Ahhhh! More beautiful diversity, this time from Louisville, KY where Somalis bring in Halal camel meat for the growing Somali population.
From the Journal-Courier (emphasis mine):

Between 160 and 200 pounds of frozen camel meat goes out the door every week at the Global Food Market, a tiny grocery on Eighth Street downtown.
That is where storekeeper Osman Ibrahim sells the 2-pound tenderloin camel roasts from his freezer case at $6.99 per pound. Store customers, who are largely Somali immigrants in Louisville, stew or slow-braise the camel, he said.
In Somalia, “camel is something you eat every day,” said Ibrahim, who emigrated to the U.S. from Mogadishu and started his ethnic grocery in Louisville eight years ago. [I guess this store is accepts food stamps–ed]
The boneless camel comes frozen from Australia, where the animals are slaughtered according to Halal customs, which are Muslim standards for food preparation, he added.
See a description of Halal slaughter methods in Australia, here. Not so great for the animal in some situations.
Where is PETA? Are they on the Halal slaughter case here in the US? Does anyone know?
How many Somalis were resettled in Kentucky since 2004?
I recently discovered these numbers—1,833! 1,605 of them went to Louisville! I did not think it was going to be that high. And, that number is only those directly resettled there from Africa and elsewhere. It does not include ‘secondary migrants’ who moved to Kentucky after being resettled in another state. I guess this means that there are now enough camel-eaters to make it economically feasible to import Halal camel meat!
By the way, see our recent hot post to learn more about who is doing the resettling in Kentucky.
Kentucky is a Wilson-Fish state which means the state government of Kentucky has no say over what happens with the program—it is run exclusively by ‘religious’ contractors and the federal government.
Our Kentucky archive is here.