Were London killers Somali refugees?

Update May 25th:  Not Somalis, but Somalis happy about slaughter—say this is Islam!  Here.

Update:  Fox News is reporting that the man filmed with the bloody meat cleaver is a Nigerian convert to Islam. Here is some detail on the meat cleaver African, but still not much on the second killer.  Meat cleaver had been to Somalia.

The Islamist killers, wherever they are from, might get their wish—war in London?

English Defence League was out in force in London last night.

I don’t have time this morning to search around, so when someone sees an account of the nationality of the two Africans who slaughtered a British soldier yesterday in London, please send a link my way (the media is loathe to tell readers that bit of information).

I’m off to a trial today for a man wrongly SWATTED by Maryland State Police and the FBI last year.  He is the kind of man, a conservative gun owner, who the FBI is targeting in America rather than going after Muslim Jihadists like the Boston Bomber brothers!

More later on the FBI and its focus these days—teaching tolerance!

Here is a story at the NY Daily News which contains this line:

One of the attackers was stopped or arrested last year while on his way to join terrorist group al-Shabaab in Somalia, the BBC reported.

Also, last evening Allen West tweeted that the killers are Somalis.

I just typed ‘UK Somalis’ into our search function and you will see its a topic we have often visited over the years.

Again, let me know when the killers are fully identified.

Diversity is strength alert! Muslim refugees riot, burn cars in Sweden

Immigrant “youths” torch cars in Stockholm. Getty Images

Update May 24th:  Police call in reinforcements as rioting continues into 5th night, here.

Ho hum!  Are we surprised?  Nope!  (Type ‘Sweden’ into our search function and you will find years of evidence that this next phase of the Jihad against the West was inevitable.)

Update:  I’m reminded of this 2009 post in which I said Muslim immigration is killing Sweden.  It is one of our most widely read posts here at RRW.

This story is from the Financial Times but has been republished just a few minutes ago at the Washington Post (so now they are paying attention!).

Do the imbeciles in the Senate Judiciary Committee who just yesterday made it easier for more Muslim immigration to America and MORE welfare for those immigrants make any connection?  Hello!  Is anyone home?

Washington Post:

The sight of burning cars in a dozen suburbs of Stockholm on Tuesday night has shocked Sweden and shaken its image of tolerance and equality. But the rioting is also raising a simple, devastating question: Is Sweden facing its own Paris or London moment when it is forced to confront long-simmering questions about the integration of immigrants?

“This is a wake-up call for decision makers and Swedish society as a whole,” says Awad Hersi, a Stockholm city councillor from near where the riots started. But Hersi, of Somali origin, argues that the situation is not yet as serious as it was in London in 2011 or Paris in 2005. “There are differences with Stockholm: the scale, the methods are different. Stockholm still has a chance but it is a matter of time.”  [LOL! Not so bad yet!—ed]

Police on Wednesday were drafting in reinforcements to prepare for a potential fourth night of unrest. What started in the northwestern suburb of Husby had by Tuesday night spread to about a dozen different suburbs north and south of Stockholm. The rioters were reported to be mostly young immigrants of African and Middle Eastern origin.

There is a lot of boo-hooing in here about jobs and poverty and such, but that is how the Leftists running Sweden cover their foolish and tragic decision to open their borders to Muslims from Africa and the Middle East.

Chechen Asylee connected to the Tsarnaevs killed (in self defense) by FBI in Florida

Another one of the “few” Chechens in the US is now dead after attacking an FBI agent with a knife.  For new readers, we have been told that the US Chechen asylum ‘community’ is small, but they sure are busy pleasing Allah.

Muslim mugshot: Another charming Chechen.

To get some key details of the breaking news, one has to read a couple of reports on what happened in Florida earlier today when a friend of the Tsarnaevs, Ibragim Todashev, was killed in the process of being questioned in the gruesome deaths of three Boston Jewish young men on the tenth anniversary of 9/11.  We reported on the ritualistic murder here just a few days ago.  The men had their throats slit.

The New York Times confirms he was being investigated for the murder of the Jewish men.

“The investigators were working on the theory that he and Tamerlan,” had played a role in the murder, said the official, referring to Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the deceased marathon bombing suspect. One of the victims was a friend of Mr. Tsarnaev.

But, of course the NYT cannot bring itself to utter the ‘R’ word or the ‘A’ word, so we learn from CNN that Todashev was a political refugee—we gave him asylum just as we had given the Tsarnaevs protection and their friend in Manchester, NH as well!

CNN confirms here that Ibragim Todashev was granted asylum in the US in 2008 AFTER BEING HERE FOR SOME TIME ALREADY!

Todashev was from the Chechnya region, as were the Tsarnaev brothers, the source said.

Todashev was granted political asylum in 2008 but that he came to the US some time before that, a federal law enforcement official told CNN. Todashev has living in the US as a legal resident because of that aslyum claim, the official said.

Readers, Todashev, like most other “asylum seekers” was first an ILLEGAL ALIEN.  Under present law he had one year to apply for asylum after getting his feet on American soil, but if S. 744, as passed by the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday, becomes law he will have two years to hang around before applying for asylum, while living off the good will of the American people!

Hey, here is an idea!  Maybe Mark Hetfield of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society should invite these Chechens to his neighborhood!

And, one more thing!  Everyone is focused on the three other major scandals facing the Obama Administration but the failure of the Department of Homeland Security to identify Muslim terrorists in our midst, is to me the most damning of the FOUR scandals (or five if you count Fast & Furious).  Here is one more bit from the NYT:

The F.B.I. has also focused on Chechens who may have ties to extremists in Russia. Before the attacks, the bureau had not thought that they were a significant threat in the United States.

About the photo, both CNN and the NYT used this mugshot of the now dead Muslim, but the NYT only uses his name as the caption while CNN tells us this: “Ibragim Todashev, shown in a mug shot after his arrest on an aggravated battery charge this month.”

Addendum: No time to say more now, but please visit Blue Ridge Forum today about the mega-mosque being built in Maryland with Turkish government money (and the approval of Gov. Martin O’Malley).

They chanted “si,se puede!”(yes we can) as the Senate Judiciary Committee voted to send amnesty bill to the Senate floor

Here is one story at The Hill.  Few changes were made that would make the bill more acceptable to most Americans.  (I’m working on a magazine article today and have little time to post unfortunately, but you will see lots of coverage elsewhere of the not-unexpected setback for America).

Five Republicans voted against S.744 (The Gang of Eight plus Grover bill).   Those heroes are Senators Chuck Grassley, Jeff Sessions, John Cornyn, Ted Cruz and Mike Lee.

Kristol: Walk away Marco Rubio!

Voting with the Democrats were Republican Senators Lindsey Graham, Jeff Flake and Orrin Hatch.  Here is the list of all committee members. Final vote was 13-5.

As the bill was voted on the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (one of nine major federal refugee contractors) tweeted:

And the bill moves to Senate floor – room erupts with “yes we can!” and “si, se puede”! We just live-tweeted history

Yesterday I was surprised to see that Bill Kristol, usually a supporter of supposed immigration reform, urged Senator Marco Rubio to abandon this monstrosity and “walk away.”    Frankly, if Rubio sticks with this bill on the Senate floor his political future as a Presidential candidate will be over, especially as the Tea Party re-emerges as a political counterweight to the “ruling class” Republicans.  Watch out for ‘ruling class’ extraordinaire Speaker John Boehner in the House going forward!  He is showing signs of squishing out!

Here is Kristol:

The Weekly Standard editor told Ingraham that Rubio — who Kristol said he considers “a friend” — should step away from the “big government bill.” Instead, immigration reform should be dealt with issue-by-issue rather than by one comprehensive piece of “bad legislation,” Kristol said.

Our view too!  S.744 expands refugee and asylum law without increasing the security issues that the Boston Bombers exposed.

We are among a distinguished group!

Go here and see the letter (opposing S. 744 as it goes to the Senate floor) to which we, Refugee Resettlement Watch, are a proud signator.  Be sure to scroll down to see all the Tea Party groups which have signed.  So, the next time you see mention of Tea Partiers supporting so-called “immigration reform” consider that Grover (Norquist) and gang are putting out that misinformation.

Photo is from the Politico story.

A message to NGOs: Do your good works elsewhere!

Editors note:  This is one more in a series of statements presented to the US State Department for their hearing last week (May 15th) on the “size and scope” of refugee admissions for FY2014.  I will continue to post testimony from the hearing in between the pressing news of the day.  Between refugee terrorist stories and the US Senate bill S.744 (Senate terrorist stories!) I’ve been pretty distracted.   This forcefully delivered statement by Anne Turner of Maryland wrapped up the public meeting last week.   All other testimony that we’ve posted is archived here in our special category for the meeting.

Anne Turner (emphasis added is mine):

I come here today not as a member of an organization or a political activist but as a concerned citizen and fearful mother.  I am very much afraid for my country, for my family and for myself.  We have maintained an immigration policy in this country that has put all that I consider a treasure at risk.  There was a time when immigrants coming to this country respected our laws, understood our culture (wanted to be a part of it) and were equally proud to become Americans.  This is no longer the case.  All the chaos and violence that exists in the world today is being imported into our borders with no consideration for the destruction it is causing.  We are building our very own “Tower of Babel”.

I remember a time when I was able to visit a shopping mall with no sense of fear.  A time when I could get on an airplane and not feel my life was potentially at risk. A time when I could travel to a major city and not have to worry that there might be a terrorist attack.  A time when I would tell my children “let’s go to the 4th of July celebration” and now I tell them “stay home”.  The days are gone when I felt my life was my own, my home my sanctuary, and my country free.

Immigration policies, through this Resettlement Program, have been totally corrupted.  There has been collusion between this administration and the NGO’s with dangerous consequences.  The money being funneled through these organizations and their never-ending appetite for money and power have removed all reason and common sense.  Under the guise of “good works and humanitarianism”, the fabric of this nation has been dramatically altered, if not destroyed.  This “Resettlement Program” has stolen our very identity.  Our freedoms are disappearing.  To be safe we now live in a world where the government has to keep a constant surveillance on its own countrymen.  We have soldiers in the streets threatening law-abiding citizens (have you seen those pictures of Boston?), data from our phone conversations is being monitored, and our ability to protect ourselves is being challenged.  Even with the imposition of government into every facet of our lives, the task of keeping us safe is becoming increasingly impossible,

You don’t even know who you are bringing into this country!  They cannot be properly vetted because they have no reliable form of identification, not even birth certificates.  How can you even know who they are or what their intentions are?  And what is this nonsense that women from Pakistan and Afghanistan should automatically be able to come to this country to escape persecution? Do you really think that by the very nature of a woman’s existence she is an innocent?  Do you think having an open border policy for women excludes us from terrorist threats?  Have you already forgotten that the one responsible for radicalizing the Boston Marathon Bombers was their mother?  Women are as easily radicalized as any man.  These are just two of many examples of the twisted logic of your immigration policies.

(In response to another speaker)

I hear you speak of the plight of women in other countries being the victim of the Sex Slave Trade.   Well, we have a brought this problem into our own country with present immigration policies and I strongly recommend we clean up our own back yard before we start trying to cure the ails of the rest of the world.

You sit in this bubble called “Washington” totally out of touch with the results of the decisions you make and the impact they have on our lives.  Then you have the audacity to say that “it is for our own good, the good of the country”.  Well, I would like to see one of you living in the middle of the consequences of your actions.  I would love to have you live across from a development that reeks of sewage because these immigrants don’t’ even have the most primitive of sanitary habits.  I would love for you to have to live amongst a crumbling infrastructure because all the communities are spending taxpayer’s hard-earned money on supporting these people instead of repairing our roads, our drainage system, and our schools.  They have no desire to educate themselves, no desire to learn our language, and don’t even understand the basics of a civilized society.  Yet, you dump them on us and then call us “racist” if we dare to complain.  I think it is time for you to experience the realities of your lofty decisions.

If it is so very important for you to help these people, and I do understand the necessity to help people, then go live amongst them and change them.  Go live amidst their squalor and teach them to be clean, go live amidst their poverty and teach them to be entrepreneurs, go experience the violence of their daily lives and teach them reason.  Go do your good works…………. JUST DO NOT BRING THEM HERE!!

Ms. Turner went on to conclude by asking where are the legally mandated annual reports to Congress, something we too have been harping on here for years.  The Office of Refugee Resettlement is required by law to produce a detailed report of the refugee program within three months of the close of the fiscal year.  They are three years behind.  Turner continued:

And I, also,  would like to know where the annual reports are.  You are mandated, by law, to make them available to every citizen in this country and you have not done this since 2009.  As a citizen, I want to see those reports now!

Readers, do any of you have testimony you wish to share publicly?   We received a very large packet of statements at the hearing and many of you sent testimony—there were many more statements against bringing more refugees in 2014 then there were promoting more refugee resettlement.