All of the Democrats agreed with the special interests looking for cheap labor and 14 Republicans joined them. Why? They were bought, plain and simple. See vote on final passage here.
Thirty two Republicans realized that legalizing 11 million aliens spells the end for America as we know it—not to mention the end of the Republican Party (if you care!).
The 14 Republicans who should now be targeted for removal from office when they run again are: Alexander (TN), Ayotte (NH), Chiesa (NJ), Collins (ME), Corker (TN), Flake (AZ), Graham (SC), Hatch (UT), Heller (NV), Hoeven (ND), Kirk (IL), McCain (AZ), Murkowski (AK), and of course Rubio (FL). And, from now on give them hell when they are home in their states! (See RedState on the stories they told, here)
***Update! *** See Gateway Pundit for ‘Dump the Amnesty 14 in 2014’, here.
Senator Jeff Sessions names names! 
Be sure to watch Sessions floor speech by clicking here, in which the great defender of the rule of law and our American history and culture describes who the “masters of the universe” and the “powerful special interests” are behind this monstrosity. S.744 is not a bill to be kind to immigrants, it’s a bill to benefit powerful forces mostly seeking cheap and readily available labor, or political advancement for their corporatist government agenda. LaRaza is in it for the Leftwing voters.
Sessions names the following as those special interests meeting behind closed doors and pulling the strings of the Gang of Eight:
Richard Trumpka, AFL-CIO
Tom Donohue, Chamber of Commerce
Hi-tech Billionaires
Immigration Lawyers Association, and get this!
He named meat packers! (at just about 3 minutes). Further confirmation of my theory! For regular readers of RRW you will understand the significance of this. We have maintained all along that some in the US State Department and others in the refugee industry are really out scouting for captive refugee labor to supply the meat packing industry (and other industries) all the while justifying what they do with pontification about their humanitarian mission.
Here is Sessions press statement today—-This bill should never become law:
WASHINGTON—U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), a senior member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, issued the following statement after the Senate passage of the immigration bill:
“Sponsors of this legislation—despite the array of financial, establishment and special interest support—failed to hit their target of 70 votes. The more people learned about the bill the more uneasy they became. Failure to reach 70 votes is significant, and ensures the House has plenty of space to chart an opposite course and reject this fatally flawed proposal.
So while the bill passed the Senate, this is just the beginning.
The legislation adopted today guarantees three things: immediate amnesty before security, permanent future illegal immigration, and a record surge in legal immigration that will reduce wages and increase unemployment.
There will be no border fence, no border surge, nothing but the same tired illusory promises of future enforcement that will never occur. Americans have begged and pleaded time and again for Congress to end the lawlessness. But this amnesty-first bill is a surrender to lawlessness. As ICE and USCIS officers have warned, it will decimate immigration enforcement and erode the constitutional rule of law upon which our national greatness depends. And it remains unfair to the legal immigrants who put enormous time and expense into following the rules our nation has established.
This legislation demonstrates that the governing body in Washington has become severed from the people it is supposed to represent. It is a broken promise 1,200 pages long.
The Senate’s loyalty must be to the American people—immigrant and native-born alike—who work hard, pay their taxes, fight our wars, and obey our laws. 21 million Americans cannot find full-time work. Medium household income is almost ten percent lower today than it was in 1999. But this proposal would double the number of guest workers for businesses and provide permanent legal status to more than 30 million mostly-lower skill legal immigrants in the next ten years. This huge increase in the legal immigration flow will reduce wages and raise unemployment, and displace those who have suffered the most economically. As wise observers have said, we are a nation with an economy—not an economy with a nation.
We can create a lawful immigration system that makes us proud. But for that to happen, this bill must never become law. We must return to the drawing board and produce legislation that serves the just and legitimate interests of the nation, its people, and all who wish to call America home.”
Let’s draft Jeff Sessions for President!