This is one of those warm and fuzzy stories telling us about the joys of diversity in the midst of cowboy country. Frankly, it made me think it might already be too late to save our conservative values and American way of life. The newcomers are going to want their stuff, their government services, and the Democrats will be right there to give it to them. Why would any of them vote Republican? But, of course that is why our Republican leadership is looking more and more like Democrats these days!

By the way, Texas is the Number One state in the nation for refugee resettlement.
From the Houston Chronicle. Hat tip: Diane. Emphasis is mine.
This is a city of contrasts. It is a hub of first-rate medical institutions with almost one-fourth of its population uninsured. One of the nation’s most ethnically mixed metro areas and, at the same time, one of its most economically segregated. Routinely ranked top in the country for job growth, with a school system where 80 percent of students are disadvantaged.
An amalgam of promise and pitfalls.
It is also a region of dazzling diversity – and becoming more so every day.
More than 1 million immigrants – nearly one of every four residents – call Harris County and the surrounding 10-county metro area home.
From 2000 to 2010, Houston gained 400,000 foreign-born residents, more than any other U.S. city except New York. Last year, the county received 4,818 refugees from 40 different countries, the most of any county in Texas.
The newcomers have done more than shift our demographics. They have created a metropolis where one-third of business owners are foreign-born, where the number of Buddhists, Muslims and Hindus has tripled in the last three decades, where more than 100 languages are spoken by students attending Houston public schools.
Even in a nation where the number of immigrants has doubled since 1990, the Houston area stands apart.
So who is helping turn red states blue?
Four of the six US State Department resettlement contractors working in Houston represent the ‘religious’ Left and are divvying up the large and lucrative flow of refugees to Houston. From our handy list of contractors changing your towns and cities:
CWS (Church World Service)
TX-CWS-01: Interfaith Ministries For Greater Houston
Address: 3303 Main Street
Houston, TX 77002-9322
Phone: 713-533-4940
DFMS (Episcopal Migration Ministries with its new name change)
TX-DFMS-01: Interfaith Ministries Of Greater Houston
Address: 3303 Main Street
Houston, TX 77002
Phone: 713-533-4940
ECDC (Ethiopian Community Development Council)
TX-ECDC-01: Alliance For Multicultural Community Services
Address: 6440 Hillcroft, Ste 411
Houston, TX 77081
Phone: 713-776-4700
LIRS (Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service)
TX-LIRS-06: Refugee Services Of Texas, Inc
Address: 6065 Hillcroft St, Suite 513
Houston, TX 77081
Phone: 713-644-6224
USCCB (US Conference of Catholic Bishops)
TX-USCCB-07: Catholic Charities
Address: 2900 Louisiana St. Po Box 66508
Houston, TX 77266
Phone: 713 874-6530
USCRI (US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants)
TX-USCRI-01: YMCA International Services
Address: 6300 West Park,Ste 600
Houston, TX 77057-7220
Phone: 713-339-9015
For a little deeper study, I selected Catholic Charities. The US Conference of Catholic Bishops settles the largest number of refugees in the US and they are also in your pockets for the care of ‘unaccompanied alien children.’
Looking at a recent Form 990 for Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston we learn that they had a gifts and grants flow of $25,525,040 and they fed off the government trough to the tune of $16,463,451. I also hoped to find the salaries for their key employees but those pages were blank!
What can you do? Find out exactly what these Houston refugee contractors are telling the feds about the amenities Houston offers refugees by asking for their abstracts—ask for abstracts going back for five consecutive years. What is an ‘abstract?’ Go here to learn more about this important document.