It surely isn’t a new complaint, here is how the story begins. But, my interest was in one line half way through the article at OnIslam:

CAIRO – Following recent decision to prevent US banks from handling transfers to Somalia, Muslims from the horn of Africa country have been complaining of increasing racial profiling and harassment at airports, accusing agents of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) of targeting them.
“You are treated as a second-class citizen, when you’re trying to change the narrative about being Somali,” Mohamed Farah, a Minneapolis Somali youth leader, told Star Tribune On Sunday, March 1.
Being a Somali-American, Farah has been facing an ongoing pattern of racial profiling and harassment at US airports, despite having security clearances from the FBI and the US Secret Service.
In light of Farah’s comments last June, is it any wonder that TSA gives Somalis at airports in Minnesota and elsewhere a little extra scrutiny?
O.K. So that is somewhat interesting, but nothing new. What really caught my eye was this line:
Although there are no official figures, the United States is believed to be home to between 6-8 million Muslims.
Do you realize we really don’t know what the US Muslim population is!
Doing some research on that recently, I found that in 2010 Pew Research put the number at 2.75 million while CAIR in the same year put it at 7 million. Pew also said they are coming in to the US at a rate of 100,000 a year, but we don’t know how many of those will be legal permanent residents on the way to citizenship.
It is very important that we find the exact number because, as we learned from Europe, when the Muslim population reaches a level at about 3% of the population (yes, some people are saying 2%), then, feeling empowered, the pressure is on for shariah compliance.
The US population is 321 million, so when the Muslim population reaches 6.4 million (2%) or 9.6 million (3%) there will be no going back for us. If you are thinking this doesn’t affect you, please at least consider your grandchildren!
Time to talk about a MORATORIUM on Muslim immigration to America?
Be sure to check out a recent popular post about how the US State Department and its contractors facilitated the Hijra by ‘seeding’ over 10,000 Somalis in Minnesota in the last ten years.