Office of Refugee Resettlement Key indicators for FY 2015 available

Or, in layman’s terms, does your town or city have the amenities required (social service goodies, jobs, healthcare, etc.) to become a refugee resettlement site?

A couple of years ago the US State Department (Population Refugees and Migration) and the Office of Refugee Resettlement in HHS decided they better have a more organized way of determining if your town or city has what it takes to “welcome” refugees (as opposed to a previous method that sure looked like throwing darts at a US map!).

For awhile they just kept overloading the established resettlement cities (and they still do), but now they are scouting for fresh territory as well!

Below is what they say at ORR (you might want to contact the lead person listed below and ask to be a ‘stakeholder‘) about their “Coordinated Placement” plan.

Here is what we said about Key Indicators for 2014.  We have not yet even opened this 2015 report but remember in a few weeks Obama will announce his plans for how many refugees we will bring to America in 2015 (which begins October 1 of this year). Hat tip: Joanne.

By the way, they talk big about “capacity” but when a community screams that they are over capacity, they close their ears!

To facilitate the FY 2015 Refugee consolidated placement planning, ORR provides the attached “Statistical Abstract for Refugee Resettlement Stakeholders” document. This document contains critical information on the domestic refugee landscape for resettlement stakeholders to consider when making placement decisions, including a compilation of resources historically available to states for determination of the capacity of communities to serve the diverse needs of refugees.

This document is an additional key mechanism for ORR to share data and other critical information with PRM and resettlement stakeholders nationwide. The overall goal is to more effectively meet the needs of refugees while promoting their self-sufficiency and successful integration in the United States after their arrival.

Contact Information

Pierrot Rugaba
Program Analyst/Placement Liaison
Office of Refugee Resettlement
Administration for Children and Families
901 D Street SW – 8th Floor West
Washington DC 20447
Phone: 202-401-6891
Fax: 202-401-5772



WND reports on Somali Jihad recruitment in “Little Mogadishu” Minnesota

As I mentioned the other day, we probably have at least 500 posts here at RRW on the Somali migration to America, and surely a hundred or more on the ‘Somali youths’ we welcomed to our cities who have said, s**** the good life, we are Jihadists. (See ISIS fighters just yesterday, here.)

Important to remember!  Almost all Somalis (or their parents) now in the US got here through our LEGAL immigration programs, largely through the US State Department’s Refugee Resettlement initiative (State Dept takes refugees that the UN tells them to take).  Smaller numbers are here because they came illegally or over-stayed visas and were granted asylum and others got in and then were afforded the benefits of another legal program—Temporary Protected Status.  It is impossible to know how many are here illegally, but we do know Somalis have been apprehended at our southern border (how many others got through?).

World Net Daily reporter Leo Hohmann does a good job of summarizing how we got to this place:

Amina Farah who was eventually convicted and sent to prison refused to stand for the Judge as her terror support trial opened in Minneapolis in 2011.

Even as President Obama launched air strikes Tuesday against the al-Shabab terrorist group in Somalia, a pipeline for potential new Somali terrorists continues to fester right here in the United States.

It’s called the Refugee Resettlement Program, and it continues unabated under the leadership of the U.S. State Department and with the help of several Christian charities.

Minneapolis, Minnesota, sits at the heart of the controversial program. Known as “Little Mogadishu” to some critics, the city has since 1983 welcomed thousands of Somali refugees, most of whom are practicing Muslims and attend a local mosque or Islamic center.

While the Minneapolis-St. Paul area plays host to the largest Somali refugee population, it’s not the only American city that is taking in refugees from the war-torn African nation. Columbus, Ohio, and San Diego, California, have also served as refugee resettlement hot spots.

The State Department, working with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, chooses the communities largely because they are viewed as welcoming of foreign refugees and also because they have well-developed social welfare programs.

“Catholic Charities, Lutheran Social Services and World Relief, which is an evangelical group, resettled them there because the welfare is so good in Minnesota. That was the main reason,” says Ann Corcoran, an activist who has written hundreds of articles about the Somali resettlement program for Refugee Resettlement Watch. “That’s also the case with Maine. A lot of the Somalis are going there for the same reason.”

The Christian charities have worked quietly behind the scenes, using millions of dollars in federal grants, to resettle the refugees in the chosen cities.

There is much more, continue reading here.

* About the photo:  Amina Farah (Ali) also told the court that we ‘infidels’ were going to hell, here.

ISIS fighter had limited opportunities in America (give me a break!)

And, look who is back—our old standby, the Jesse Jackson of Somali America Omar Jamal—ready with an excuse for an obvious case of Islamic radicalization.

He’s baaaackkk! Omar Jamal, community organizer extraordinaire!

This poor “vunerable kid” (who died in Syria) with limited opportunities apparently grew up here in America, was 29-years-old and had plenty of opportunity to find himself a whole bunch of wives to produce nine children!

From My Fox 9 (hat tip: Megan who tells us that there are plenty of jobs in Minnesota for people who want to work).

And, if there aren’t enough jobs then STOP bringing more Somalis!***

More details about the second Minnesota man who is believed to have died fighting in Syria with the terror group ISIS are emerging, and Twin Cities leaders say his story is an example of a big obstacle for the Somali community.

Those who knew Abdirahmaan Muhumed describe him as an outgoing, gregarious man who was involved in the local politics of the Twin Cities Somali community; however, he was also an angry and frustrated father trying to support 9 children from several different mothers. He did not have a job, and local leaders say that may have led him to seek a different life away from the city of Minneapolis, where he grew up.

Omar Jamal is on the case!

Here comes “community organizer” Omar (the Somali mouthpiece) Jamal to tell us that Muhumed’s radicalization has nothing to do with Islam!   For new readers, we have dozens of posts going back to probably 2008 in which Jamal (an illegal alien originally) jumps in with his two cents worth any time any Somali gets in trouble anywhere in America!  (Search RRW for ‘Omar Jamal’ and see what I mean!).

At one point, Jamal moved on up and became Somalia’s representative at the UN (Is he a US citizen or a citizen of Somalia?).  Wonder what happened to that gig?

They are all “vulnerable” you know!

Somali community organizer Omar Jamal told Fox 9 News that Muhumed’s death brings back painful memories of the young men who disappeared from the Twin Cities and turned up fighting for al-Shabaab in Somalia a few years ago. According to Jamal, ISIS appears to be using the same playbook — recruiting vulnerable young people using videos and social media. So far, he says community leaders haven’t come up with a long-term strategy to compete.

“You have the same combination of vulnerable kids susceptible to crazy ideas, dissolution, giving up hope on achieving the American Dream,” Jamal said. “What’s the alternative to fight against these people? We have to come together and do something about this.”

We can do something if they have given up on the American Dream, let them do their dreaming in Africa!

For background, see ‘Why so many Somalis in Minneapolis?’

***In ten months of fiscal year 2014 we have resettled another 7,326 “vulnerable” Somalis to your towns and cities.

North Carolina: Immigrants getting all the jobs!

Update September 6th:  Black unemployment at over 11%, here.

Recently we told you about the busy beaver federal refugee contractors who are working hard to bring MORE cheap immigrant labor to North Carolina while native North Carolinians are going without work at an unprecedented rate.

Iraqi refugees in North Carolina. Doing work Americans won’t do?

See two recent posts here and here about North Carolina.

Then see the proof from the Center for Immigration Studies which analyzed the statistics to confirm what we suspected.

Previously CIS reported on similar numbers for the states of Florida and Tennessee.

Natives accounted for most of the growth in population, but all employment growth went to immigrants

The Gang of Eight immigration bill (S.744) passed by the Senate last June would have roughly doubled the number of new foreign workers allowed into the country, as well as legalized illegal immigrants already here. North Carolina Sen. Kay Hagen (D) voted for it. An analysis of government data by the Center for Immigration Studies shows that, since 2000, all of the net increase in the number of working-age (16 to 65) people holding a job in North Carolina has gone to immigrants (legal and illegal). This is the case even though the native-born accounted for 61 percent of growth in the state’s total working-age population.

Read it all, it is shocking!

I wonder if the same thing holds for Pennsylvania?

For more posts like this one, see our category ‘legal immigration and jobs’ by clicking here.

Refugees get jobs as dealers in PA casinos

Jobs Americans won’t do?

Just as Atlantic City, NJ casinos are tanking with thousands expected to be unemployed, across the river in Pennsylvania refugees are getting jobs paying $22 to $28 an hour.  I know that area of Southern NJ and this is going to have a far reaching impact on the local economy.  Some of those employees might want to head to Pennsylvania.  But….

Extended family of Bhutanese refugees see first snow in Pennsylvania! PA is the top resettlement state for Bhutanese followed by Texas, NY, and Georgia.

From AP at Go Erie:

The gambling industry in western Pennsylvania is betting on refugee immigrants. And casinos say it’s paying off.

At Presque Isle Downs & Casino, 40 percent of the men and women in the pits flipping cards and counting chips got their initial training in a room barely larger than a closet in the rear of a former Methodist church owned by Multicultural Community Resource Center, an Erie nonprofit that helps resettled refugees find jobs, housing and schools.


Nearly 200 of the 1,800 workers at Rivers Casino on Pittsburgh’s North Shore, including those in the finance department and blackjack dealers, arrived as documented immigrants in the State Department’s refugee resettlement program. That’s twice the rate of foreign-born employment for the rest of Allegheny County, and it’s growing as charities help the state-regulated gambling parlor place qualified, law-abiding immigrants in service jobs that pay $22 to $28 an hour, depending on tips.

Now check this out!

That last line above (in red) has been edited because another version of the same article (this one at the Washington Times) says this:

Nearly 200 of the 1,800 workers at Rivers Casino on Pittsburgh’s North Shore, from the finance department to blackjack dealers, arrived as documented immigrants in the State Department’s refugee resettlement program. That’s twice the rate of foreign-born employment for the rest of Allegheny County, and it’s growing as charities – including the Catholic Diocese, Jewish Family and Children’s Services and the Greater Pittsburgh Literacy Council – help the state-regulated gambling parlor place qualified, law-abiding immigrants in service jobs that pay $22 to $28 an hour, depending on tips.

So why did Go Erie take out the names of the contractors resettling refugees in the area?

For more information, see our July post herePittsburgh at “tipping point!”  For more on how we came to take 70,000 plus Bhutanese refugees in the last few years, type ‘Bhutanese Sauerbrey’ into our search window.