We’ve been suggesting for months (here) that this day would come when the US State Department would start making noises about bringing Syrian refugees to your towns and cities.
But, as recently as a month or so ago a top State Department official told a gathering in Fort Wayne, Indiana that a population (he was answering a question on Syrians) had to have been “refugees” for five years before being considered for refugee status. It sounded bogus to me! Guess it was!
Below is the disastrous news at the Los Angeles Times. (Hat tip: Jim). Just as the Senate is considering making it easier and more lucrative for government contractors to bring in larger numbers (more easily) of refugees and political asylees through S.744, we will be inundated with Syrians. So, when you call your US Senators today about voting NO on the “comprehensive immigration reform” tell them NO Syrians either! And, if you are thinking there might be some Christians in the bunch, I assure you we won’t single those out for resettlement!
Once they open the spigot, they open it wide!
Just for your information we have already brought 12,396 Iraqis to America in the first 8 months of FY2013! Most of them are on food stamps, other public assistance and not working!
Los Angeles Times story recognizes the pitfalls, perpetuates some myths:
WASHINGTON — Two years into a civil war that shows no signs of ending, the Obama administration is considering resettling refugees who have fled Syria, part of an international effort that could bring thousands of Syrians to American cities and towns.
A resettlement plan under discussion in Washington and other capitals is aimed at relieving pressure on Middle Eastern countries straining to support 1.6 million refugees, as well as assisting hard-hit Syrian families.
The State Department is “ready to consider the idea,” an official from the department said, if the administration receives a formal request from the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees, which is the usual procedure.
The United States usually accepts about half the refugees that the U.N. agency proposes for resettlement. California has historically taken the largest share, but Illinois, Florida, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia are also popular destinations. [See which states are the top resettlement states in the US and will be asked to “welcome” Syrian Muslims—ed]
U.N. refugee officials, diplomats and nongovernmental relief groups plan to discuss possible resettlement schemes at a high-level meeting this week in Geneva. Germany already has committed to taking 5,000 people.
Remember as you read this that Lavinia Limon worked for Bill Clinton and brought the Bosnian Muslims here and then the early Iraqis. USCRI is a federal RESETTLEMENT CONTRACTOR, not a “service group.”
“It was probably inevitable that in this crisis, with these overwhelming numbers, governments would start moving in this direction,” said Lavinia Limon, chief executive officer of the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, a Virginia-based advocacy and service group. “But there will be resistance.”
The Obama administration supports rebels trying to oust Syrian President Bashar Assad, but is wary of deeper involvement in Syria.
The issue is politically sensitive on several levels.
Congress strongly resisted accepting Iraqi refugees, including interpreters who had worked with U.S. forces, after the 2003 U.S.-led invasion. Most lawmakers share White House caution about getting more engaged in Syria and may have little appetite for a major influx.
The duo of Samantha Power and Susan Rice being involved is further evidence this will be a disaster for your town or city.
But Susan Rice, President Obama’s new national security advisor, and Samantha Power, Obama’s nominee for U.S. ambassador to the U.N., both have been strong advocates for refugees. They may make the White House more receptive to at least a partial opening.
Much will depend on who (if anyone!) raises the security issues. Honestly the only really possible opposition leader on this will be Senator Rand Paul who ‘gets it’ about the security risks after the discovery of Iraqi refugee terrorists found to be living in his home town of Bowling Green, KY!
Homeland security officials require careful vetting of refugees, with multiple interviews and background checks before they are allowed to enter the country. Under normal circumstances, the screening process can take a year or longer.
U.S. officials are likely to be extra careful with Syrian refugees. As Islamic militants take a more prominent role in the rebel forces, officials worry about fighters with Al Qaeda ties trying to enter the country. Two resettled Iraqis were convicted of trying to send arms to Al Qaeda from their home in Bowling Green, Ky.
The article goes on to report that Middle Eastern officials say the resettlement won’t be worth it if we and other Western countries don’t take tens of thousands!
Then we have some, pardon the expression, Bull S*** from the State Department:
Western officials try to discourage poor foreigners who are seeking a more comfortable life or business opportunities in the West. They say resettlement is only for those who can’t go home, and seek to dispel notions that an easy life awaits.
According to a State Department publication aimed at refugees, “Cars are not provided…. Most Americans value self-reliance and hard work. They expect newcomers to find jobs as soon as possible and to take care of themselves and their families.” [67% of Iraqis are not working and 95% are on food stamps. And, as for this business about cars, we don’t provide cars but YOU pay into a matching savings account that every refugee is allowed to set up and purchasing a car is one of the programs goals.—ed]
Another sensitive issue is who qualifies for resettlement. Western countries often prefer intact, well-educated families with familiar religious backgrounds. [Gee, that’s news!—ed]
But experts say 80% of the Syrian refugees are women and children, many with war-related injuries or psychological problems that could hamper finding work or going to school. [These will be very costly refugees who will be bringing the men as soon as they can!—ed]
Please spread the word on this and tell your friends and family members to call their US Senators and say NO to S.744 and NO to importing Syrians!
Please send this to your facebook and twitter friends!
Update June 11: UN wants Germany to take 10,000, here. Next we will hear that the UN wants the US to take 50,000 when we have just committed to take 50,000 Congolese.