Michelle Malkin: Letting in the wrong refugees

Great column today by Michelle Malkin a must read!

***Don’t forget Syrians are next!***

Iraqi refugee, Jasim Mohammed Hasin Ramadon, found guilty of brutal Colorado rape, was helped by US soldier to get into US.

Meanwhile the Washington Post said late yesterday, bring in MORE Iraqis!  (Hat tip: Flying Camel)

From Townhall (hat tip: Judy):

Fresh terror busts in Australia expose a common Achilles’ heel of the West: Indiscriminate refugee policies turn free countries into breeding grounds for jihad. It’s the same game in America. Soldiers of Islam have weaponized our blind generosity against us.

Iraqi terrorists and rapists…

Last fall, FBI agents admitted that several dozen suspected terrorist bomb-builders may have mistakenly been allowed to move to the United States as war refugees from Iraq. These include two al-Qaida in Iraq (AQI) jihadists who were resettled as refugees in Bowling Green, Ky. — and then later admitted in court that they had attacked U.S. soldiers in Iraq, according to ABC News.

In Colorado Springs, a gang of Iraqi Muslim refugees monstrously raped and brutalized a woman — after being welcomed here with open arms and, in at least one case, receiving praise and help from U.S. soldiers.

Read it all by clicking here.

See our report on the Colorado Springs rapists, here.

Just last week we gave readers this accounting of how many Iraqis have been admitted to the US since 9/11.

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