What is the matter with these European leaders (and Obama too) that they are so tone-deaf when it comes to dealing with Islam and the huge numbers of Muslim ‘asylum seekers’ and ‘refugees’ flooding Europe and the US.
Have they all taken a symposium on how to really really bring out the anger in their citizens?
Maybe it is some sort of psychological experiment to see how far they can push us!
It wasn’t too long ago that we heard of a German local government purchasing a luxury hotel in Cologne for asylum seekers, and now we learn that the UK government is funding housing in four-star hotels in Britain for what really amounts to illegal aliens who have been crashing almost every European border!
No wonder they are piled up in Calais, France wanting in to the UK (be sure to open this link!)!
From the UK Daily Mail (hat tip: ‘Cool Tolerance’).
Emphasis is mine:
Guests at a luxury spa hotel have complained after discovering they were sharing their break with asylum seekers.
Around 35 migrants were checked into the four star Daresbury Park Hotel in Warrington, Cheshire, at an estimated cost to the taxpayer of £2,000 a night for the group.
One disgruntled guest wrote on review site Trip Advisor: ‘I cannot believe that we had to queue up with asylum seekers for our meals! If you want a soup kitchen atmosphere, with a little bit of intimidation thrown in, then this is the place to stay.
‘As long as these poor refugees are getting full bed and board at this hotel at our expense, I think we will find somewhere else to spend our hard earned money.’
- Hotel magnate Alex Langsam has a sweetheart deal with the British government to house ‘refugees’ in his 47 hotels! Photo: http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/business/business-news/britannia-buys-carrington-house-hotel-5715743
From human traffickers to hotel owners, to landlords, to “religious charities” the world over, it is all about the money—government money to special people in the lucrative refugee industry.
(And, heck, they get to wear the white hat of humanitarianism while they are at it!)
The Daily Mail continued:
The Daresbury is part of the Britannia hotel chain, owned by Alex Langsam.
In October MailOnline reported that in a deal costing the taxpayer tens of thousands of pounds a week Mr Langsam is putting up hundreds of migrants in his chain of 47 hotels.
Another guest, part of a group of four women who stayed at the hotel, wrote: ‘What we hadn’t known about were the number of African male asylum seekers who were residing there.
‘Pungentpeppers’ spotted a couple more stories about similar problem in other hotels, here and here. Both Britannia hotels I see.
Alas, the ‘Invasion of Europe’ continues, see our complete archive here.