Rush Limbaugh on European refugee crisis and Syrians to the US

Limbaugh on European borders:  “[I]dealist leftist head-in-the-sand goofballs opened their borders long ago….”
And, now they are in a terrible migration crisis that Limbaugh called an “invasion” yesterday.
rush limbaugh
Here is a small snip from the transcript of Rush’s show (emphasis mine):

So now the same kind of idealist leftist head-in-the-sand goofballs opened their borders long ago, political correctness overwhelmed them, they became possessed with the same kind of guilt that leftists in this country have, and so now there is no Great Britain in terms of cultural identity. France is on the way to losing its. All of these European nations are, because all they have to do is cross one border, these refugees, these migrants, and that isn’t that hard if you’re doing it in Greece or Italy where the controls are not all that hot to trot to begin with. And once you’re there, you can flood any nation in Europe that you want, which they’re doing.

You have these leftist, socialist leaders in all these countries saying that we have no right to say that we are any better than they are. We have no right to say that our culture is superior to theirs. We have no right. We have no right. And so they’re being overrun, and they’re being overrun for a host of reasons: economic, some of it is strategic, some of it’s being promoted by militant Islamist leaders who are on the path of creating a giant caliphate in Europe.

It’s serious, serious stuff. And the one thing, the one thing that has protected the United States from this kind of thing is these two oceans. It’s very hard for these refugees to flood this country, compared to flooding Europe, because they’ve gotta get over an ocean one way or the other, unless they end up in Central America. That’s our one vulnerability, and who is not doing anything about that, per se? That’s right. The Obama administration.

So what is needed in things like this is absolute policy solutions and people capable of coming up with them. Instead, one of the things that’s happening right now all over Washington, dweeb after dweeb after dweeb is dreaming of being the guy that takes Trump out. All kinds of people are trying to figure out a way to do it, to expose Trump for the fraud that he is. Meanwhile, our current administration, our current leadership has put this country at greater risk than we have been in since World War II, folks.

Rush has the number wrong.  It isn’t 300,000 Syrians coming to the US (yet), but at least 13 million listeners (or whatever his audience size is!) know that Syrian (mostly Muslim) resettlement is in the plan for your towns.

Stop and think, folks: No passport. Once you get past Italy or Greece, you’re free to go anywhere that is the European Union. Show your passport one time. Well, you know how easy it is to get in. You swarm the border, you mob the border. Look how easy it is to get through our southern border. And Obama, by the way, is taking care of the problem. Obama’s fixing it. Obama is importing Syrian refugees.

I don’t know how many people are aware of this, but we are taking a certain number of Syrian and other Middle Eastern refugees in record numbers now, by presidential directive. They are being allowed entry. We’re bringing them here. We’re actually flying them here ourselves and then we are positioning them all over the country when we get them here.

We’re choosing where they live. I think in the case of Syrian refugees, there’s a number floating around my head of 300,000. I don’t know over what time period that is, 70 to 300 thousand.

As we have been reporting every day lately, the push is on to pressure Obama to admit 65,000 Syrians by the end of 2016Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (a federal resettlement contractor being paid by the head to bring refugees to your town) yesterday upped the demand to 100,000 Syrians in an overall refugee admissions number of 200,000 (approximately 70,000 third worlders have been admitted to the US by the Obama Administration  in each recent year).  And, as we have chronicled for years on these pages, even 70,000 is too large a number for communities and welfare systems to absorb!
Obama will be making a decision this month when he sends his “Determination Letter” to Congress (just about the same time the Pope visits Washington!).  The NYT hints that an announcement may come at that time.
We are adding this post to our lengthy ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive, here.

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