Breathe a sigh of relief: CDC says screening is catching refugee TB cases before they get here

And, as a result of the beefed-up screening local health departments have been spared $15 million in costs to treat refugees so far, says the CDC!

Wyoming are you listening!  Medical treatment for refugees is partly your local health department’s responsibility.  The Wyoming governor thinks a refugee program for Wyoming would be a freebie!

World Health Organization: TB drugs cause side affects that makes compliance difficult.

From the Centers for Disease Control via NPR (most cases of TB in US can be traced back to refugees and immigrants):

Hundreds of people with tuberculosis wishing to come to the U.S. have been stopped before they reached U.S. borders, says a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. [Are the 20,000 plus asylum seekers tested on the border too?—ed]

Physicians overseas picked up more than 1,100 cases in prospective immigrants and refugees prior to their arrival in the U.S. The cases include 14 people with multidrug-resistant TB, the CDC says.

The agency credits beefed up recommendations for pre-travel screening that require newer, more sensitive sputum-culture tests. Of the 1,100 cases detected, about 660 would not have been identified under old guidelines.

Keeping people with TB out while they get treatment has saved the U.S. about $15 million in costs that would’ve been incurred for treatment here — costs the CDC says would’ve been mostly borne by U.S. public health departments.


“In addition to creating major savings in health care costs, the program ensures that immigrants and refugees get prompt care and correct treatment,” said Martin Cetron, director of CDC’s Division of Global Migration and Quarantine, in a statement.

The U.S. has a very low rate of tuberculosis, even as the disease continues to rage in many countries around the world. Most cases that are identified here can be traced back to an immigrant or refugee.

The CDC says 65 percent of people with TB in the U.S were born in other countries. [Did the other 35% catch TB from an immigrant or refugee—ed]

Take a few minutes and watch this shocking film about how refugees with drug-resistant TB are being readied to come to America!

See our ‘health issues’ category with many more posts on health problems that come with refugee resettlement.

Guess where this photo was taken?

Yesterday we had a photo from Sweden where a disgruntled subway rider pulled a gun when he didn’t have the fare.

Here is today’s disgruntled migrant who didn’t have his bus fare.  Thanks to reader ‘petzix‘ for sending us the story.  Petzix says the man administering the beating is a Somali.

Can you guess from where?

That is the bus driver on the ground!

The Gold Coast, Australia!  Here!

But at least in Australia they are trying to get their migrant/asylum seeker invasion under control, not so in Sweden.

See ‘strategy session’ with Somalis and white organizer on how to break into Australia, here.

Addendum:  After I posted this, I see that ‘pp’ had alerted us to a TV show on Australia’s illegal migrant problem this past week, here.   The Australian had this to say about the show.

Washington state: Couple faces extradition for ripping off Romanian government

These aren’t refugees, far from it! 

Radu and Diana Nemes, nice immigrant couple next door!

They are a super-rich Romanian couple with most of their millions stashed away in Dubai, but they had somehow gotten into America, overstayed, and were already on a detainer from ICE when it was learned they were wanted in Romania.  They are now being held in detention while their lawyers fight the detention.*

So, if they aren’t “refugees” why am I writing about this?

As a hobby at RRW, we have followed probably a hundred food stamp fraud cases perpetrated by immigrant owners of ‘Mom & Pop’ convenience stores and gas stations and I’ve contended that many of those immigrant ‘entrepreneurs’ got in here on an E-2 Investor Visa.  Reader ‘pungentpeppers’ read this long news story to the end and reports that they were trying to get an E-2 visa when they bought into a winery.

With an E-2 visa, the immigrant ‘entrepreneur’ with minor children can stay in America for 5 years at a time, and then must renew the visa.  The Nemeses expected to be staying for a long time because authorities found illegal guns and an underground bunker in the expensive new home they were building.

The next time you hear the Open Borders lobby bragging about how immigrants are opening businesses, remember the Nemeses.

Just a reminder to you, mostly politically-correct Republicans, when you are tempted to say, ‘I don’t like illegal immigration, but LEGAL is what America is all about!’ think about people like this Romanian pair who got in here through some legal means.

From the Nisqually Valley News:

A U.S. Magistrate judge on Thursday ordered Radu and Diana Nemes to remain detained pending the resolution of their extradition case.

The Nemeses’ lawyer said she would appeal the decision.

The bunker!

Court documents reveal that agents found an underground bunker at the couple’s property where they were building a “luxury home,” and found more than a half dozen firearms, including an AR-15 “assault rifle,” in the residence where the couple was living.

Radu Nemes, 39, and his wife Diana Nemes, 38, who were arrested on Tuesday under an extradition treaty with Romania, are accused of defrauding the Romanian government of the equivalent of about $73 million, according to court documents. The Nemeses are also accused of laundering money, and allegedly used the funds to purchase vehicles, business interests and living expenses, and to construct a luxury home. Court documents also state they purchased a 67 percent interest in Eagleview Hill, LLC, the corporation that owns Eagleview Hill Winery in Rainier and Salida Wine Bar in Yelm.


Diana Nemes initially expressed she wanted to invest in the company to obtain an E-2 visa, McCrea (winery owner) said. Such a visa allows a non-citizen to stay in the United States predicated on their being the majority owner of a business.

Amazing story, read it all.

Come on mainstream media!  Why can’t some real investigative reporter dig into this Investor visa scam which definitely involves some American immigration lawyers and help expose this immigrant ‘entrepreneur’ mythology.

* Did you know that the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, a federal refugee contractor, opposes detention for immigrants.

Is your state attracting “secondary migrants?” Minnesota tops the list

Secondary migrants are refugees who were settled first by the US State Department and a contractor in one state, but choose to move usually because they want to be with their own kind of people, or they find employment and/or social services more desirable elsewhere.

When we first began writing this blog in 2007, we were told it was impossible to track the secondary migrants because it’s America and no one has to report where they move to.  Indeed over the last 40 years we have admitted over 3 million refugees, so no one could possibly track them.  So, I was surprised to see that in ‘Key Indicators for Refugee Placement FY2014’ the feds are reporting that they have tracked secondary migrants, but surely (the numbers are so small) it must be the most recently resettled ones that are being tracked.

I don’t know what they mean when they say “states report” (page 9).  Who in the “state” is keeping track, the non-government contractors, or some agency of state government?

  Each year states report on the number of refugees and entrants who moved to a different state outside of their original resettlement location.

Check out the list!

Top five states with the most out-migration are:  Arizona, California, New York, Texas and Pennsylvania  (but as a percentage of the huge numbers resettled in CA, NY and TX these numbers are probably not that meaningful).

States with the most in-migration of secondary migrants are:  MN (by a huge margin), OH, Iowa, FL and OK.

Secondary migrants are surely the reason the St. Cloud, MN Somali population is booming.

Our previous posts on this important document, Key Indicators…., are here.

NY: Syrian wants to withdraw guilty plea in shoe beating death

Update April 29th:  He tried to get his guilty plea withdrawn but judge denies it, gets 18 years to life (yippee!), here.

Yesterday we reported on the Afghan refugee brothers (also in a NY suburban area) who used knives as a weapon of choice, while this evil Syrian beat his girlfriend to death with her shoe!

Here is the gist of the story, from Lohud (Journal News) again thanks to crime sleuth ‘pungentpeppers:’

How would you like this guy in your neighborhood?

A 66-year-old Syrian national will learn April 8 whether he can withdraw his guilty plea to beating his former girlfriend to death with her shoe in her Wesley Hills bedroom or face 18 years to life in prison.

A decision expected Tuesday has been adjourned for Riad Dib as lawyers for the prosecution and defense file legal papers with Rockland County Court Judge William Nelson.

Dib pleaded guilty in September to murdering 68-year-old Cecile Garbarino, whose battered and bloody body was found Jan. 25, 2013. Dib and Garbarino had broken off their relationship.


Dib, who made a 911 call to report Garbarino’s death, beat her for more than two hours, crushing bones in her face, Ramapo police said. When she tried to use the telephone to call for help, police said, Dib punched and kicked her repeatedly, cracking her ribs and causing internal injuries.

Who is this murderer and how did he lie his way into the US?  We don’t really know, but ‘pp’ found a few more articles that add to the mystery.

Garbarino, an elementary school secretary, suffered a two-hour-long “barbaric beating” before her death.

Here it is reported that he is a priest, which of course would mean he is a Christian Syrian, or says he is:

Police said Dib’s Syrian passport identified his profession as a priest. He has a permanent residency card dated 2006.

Then here he claims to have been a “judge” in Syria:

Police said they know little about Dib, who apparently told investigators he once served as a judge in his native Syria.


Police said he had an expired security guard license and ran a business called RD Distributors out of the Grandview address.


Police said the house was filled with Christian symbols.

Does no curious reporter ever ask how people like Dib got into America in the first place—that is always my number one burning question.

What LEGAL avenue did this monster use to migrate here and live among us?

Speaking of Syrians, I haven’t seen any news yet on how many the Obama Administration is going to allow into the US this year, have you?  Originally they talked about 2,000 but some of the contractors want 12,000 or more.