If your community is considering becoming the welcoming “soil” for the immigrant/refugee “seedlings,” here is one more example of what you need to be ready for.
If you saw our top post of the last week, here, about the White House Task Force on New Americans you know that they are referring to the immigrant/refugee “seedlings” being planted in your community. They are being planted in hundreds of American cities large and small.
From the Argus Leader (hat tip: Robin):
There’s a domestic violence problem within the refugee and immigrant community in Sioux Falls.
Part of it’s cultural – coming from societies where beating one’s spouse is more accepted. [Isn’t diversity beautiful!—ed]
Couple that with perceptions that law enforcement is corrupt, and you have victims who are reluctant to contact law enforcement.
I’m taking a closer look at the relationship between police and immigrants, in particular how past experiences with corruption and brutality in other countries can follow people to the U.S. and Sioux Falls.
Police Chief Doug Barthel has heard the stories of police mistreatment from refugees. Barthel says there shouldn’t be a fear of a calling the police, especially if you’re a victim. Everyone needs to feel safe, he said, and having law enforcement helps.
Police invited the public out for a cup of coffee in January to discuss concerns and build relationships.
The department also received a grant from the Community Oriented Policing Services, or COPS program, which allowed them bring in five new officers.
One of the main focuses of these officers will be to do public outreach with the immigrant and refugee population.
No mention of what countries the refugees in Sioux Falls come from, however we know it’s the Lutherans bringing them in. Lutheran Social Services of South Dakota monopolizes refugee resettlement in the state.
Wherever you live, check the Handy US State Department List of contractors working in your town by clicking here. If you live in a town within a hundred miles of any of these offices you are in the target zone.
Be sure to see our entire archive on South Dakota, here.
Don’t miss this story from one year ago this month (part of their domestic violence problem?):