For new readers, visit our previous post on the case of a Burmese Muslim (Rohingya?) refugee, Esar Met, who is charged with the 2008 murder of a 7-year-old Christian (Karen) refugee girl in their Salt Lake City apartment building.
This is the latest on the trial that is expected to run until January 24th. From The Salt Lake Tribune:
Hser Ner Moo suffered more than a dozen painful injuries in the hour before she died, an autopsy revealed, but it was a tear to her heart that sealed the girl’s fate, the state’s chief medical examiner testified Monday.
Dr. Todd Grey took the stand on the fifth day of the trial of Esar Met, a Burmese refugee accused of kidnapping, assaulting and killing the 7-year-old girl in 2008.
He walked the 11-person jury through the child’s injuries, several of which he described as “excruciating.”
Grey ruled that the sum of these injuries caused the child’s death, but noted the wound to the girl’s heart — a tear in the right atrium — was the most lethal.
“This would have been excruciating pain,” Grey said. “This was a homicide, a death due to an intentional action by another person.”
Met, 27, who calmly sat through the graphic testimony Monday morning, is charged in 3rd District Court with first-degree felony child kidnapping and aggravated murder. If convicted, he could spend the rest of his life behind bars.
Read the rest of the graphic details yourself.
Met had only been placed in the apartment building a month before the murder presumably as a newly arrived refugee from the camps in Thailand. This murder did not have to happen.
If he is found guilty the cost of his incarceration for life will fall on the taxpayers of Utah. Every “welcoming” city should be demanding that the US State Department and its contractors—in this case Catholic Charities or the International Rescue Committee (which just last week was begging for the US to admit 12,000 Syrians)—be sure they screen very well the ‘refugees’ they drop-off in your city!
Imagine also what this trial is costing the taxpayers.
Maybe some Member of Congress or Senate could introduce legislation that says when refugees commit crimes the cost is not borne by the local jurisdiction, but by the feds. Of course that is taxpayer dollars too, but at least it would send a message!