World Net Daily writer Leo Hohmann has posted a good summary about the upcoming ALIPAC nationwide demonstrations against amnesty and the border surge and has listed some of the communities standing up and saying NO! to the feds who want to dump illegal aliens on their communities.
Frankly, I ended yesterday frustrated by how to keep up and report to you about every place in America that has so far opposed the Obama border invasion, but thanks to Hohmann’s summary I feel relieved and will move on to a few other issues involving refugees and ‘unaccompanied minors’ (fake refugees) today.
Here is World Net Daily:

A massive protest scheduled for July 18 and 19 across the United States is aimed at stopping the influx of Central American children flooding across the border, and more than a dozen smaller community protests already have played roles in stopping the children from being brought there.
Citizens in Westminster, Maryland; Oracle, Arizona; Vassar, Michigan; Greece, New York, and many other places have blocked the importation of illegal aliens into their communities through public protests, letters and official resolutions from elected leaders.
See full list below.
Radio host Rush Limbaugh led his show Tuesday with stories about the successful pushback against the illegals going on across America.
“Here’s what you do not know,” he said. “There are towns all over America standing up to this invasion, just like they did in Murrieta, California. You’re not hearing about it, however, and I am here to tell you why you’re not hearing about it. Westminster, Maryland, is a town standing up to it, just like Murrieta, California, did. Oracle, Arizona, is standing up to it.
“In Nebraska they’re gonna stand up to it when they find out. The governor is fit to be tied,” Limbaugh continued. “Upper Michigan, same thing. There are towns all over America standing up to this. There are protests happening, but they’re not being covered.”
But the mother of all protests promises to be Friday and Saturday. It’s dubbed the National Day of Protesting Against Immigration Reform, Amnesty & Border Surge, and it’s gaining support by the hour, said William Gheen, president of the Americans for Legal Immigration PAC and one of 11 sponsors. The main organizers are ALIPAC, Overpasses For America and, Gheen said.
“Right now it’s looking like we’ll have a little more than 300 protest rallies large and small across the country.
Look here for a state by state listing of protest locations.
There is lots more, read it all. Hohmann summarizes what is happening in a bunch of hot spots around the US.
See our complete archive on ‘unaccompanied minors’ by clicking here. The archive extends back several years.