Hey Mike, those darn Lutherans are busy lobbying again

Editors note:  Mike is a reader (mikefromlongisland) who commented extensively, here, in the last few days about why and how the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (a 501(c)3 charitable organization) could be lobbying on bills before Congress.  (Imagine your local Tea Party doing such a thing with a 501(c)3 designation—but oops!  Tea Parties aren’t being granted any type of tax-deductible status).

Do all of you Lutherans out there agree with what is being done in the name of your faith?

These are hardcore open borders advocates pushing for more Afghans and Iraqis to be admitted to the US.   This disingenuous article in the Army Times quotes ADVOCATES (aka LOBBYISTS) for two federal refugee resettlement contractors lobbying hard for passage of S.744—Comprehensive Immigration Reform.  (Our archive on the legislative train wreck is here)

Nevermind that they will financially benefit greatly from passage of the Gang of Eight plus Grover bill should it become law.  Their beef this time is that Special Immigrant Visas will be in jeopardy if this bill isn’t passed pronto.

Meeting with Advocates for Immigrants
Pictured in the photo surrounding Congresswoman Roybal-Allard who is seated, from left to right: Brittney Nystrom (Director of Policy and Legal Affairs, National Immigration Forum), now a lobbyist for LIRS.

Remember, the Special Immigrant Visas law for those who “helped” America in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan was inserted into a Defense Authorization bill in the dark of night.  Now, it is up for renewal and its extension was slipped into S. 744 (once again no hearings on it).

Maybe before you read the Lutherans view of the Special Immigrant Visa provision in S.744, check out a different view at World Net Daily by Aaron Klein.

Here then is the Army Times (reprinted from Medill News Service).  First they seek to scare readers that some poor translator is going to be beheaded in Iraq or Afghanistan if this program goes away (keep in mind they have had since 2008 to apply):

A law providing special visas to Iraqi and Afghan nationals in danger for helping the U.S. military suffered a blow when the House rejected the Senate’s immigration reform bill Wednesday.

Many of the refugees and their families face grave threats in their homelands as a result of their U.S. government affiliation, and thousands have been killed by their own countrymen, advocacy groups say.

In 2008, Congress passed legislation providing Iraqi and Afghan refugees who assisted the U.S. with special immigrant visas. This included contractors, translators and guides. The 5,000 visas allotted annually to Iraqis are set to expire at the end of September, while the 1,500 visas allotted annually to Afghans will expire in September 2014. The immigration bill would make the visas available until September 2018.

Only 50 special visas are allotted annually for Iraqi and Afghan translators. But in fiscal 2007 and 2008, an amendment to the 2006 National Defense Authorization Act allotted 500 visas for translators.

From fiscal year 2008 to March 2013, 11,647 visas have been allotted to Iraqi and Afghan refugees and 1,693 to translators, according to State Department data.

Director of Advocacy=lobbyist!

Those who benefit from the visas are in immediate danger, said Brittany Nystrom, director of advocacy at the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service.

With the immigration reform bill stalled, advocacy efforts have focused on pushing through the visa provision by other means, Nystrom said.

The provision has also been attached to the Senate and House’s National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2014.

Apparently, before taking the lobbying job for the Lutherans, Nystrom lobbied on immigration for the pro-open borders group —National Immigration Forum headed by Ali Noorani. (See photo from the Congresswoman’s website)  We told you about Grover Norquist’s special pal Ali Noorani here in February.

Lavinia Limon of USCRI (one of nine federal refugee contractors). Fox News Latino photo.

And, of course we would expect Ms. Limon to show up in this story.  Now head of a federal refugee contractor, she was Clinton’s director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement (the revolving door!).  Here is one of many posts on the lobbying Limon.  And, here she says hire a refugee rather than an American!

The Army Times story continues:

The versions differ slightly in eligibility and the number of visas allotted, but the major difference in the authorization bill is that visas for Iraqis are only extended to 2014, said Lavina Limon, president and CEO of U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants.

She said she hopes the version on the immigration reform bill will pass because there are fewer restrictions and the visas would be extended until 2018 rather than 2014 for Iraqis, although she said she is not optimistic.

While there is general agreement that the Iraqis and Afghans, who have provided invaluable support to the U.S., deserve retribution, the program needs a lot of work, she said.

We have no lobbyist in Washington!

Those of us who want to see reform of refugee resettlement, perhaps even a halt to this whole Refugee Resettlement Program have no one in Washington pressing our interests.  Some of the big immigration restriction groups touch on refugee issues from time to time, but really there is no one to counter the huge resources of the contractors who can hire lawyer/lobbyists like Nystrom.  Adding insult to injury—you are paying Nystrom’s salary!

See ‘Don’t break our rice bowls!

 Have a look at a recent Form 990 for Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, page 9. They had income in that year of $31,653,748 and, of that, you, the taxpayers of America, gave them $30,376,568.  Their CEO* makes $204,186 in salary and benefits.

96% of their funding comes from you.  No taxpayer funding=No LIRS!

Germans are xenophobes! Funny, no one says that about Egyptians

Update July 17th:  7,500 Germans have been killed by aliens since the Berlin Wall came down—hmmm!  Guess it’s xenophobic to mention that.  See The Muslim Issue for the news.

Of course they are—how else does one explain that the German people are getting anxious about the extreme numbers of asylum seekers pouring into Germany when jobs are scarce and they fear crime from the mostly Muslim migrants coming in from war zones.

Charming “refugees” demand that Germany take them in! At Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate in 2012.

Here is a story from Deutsche Welle explaining that residents of Berlin and also of former East Germany have had enough.  (LOL! How many times in this story is the word ‘xenophobe’ used?)

 Residents of Berlin are fighting a new home for asylum seekers with xenophobic rhetoric, while refugees in Munich are staging hunger strikes. Both sides of the asylum debate are becoming more vocal in their protests.

Some residents in Hellersdorf, a district in Berlin, have been increasingly worried of late: about home and property values, about peace on their streets, and about the well-being of their children.

They don’t want asylum seekers to end up living in their neighborhood, and their arguments against a new residence for asylum seekers are becoming increasingly xenophobic. A few weeks ago, residents of another Berlin neighborhood collected signatures against establishing emergency accommodation for refugees. Such buildings are desperately needed, because the number of refugees in need of help in the German capital has increased since last year and now stands at around 6,000.

A study says that a quarter of Germans (20 million) harbor deep dark secret xenophobia:

It is well known that in Germany, asylum policy is a touchy subject and xenophobia is on the rise. According to a study conducted in 2012, more than a quarter of Germany’s 80 million people harbor xenophobic tendencies.

Maybe they just have concerns for the economic well-being of their families:

He [Social scientist who conducted the study] said more than half of Germans in the former East Germany wish that foreigners would get sent home, because jobs are hard to come by there.

Asylum seekers are getting more aggressive (Gee, maybe that is why the xenophobics are so upset):

But it’s not just the Germans whose resentment about the country’s asylum policies is growing. The other side is also developing a harsher tone. Refugees are raising public awareness about limitations on their personal freedoms, and protest initiatives are becoming bolder.

There are just too many invaders demanding a piece of the German pie!

 Mesovic believes the explanation for the tense situation is clear: Germany has underestimated the number of asylum seekers.

“Plans were made for a very low number of asylum seekers on the basis of historic data,” he said. “These were accurate as of four years ago. Back then, there were about 30,000 to 40,000 asylum seekers per year. But this year it could climb to 90,000.”

Then this morning there is a story from All Africa reporting that Egypt is turning back Syrian refugees, but funny thing is that there is not a word about Egyptians being xenopobes!

The United Nations refugee agency said today it is concerned about reports of a number of flights carrying Syrians being turned back from airports in Egypt, and reiterated its call on all Governments to admit and protect Syrians who have fled the conflict in their country.

According to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Syrian nationals that were turned back were returned to where their flights originated, including Damascus and Latakia.

This follows a decision on 8 July imposing new visa requirements, under which Syrian nationals are required to apply for a visa and security clearance prior to their travel to Egypt. UNHCR noted that the Egyptian Embassy in Damascus does not currently have the capacity to issue visas.

The Egyptians are traditionally hospitable (not so those German xenophobes):

“I appeal to the Egyptian authorities, as I have to all other Governments in the world, to admit and protect all Syrians seeking refuge in their country,” High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres said.

I fully understand the challenges faced by Egypt at the present moment. But the traditional hospitality of the Egyptian people should not be denied to Syrians trying to flee the most devastating and dangerous conflict in the world today,” he added.

I guess you can tell I get annoyed by the double standard when a largely “unwelcome” Muslim country is treated with kid-gloves while largely Christian and Western countries are filled with a bunch of haters if they don’t want their country to collapse.

Lutheran refugee contractor sends SD refugee to Washington to lobby on amnesty bill

I wonder does he fully understand that S.744 (the Senate “comprehensive” bill) will legalize 11 million plus alien workers who will compete with his fellow Bhutanese refugees who are already not finding employment, a situation some say is connected to a high suicide rate among ‘his people’ in America?

I don’t know how the refugee contractors can in good conscience lobby (along with big business interests like the meat packers!) for amnesty when they know that the refugee unemployment rate is through the roof.

Lutherans send Bhutanese refugee to Washington to lobby on the amnesty bill! Photo: Steve Young, Argus Leader

The Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (all of the top nine federal refugee contractors are surely involved) is lobbying for this bill because it means more money for them to help get the newly legalized immigrants hooked up with ‘services.’  It doesn’t mean more money for the refugees.  The contractors really are despicable—using refugees this way!

The Argus Leader of Sioux Falls, SD reports that Bhutanese refugee, Thag Poudyal, went to Washington paid for by the Lutherans (more likely the US taxpayer) to lobby.

Two weeks ago, he was chosen by the national Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service to take his story to Washington, D.C., and lobby South Dakota’s congressional delegation about immigration reform, and for more dollars to protect and assist the more than 15 million refugees worldwide.


His participation as part of a World Refugee Day delegation to D.C. was significant for several reasons. Only two dozen refugees nationwide, representing many different oppressed groups, were selected to go. Poudyal was the lone representative from South Dakota.


After a day of training on issues important to the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, Poudyal traveled to the offices of South Dakota’s congressional delegation and met with staffs for Sens. Tim Johnson and John Thune and Rep. Kristi Noem.

Poudyal asked that dollars for the State and Health and Human Services departments remain robust to protect and aid refugees. He lobbied for immigration reform, including an end to a one-year filing deadline for asylum claims, and that children of a refugee or the asylum seeker’s spouse be allowed to join their parents in this country.


To date, 68,000 Bhutanese have been resettled to the United States*, though Schwab [Roland Schwab. Lutheran Social Services director in Sioux Falls] expects that migration to Sioux Falls to slow considerably within the next year as the Nepalese refugee camps empty. Poudyal estimates that as many as 3,000 are here now because of direct resettlement or movement from other U.S. cities.

Many of his countrymen hope to go back to their homeland some day, including a 103-year-old Bhutanese man who has lived here only a short time, Poudyal said.

Readers, what do you think a 103-year-old refugee is living on?  You guessed it—SSI!   This reminds me, if you haven’t visited our newly updated fact sheet on the US refugee program, it is here.

Refugee Program should be stripped from the bill!

In a sidebar, the Argus Leader lists the issues in S.744 (the Gang of Eight plus Grover comprehensive amnesty bill) affecting refugee resettlement.  As we have pointed out on numerous previous occasions, these are significant issues that should be addressed in thorough separate hearings on the Refugee Program that has never been seriously reviewed in three decades!

Refugees’ requests

About two dozen refugees from across the country, including Bhutanese refugee Thad Poudyal of Sioux Falls, went to Washington, D.C., on June 20 for World Refugee Day to lobby Congress. Among other things, they asked federal lawmakers for:

• $2.8 billion for the Department of State for migration and refugee assistance.

• $1.31 billion for the Department of Health and Human Services for refugee and entrant assistance.

• The elimination of a one-year filing deadline for asylum claims

• The enhancement of refugee family unity by allowing the child of a refugee or asylum seeker’s spouse to accompany or join their parents in the United States.

• The ability of the president to designate certain groups of refugees to be resettled in the United States. [This will be a huge deal—a refugee will no longer have to prove that he or she is personally persecuted, just being a member of a certain ethnic, social, or political group will get them in the door.—ed]

• The updating of legislation regarding services involved in the resettlement of refugees.

Readers, you must contact your Representative in Congress and tell him or her that you oppose “comprehensive” immigration reform and that the Refugee Resettlement Program must be reviewed separately and thoroughly by Congress. 

Call on Monday just as American Black leaders rally at the Capitol in opposition to the amnesty legislation:

The Black American Leadership Alliance (BALA) has organized an anti-amnesty march and rally — the DC March for Jobs — in Washington, D.C. on Monday, July 15th. The goal is to “demand that our leaders reject amnesty, enforce immigration laws as written, and support policies that put black U.S. citizens back to work.”

* We have written extensively on Bhutanese refugees (mostly Hindus btw) originally approved for resettlement by the Bush Administration.  We were to bring 60,000 in five years but we are now approaching 70,000.

Iraq won’t take back failed asylum seekers from the Netherlands…

…..but maybe for $10,000 a person they will.

“Refugee” camps on the streets of Amsterdam. Will this happen to America one day? Photo: ‘bloggers without borders.’

I’m telling you, it would be cheaper in the end for Holland to just pay each of the failed asylum seekers (and the Iraqi government) to get them out of tents and off the streets in the Netherlands and back to Iraq.  Same goes for Malta and the Somalis!

Here is the short story at Dutch News:

Iraq will not help the government in its efforts to deport Iraq nationals who have failed to become officially recognised as asylum seekers, junior justice minister Fred Teeven told Nos television.

Teeven has just returned from a visit to Iraq, but the country is refusing to accept failed asylum seekers who are being deported against their will, Teeven said. Only Iraqi nationals who volunteer to go back are accepted.


The group of failed refugees who have been living in tents and former churches in the Netherlands include many Iraqis. They cannot be deported because they don’t have the proper paperwork but are not entitled to official accommodation from the Dutch state.

Teeven’s predecessor Gerd Leers offered Iraq €5m in development aid to accept deportees but Iraq demanded $10,000 per person instead, Nos said.

It will ultimately cost the Netherlands more than $10,000 per person to house and feed the jobless migrants.

By the way, we reported the other day that Australia was having the same problem with Iranians they wish to deport—Iran doesn’t want them back.

UN: Tens of thousands of Somalis have gone HOME, 60,000 more welcome right now!

A day at the beach in Mogadishu! Finally showing some gumption, Somalis have returned to take their country back from the Islamic terrorists—al-Shabaab. UN Photo

UN:  A moment of hope for Somalia!

In light of our recent stories from Malta, why should Malta have to put up with Somalis arriving by the boatload from Libya?

They need to go home to Somalia and fight to keep their own country and re-build it! Not go on welfare in Europe and America!

And, why is the US still resettling thousands of Somalis to America this year alone? (4,921 as of May 31st)  It is insanity straight up!

From News24/Africa:

Nairobi – Tens of thousands of Somali refugees have returned home as security in their homeland has improved, the United Nations said on Wednesday, saying it would support a further 60 000 refugees who are ready to go back.


At least 20 000 Somalis have returned from neighbouring countries this year, the UN refugee agency UNHCR said, although it warned that some returns may be temporary. The UNHCR has also helped more than 16 000 internally displaced Somalis get home this year.


“This is a moment of hope for Somalia,” UNHCR head Antonio Guterres said.

So how about my suggestion, here, to Malta and the EU, buy them plane tickets and give them some seed money and fly them to Mogadishu!  Or, would that make too much sense?  LOL! Can you just see the NGOs squawking over that idea!

US readers, you must tell your elected officials to tell the US State Department to turn off the Somali spigot!