US State Department: We are bringing thousands of Syrians out of Turkey to the US

Syrians in Turkey: Yippee! We are going to America! Photo:

Update!  If I had a million bucks I would bet that this offer to help Turkey deal with its Syrians was made to encourage the Turks to open their air bases to us.  According to Breitbart the Turks have said NO! to the air bases. I have seen evidence several times over the years that we use refugees for extra-curricular purposes of the State Department.  They can hide under their humanitarian white hat while using the refugees as bargaining chips!

Although there has been no big announcement from the White House rose garden, the US State Department (and their resettlement contractors***) seem unable to contain themselves and are announcing that THE SYRIANS ARE COMING!

The UN has already chosen thousands destined for your towns and cities, and I can assure you the large majority will be Sunni Muslims. (The State Department tracks the religions of refugees, but does not make those numbers available to the general public.)

So far we have had reports that Syrians will go to North Carolina and Ohio, but that is just the beginning.

If we are going to see numbers like the Iraqis in recent years, we are looking at 15,000-20,000 a year going forward!  And, by the way “next year” means fiscal year 2015 which begins in 18 days!

From Today’s Zaman (emphasis is mine):

Deputy Asst. Sec. of State Henshaw: Our resettlement program from Turkey will be the largest in the world.

The US has launched a resettlement program that will admit thousands of refugees currently in Turkey into the US as of next year.

“Our commitment is to do thousands a year over many years,” said Simon Henshaw, principal deputy assistant secretary of the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration of the US State Department, as he talked about US plans for asylum seekers. [Note that they don’t say ‘until the conflict ends.’—ed]

The US program, which was just launched a few months ago, is part of a UN project for the resettlement of refugees.

“We are committed to being a major part of the UN’s programs to have some of the refugees resettled in the US,” Henshaw, who was on a visit to Turkey, told reporters during a briefing on US aid to Syrian refugees in Turkey.

Several thousand refugees in Turkey will begin the process this year, but it will take nearly a year to come to fruition.

“Next year, you will see thousands entering the US. We are committed to a large program on a par with other large [refugee resettlement] programs in the past,” Henshaw stressed at the meeting held in the US Embassy in Ankara, noting that 100,000 Iraqis have been admitted into the US in the past 10 years.


“Our resettlement program from Turkey is one of our largest in the world, and it will continue to grow,” Henshaw added.

And, it will grow by the year says Henshaw!

One last thing, I bet the State Department is not only telling Turkey they are going to be helped, but Jordan and Lebanon as well.

Action Alert!

The best thing for you to do, is to alert your Members of Congress and US Senators and make this an election year issue. Bring up the costs and question the wisdom of bringing more Muslim refugees to America when you attend campaign events this fall.  (Maybe fear of a backlash is why we are not hearing any formal announcement from the White House now—it will come after the November elections.)

For all of our posts on Syrian refugees go here.

***The federal migrant resettlement contractors which we have followed for years (Grant recipient big dogs (devouring federal cash) Baptist Child and Family Services and Southwest Key Programs  are new on the scene in recent years and mostly due to UACs.):

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