Violence against Sudanese refugees in Maine is growing

Update September 11th:  More on the murder of this Christian Sudanese man

Portland, Maine has the largest population of mostly Christian refugees from the Sudan in the US according to various news accounts, but recently that community has been the focus of violent crime activity. 

Here is an article just yesterday about another murder of a Sudanese man, a long-time resident, in that city:

PORTLAND, Maine—City officials sought Tuesday to reassure members of the Sudanese community who said they no longer feel safe following the fatal shooting of a hospital security officer whose family came from Sudan to Portland in 1995.

Representatives of the Sudanese Community Association of Maine met with the mayor, city manager and police chief after delivering a letter that stated its members are living in fear following a number of violent acts targeting Sudanese people.

Sudanese residents feel let down by the lack of communication that has “created fear in supposedly our new home of hope,” the letter said.

James Angelo Okot, 27, was gunned down early Sunday in the parking lot of Mercy Hospital. Police were searching for two assailants.

Read on, he was not the first to die.

To learn about the Islamization of Sudan and the reason why many Christian Sudanese came to to the US  go here.

Greeley Tribune in the tank for the Somalis!

Update September 11th:   Over 100 workers fired!

Update September 10th:   Talks break down.

Update:   Here is today’s editorial at the Tribune, they just don’t get it.

Thanks to Patrick at VDARE here is part of the explanation about why the Tribune newspaper in Greeley, CO may be covering up the violence by Somalis at the Swift plant on Friday evening.   The paper editorialized just a few months ago about how great the Somali refugees are for Greeley.    What is that expression people use on the internet about rolling on the floor laughing—well that is me at the moment.

The Somalis, like refugees from varied backgrounds before them, have come to Greeley for the opportunities it offers. Their presence, however, is not just about opportunities for them, it is also an opportunity for all of us. It is an opportunity to grow and expand our world. The essential strength of America is the country’s ability to embrace the best of many cultures.

While the customs that come from half a world away can seem scary, they will — like the customs of the Russian-Germans a century ago — enrich our lives. The Somali, and other East African, refugees that represent Greeley’s first distinct immigration wave of the 21st century are fully documented, legal workers. They deserve all the opportunities they get.

And then this:

We are glad — and honored — that Greeley can give people who have survived so much an excellent place to live.

Read it all here and join me on the floor.

A few minutes later:  I’m not laughing anymore as I contemplate how awful it is that our government (US State Department) joined forces with these giant meat packers to import African Muslim cheap labor.  Then aided and abetted by dhimmi newspaper editors like the one at the Greeley Tribune, our communities will be changed forever.

Somalis protest against Swift today, newspapers cover-up violence

Update September 11th:   Over 100 workers fired!

Update September 10th:   Talks break down.

Update September 9th:  You must see this!

Blulitespecial just sent a couple of updates from Greeley today.   According to the Tribune, about 100 Somalis met at the park and planned to march to the Swift plant and protest “peacefully”, unlike Friday when there were reports that they rampaged in the plant when told they could not have their break when they wanted it.   For background see my posts yesterday here and here.

More than 100 Muslim workers planned to march a couple miles to a Greeley meatpacking plant Monday afternoon in protest of what they called JBS Swift & Co.’s sudden reversal of accommodation for their religious fasting.

The workers, mostly Somalis but also from several other East African nations, said they were told by Swift management on Friday not to report to work Monday until the matter of changed break times to accommodate their fasts was settled.

It is really outrageous, here is what the Tribune is saying happened on Friday night when others say there was destruction of property and injuries.  

On Friday, about 350 Muslim workers left work mid-shift — about 9:30 p.m. — when they were told they were not to break at 7:30 p.m. when their roughly 12 hours of daily fasting for Ramadan ended.

A reader at Jihad Watch who lives nearby and had a firsthand report of the incident says there was violence.   AND, a commenter at the Tribune reported the same thing late yesterday, but that comment seems now to have been removed.    Should have grabbed that comment when I first saw it.

So, if it was no big deal and they just walked off the line, then why were so many fired?   Who is the paper covering for?  Or, have they gone completely insane with political correctness in Greeley?   See Vanishing American on fear here.

Mohammed Osman, a Swift worker and one of the Somalis gathering in a downtown Greeley park Monday morning, said the company fired 10 to 15 Muslim employees on Friday. He said three female Muslim workers were also let go after they went into an employee locker room at about 7:30 p.m. Friday.

Wow! now walking into a locker room, that is a firing offense!   Something else happened here for that many to be fired.

See also that the Rocky Mountain News reported on the “peaceful” march today but not a word there either about violence on Friday.  Check out the photo.

So when will CAIR be on the scene?

The Love and Peace crowd scare Somalis at RNC rally

I must say that a post at a blog called “The Adventures of Johnny Northside” made me feel sorry for the Somalis.  These wacky Leftists obviously pressured this group of immigrants to march in protest of the Iraq war at the Republican National Convention last week.

If you have ever seen these nuts in person (not the Somalis) but the ‘moonbats’ you would know why these fundamentalist Muslims must have been freaked.  The blogger here thinks it’s about the police (maybe it is a little especially if not all the Somalis are legal), but the anti-war crowd is a conglomeration of really looney looking people.  I saw them twice in DC in the last couple of years when I was with the Gathering of Eagles.

The protesters cover their faces with masks (ghoulish ones with fangs and such), dress in garrish costumes, and if it’s warm enough are sometimes half naked.  They wear devil masks, and have horns and tails.  One guy had a pig’s corkscrew tail on his butt (wonder what the Muslims think about that since pigs rank right up there with dogs as dirty).  And they generally march to the beat of a 5 gallon plastic bucket on which they bang with a spoon. 

Anyway, here is Johnny’s description of the Somalis:

It seemed like several folks at the September 1 anti-war rally were looking for the Somali group, trying to find them, wondering where they were. The Somalis finally arrived, together, and it seemed like they made a point of staying together. Their faces had an uncertain, worried look, but…

…there they were. Funny how the sight of the Somalian flag doesn’t make certain folks all livid, unlike (oh, gee) the Mexican flag.

In the first moments after I saw the Somalis arrive, a guy walked up to this woman and casually gave her “know your rights” material, trying to speak loudly above the crowd noise, speaking MORE loudly because he thinks she will UNDERSTAND him better, and saying the material is, “In CASE you are DETAINED by the POLICE.”

“Detained? Police?” she asked, in a thick accent, face full of worry.

There is more here.   It apparently didn’t matter that the Somalis were uncomfortable, the moonbats needed them for the anti-war march—afterall they are Muslim status symbols for the the peace and love crowd.  Real sensitive aren’t they?

Another brilliant post by Vanishing American: conservatives must be brave now

Last week, I posted here on an article by Vanishing American, and today you must read his post entitled “Nothing to fear…..”    It begins with a discussion about a comment thread at Gates of Vienna, where even ‘our folks’ couch their words in obvious fear (of what? of whom?).    

This is just a small portion near the end:

We have to find ways to get across to our fellow ‘conservatives’ who are still somewhat under the PC spell that this is no time to worry about little niceties like whether we hurt somebody’s feelings — especially when those somebodies have not the least regard for our feelings — or whether we look like ‘bigots’ to someone else, or whether someone calls us a name.

It’s painfully obvious that these ‘conservatives’ absolutely don’t see the direness of our situation; they seem to think that in being polite and fair and considerate and ‘tolerant’, we will somehow deflect what is coming our way. They just don’t see, can’t see, or just plain refuse to see that our house is on fire, and this is not the time to worry about being genteel and inoffensive. It’s not the time to show our magnanimity and our good nature by deferring to the enemies in our midst. Worrying about political incorrectness on our side is absurd at this late hour.

As I argued in a couple of posts before, there is a time for anger and yes, even a time for hate. That last phrase is in the Book of Ecclesiastes. And yet so many people today want to be holier than God himself and disclaim hate or even righteous anger. And what we are talking about does not even fall under the true definition of ‘hate’, a word which by the way has been overused and abused by the left. What is being called ‘hate’ all too often is merely a speaking of unflattering truths, or in some cases, an expression of righteous wrath at the wrongs being inflicted on us. It is an expression of outrage at the injustices which are multiplying every day. It’s a cry of protest against the invasion of our country, the criminalization of free speech, the loss of our rights, and the loss of our homes. Are we to be silenced even in the face of those things?


To the politically correct among us, what are you afraid of? Us? Yourselves? The Other?
As for me, I’m only afraid that we will go gently and politically correctly into that good night.
I don’t welcome the dying of the light, and as long as there is breath in me, I will rage against it.

Could this be why we are so inspired by Sarah Palin—her fearlessness, her unabashed disregard for political correctness.   Maybe God has granted us a ‘Joan of Arc’ of sorts, a leader we can stand with as she (with our help) rages against the dark.

Read the whole post at Vanishing American.  I wish I could write like that!