afternoon, and shook his head when U.S. Magistrate Judge Henry Bemporad read the charges leveled in a federal indictment. The judge ordered him held pending a bail hearing and his arraignment Tuesday.

“He allegedly tried to cover up his affiliation with Hezbollah,” said special agent Erik Vasys, spokesman for the FBI in San Antonio. “It is believed he was looking to secure a sensitive position with the U.S. government at some point.”

The indictment said Allouche had married a U.S. citizen and was going through the naturalization process. During that process, he reportedly lied when asked if he’d ever been a member of or associated with a terror organization, the indictment said.

There is more.  Read it all!  I looked for a photo of Allouche but couldn’t find one, if you see one send it my way.  Lacking the photo, I’ve illustrated this post with Hezbollah’s flag. The logo reads:  “Then surely the party of Allah are they that shall be triumphant.”

Since we are on the subject of Texas, the other day one of my alerts sent me to this very helpful write-up for an immigration lawfirm in the Lone Star State.  They have three offices scattered around the state with lawyers ready and eager to guide clients through the refugee/asylum process.  Actually their write-up is a pretty useful one for us as it summarizes what one must do to be considered a refugee or to be granted asylum.  I’ll bet those lawyers have their ears to the grapevine about border apprehensions and are right there to offer their services.

Minnesota Evangelicals want to cash-in on amnesty bill; already making plans to spend your money

Your tax dollars!

It is Sunday morning, is your church taking taxpayer money?

S.744, the so-called “comprehensive immigration reform” bill (Gang of Eight plus Grover bill) that was passed out of the Senate Judiciary Committee with cheers of “si,se puede!”, contains a slush-fund for open borders groups and churches.

So, today, if you attend an ‘Evangelical’ church you might ask your pastor, are we involved with World Relief?

In Minnesota, World Relief of Minnesota, one of several refugee contractors in the state, is getting excited about the new flow of federal money (your money!) into their till should S.744 become law.   Thanks to Debbie for sending the following action item.  But, before reading below, note that according to World Relief Minnesota’s most recent Form 990, they ‘earned’ $1,364,202 and they received 80% from government grants (from you!) $1,094,793.  

Without tax dollars they would fold!

Their parent organization, World Relief Corporation of National Association of Evangelicals, one of the top nine federal refugee contractors had an income stream last year of $51,828,435 and $34,109,484 (65%) came from you, here.

Also, note that World Relief (MN) will be joining others on Tuesday evening (May 28th) to hear from Rep. Keith Ellison about what goodies the new immigration law would bring to the refugee program, here.

World Relief:  Yippee! more money coming our way! (thanks to help from Keith Ellison!)

If immigration reform passes, World Relief Minnesota sees an opportunity for churches to serve more than 85,000 immigrants in Minnesota who will be needing accurate, low-cost legal services to comply with the new provisions.

On Wednesday, June 5 (9-11am), World Relief Minnesota invites church leaders and immigrant advocates to a preview meeting to learn about specific ways that congregations can provide low-cost legal services and information to these thousands of immigrants in Minnesota.

The preview meeting is being hosted by the Immigrant Hope Coalition, a collaborative effort of Transform MinnesotaImmigrant Hope NetworkWorld Relief Minnesota, CCDA and denominational leaders from Assemblies of God,Christian & Missionary AllianceEvangelical Free Church of America, and theMinnesota Iowa Baptist Conference.

Wednesday, June 5, 9 – 11 am
Christ’s Church International
13th & Lake Street (3015 – 13th Ave So)
Minneapolis, MN 55407
About Immigrant Legal Service Centers (ILSC)

Across the country, churches and faith-based organizations, have set up accredited, low-cost legal service centers to provide basic services and vital information to help immigrants understand processes and to file their applications with the US Customs & Immigration Services.

Immigrants in your community need these services.

When navigating immigration laws and forms, oftentimes immigrants are taken advantage of, or do not have the money to pay attorney’s fees. These ILSC do not replace the role of attorneys, rather they help give immigrants correct information and assistance to file certain types of applications, from someone who has been accredited to do so.

It is very feasible for a church – or ideally a coalition of churches – to get trained, become accredited and set up an immigrant legal service center. The US Department of Justice has created a process whereby individuals can complete 40 hours of training, gain experience at an existing service center, and then apply to become accredited to provide basic immigration legal services under the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA), the US DOJ branch responsible for overseeing immigration law.

What to Expect June 5

The preview meeting on June 5 will explain the steps in this process, including information about formal training being offered in the Twin Cities in November 2013, information about operating an ILSC with proper accreditation and technical support, and a description of the kinds of services typically provided to immigrants by an ILSC.

The meeting is free, and no registration is required – but we would appreciate to know in advance who is coming. If you plan to attend click here to fill in this simple “sign up” list so that we can plan accordingly.


Contact either:
Alex Mandes – Immigrant Hope | Alex.Mandes@efca.org
Carl Nelson – Transform Minnesota |  Carl@transformmn.org | 612-243-2941