From Breitbart News:

On Friday’s broadcast of his HBO political talk show, comedian Bill Maher channeled Breitbart News on the threat that radical Islam poses to European countries, along with the dangers sharia law represents to Western freedoms.
What follows is a discussion, including about the recent controversy surrounding terror expert Steve Emerson’s exaggeration on Fox News about the Muslim population level in Birmingham, England.
Maher cited these facts, then said, “Sometimes in a melting pot, people don’t melt.”
Maher went on to say, “I don’t want to live in a world where we can’t wear a mini skirt walking down the street… You don’t have to be a right-wing nut to worry” about radical Muslim threats.
“We know that there are some Muslims who want to take over” and eliminate our culture and laws, Maher concluded.
Muslim population levels
On that Birmingham Muslim population question (Maher says Birmingham is 25% Muslim, I’ve seen 20%)…. Last month I wrote an extensive paper (yet to be published) on the refugee program and Muslim immigration and during my research I concluded that the Muslim population of a city or a country only needed to get to about 3% before the Islamic supremacists became emboldened and began to push their sharia compliance agenda.
If you are wondering, the only really thorough study I could find on Muslim demographic levels was this one from 2010 at Pew Research.
What I realized also is that we really do not have a good handle on how many Muslims are permanent residents of the United States. Someone must do a very serious and thorough analysis soon!
We are probably around 1% as a country with pockets higher than 3%. Pew (in 2010) said France was at 7.5%, but all of the recent estimates I’ve seen put their Muslim population at 10%.