They are having uprisings against refugees and asylum seekers (again!) in the country touted by the likes of Michelle Obama and US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg as a model country for equality and justice.
I’ve been meaning to write about the latest wave of violence for the last few days, but those refugee terrorist stories in the US and the UK have been distracting me.
As you read this latest information on a nearly three-year-old study (why report it now?) on xenophobia in the land of Mandela, remember whatever this country does going forward cannot be blamed on racist white people. The country is run by the black African National Congress. That is why every story uses the “xenophobia” charge. “Racism” doesn’t work when both the persecutors and the persecuted are the same race!
We would like an electrified border fence please!
From the Saturday Star:
Johannesburg – The attitudes of South Africans to migrants may be softening, but research shows that one third of people canvassed still believe refugees should live in camps on the borders, and more than half say they still don’t want want refugees anywhere in the country.
More than a third of people canvassed also still associate migrants with crime, a quarter say they are ready to join forces to stop migrants operating a business in South Africa, and 41 percent are all for mandatory HIV testing of refugees.
While the researchers involved in the 2010 Southern African Migration Programme suggest that growing contact between migrants and South Africans may be having a positive effect on the attitudes of South Africans, they warn of an “unyielding cohort” willing to use violence to address the perceived migrant “threat”.
The article goes on to attempt to convince readers that conditions are improving and people are “softening” toward migrants who want what the South African constitution promises every person, which is everything—peace, security, a home, a job, an education (blah! blah! blah!). Then this:
But the study warned of an “unyielding cohort”, and said that unless there was a concerted effort to change attitudes, “migrants and refugees will continue to be soft targets of xenophobic discrimination in South Africa”.
The latest research showed that a quarter of respondents were ready to jointly prevent migrants from neighbouring countries from operating a business, and a similar number were also willing to prevent migrants from moving into their neighbourhoods. [Interesting to think about—do poor and middle class black South Africans have a greater desire for self-preservation then Americans, or Brits or Aussies?—ed]
Also, just less than half (41 percent) of black and white respondents believed migrants were carriers of disease. The same number also wanted mandatory HIV testing of refugees, and 18 percent said HIV treatment should not be afforded to refugees. [BTW, the US permits HIV positive and TB infected refugees to enter the US, and you (taxpayers) are paying for their treatment—ed]
“Globally, South Africa is still the country most opposed to immigration, where nearly 80 percent of citizens either support prohibition on the entry of migrants, or would like to place strict limits on it,” the study said. A quarter of South Africans wanted migrants deported regardless of their skills status, and 63 percent wanted electrified fences on borders.
More than 60 percent of respondents of all races also believed migrants took jobs away from locals.
We have dozens of posts on the “Rainbow Nation” going back several years. Read all about the post-apartheid immigration problems in South Africa (and the hypocrisy), here. This S.A. mess is a prime example of the political Left’s intellectual dishonesty—the inability or unwillingness to recognize the powerful human forces behind ethnic nationalism.
And, one more thing, if you think this doesn’t affect you, it does! The US (Australia too) is now taking refugees from South Africa and they aren’t the white asylum-seekers.