“Conservative” columnist Kathyrn Jean Lopez is acting like a liberal—lecturing us in a guilt-trip laden rant on National Review Online. I thought they were supposed to be conservative over there?

In her pontificating piece, Ms Lopez tells us that the Pope just wants us to give love and understanding to the border invaders. (Hat tip: Paul)
‘Shepherd of the leading charitable organization in the world,’ she calls him.
How about they first admit that the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and Catholic Charities are receiving the majority of their funding to care for the “children” (and other refugees) from the American taxpayer through federal grants and contracts!
Surely the Pope knows that American taxpayers pay for their Christian charity! So he is in no position to lecture us!
And, surely Katheryn Jean Lopez isn’t living under a rock and has been following the news recently as the public is becoming increasingly aware of the greedy “religious” hands picking our pockets in the name of Christian and Jewish charity.
By the way, tell me! what is conservative about taxpayer dollars by the billions flowing to phony non-profits and “religious” charities that are completely unaccountable to the people who pay the do-gooders’ salaries?
I want the Bishops and the Pope to place a disclaimer on every guilt-tripping screed they write or is written for them by a supposed conservative like Lopez. The disclaimer would go something like this:
The USCCB and Catholic charities are receiving (and have been for decades) the majority of their funding for their migration program as grants and contracts from the US government.
Then they can lecture all they want about “welcoming” and “protecting” the “children” (but few will listen!).
Ms. Lopez needs a disclaimer too! Use secular media to spread the Gospel (here) she says!
One last thing, the US Bishops and Catholic Charities, as the leading resettlement agencies in the US, resettle more Muslims into America than any other resettlement agency contracted by the US State Department and use your money to do it. (Just saying!)
For new readers:
All of our coverage of the ‘unaccompanied minors’ invasion of America is here.
The archive extends back several years and includes posts about the USCCB and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service receiving federal grants for many years, prior to this one, to care for the “unaccompanied alien children.”
Be sure to see this post about the Bishops visit to Central America in 2013—did they set the migration in motion? Last year, they were predicting 60,000 “children” for 2014!