Update April 30th: We received this e-mail from the Times-News asking us to remove the photo we posted of Muslims praying in a Magic Valley mosque. As soon as we saw Mr. Nash’s request we honored it.
This is the Chief Photographer of the Times-News and http://www.Magicvalley.com. Please remove our image from your site. You do not have permission to publish our copyrighted editorial content. Thank you in advance. -Drew Nash
You can see the photo and others (there are 13 of them) by clicking here.
The UN High Commissioner for Refugees, the US State Department and its contractors are colonizing Idaho and thus making the construction of a mosque in Magic Valley inevitable.
This is the latest from Twin Falls as the resettlement subcontractor, College of Southern Idaho Refugee Programs, says the town should expect an influx of Syrians starting in October.
Readers, October 1 is the beginning of the new fiscal year (FY2016) and all concerned citizens should begin asking your local resettlement subcontractor (list here) for their ‘abstract’ for FY2016.
Right now the subcontractors are preparing their wish list for which ethnic groups of refugees they want to bring to your town, how many, and are preparing a description of the amenities your town has to offer by way of school system capacity, health care, and other social services you will be providing the “new Americans.” (They may say it isn’t finished but keep after them!).
From MagicValley.com (emphasis is mine):
TWIN FALLS • The College of Southern Idaho’s Refugee Center is expecting an influx of Syrian refugees starting in October.
Projections show the center will likely receive 300 refugees from around the world during the upcoming federal fiscal year. That’s the same number as this year.

Refugee Center director Zeze Rwasama anticipates the biggest populations of newcomers will be from Syria and the Democratic Republic of the Congo***.
“That can change at any time depending on what’s out there,” he said. The U.S. Department of State approves the number of refugees coming to Twin Falls.
There aren’t any Syrians in Twin Falls yet, Rwasama said, but the Refugee Center is prepared for the influx. “We’re not anticipating any challenges.”
Worldwide, aid groups are calling on the United States to do more to help Syrians displaced by a five-year civil war.
US State Department still aiming to get 2,000 Syrians into the US by September 30th. (My research says of the 682 we have admitted so far, 90% are Muslims.—ed)
U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Anne Richard said during a recent visit to Lebanon that between 1,000 and 2,000 Syrian refugees will be brought to the U.S. by the end of September and several thousand more in 2016.
Not as bad as Wichita, KS (yet!):
Typically, Twin Falls schools have more than 100 refugee students and about 20 languages are spoken.
Since 1984, the center has settled almost 5,000 people in the Magic Valley. Most are from Iraq and Iran.
Read more here. David Miliband’s push for 65,000 Syrians for the US by the end of Obama’s term is mentioned.
See our entire Idaho archive by clicking here. Remember they had the distinction of resettling an Uzbek alleged terrorist here in 2013. Whatever happened to his case?
*** The UN is picking 50,000 from the DR Congo for the US. The process of resettling this very needy group of refugees is underway, see here. We were led to believe that they would mostly be women and children in great need (expensive to care for!), but there are some Muslims in the mix as well.