Bowling Green, KY a growing Muslim community, the result of refugee resettlement

Someone needs to tell Senator Rand Paul what is happening in his home town.

A mosque in Bowling Green. Saudi money?

Here is a gushy, politically correct, story (entitled: Growing Diversity) on the huge Muslim population in Bowling Green, but not one word about those Iraqi refugee terrorists convicted there last year.

From the Bowling Green Daily News (hat tip: Robin).    By the way, the Bosnian migration was a Bill Clinton project.  He wanted to help his meatpacking friends get some cheap refugee laborers.  I’m guessing he sold out America in exchange for some campaign cash from meatpacking giants.

But, you can bet that Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) was perfectly fine with it, or Kentucky wouldn’t be as high as it is on the list of states “welcoming” refugees.  The Bush State Department contributed also to the demographic change we see today.

Daily News:

When Sulejman Hasanovic moved to Bowling Green 15 years ago from Bosnia, he recalls the few Muslims who lived in the community at the time meeting in homes to worship.

Now, Bowling Green has two mosques and an estimated 7,000 Muslims, who make up about 10 percent of the city’s population. They have emigrated from as many as 23 countries, including Burma, Iraq and Russia.

Even with such a presence, Hasanovic still meets people who aren’t aware of Bowling Green’s Muslim population.

“It’s a big shock for them. They’re like, ‘Oh, you’re here,’ ” he said. “But after 15 years, I think people are getting used to us here.”

Thank USCRI!  That is the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants one of the primary resettlement contractors working in Bowling Green.  And, coincidentally that contractor is run by the woman, Lavinia Limon, who was Bill Clinton’s director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement during the initial Bosnian importation.  Back to the story:

A growing Muslim population

As they have in Bowling Green, Muslims have become part of the national fabric, with about 2.5 million living in the U.S., said Lawrence Snyder, associate religious studies professor at WKU. Bowling Green has one of the highest percentages of Muslims in the state, and it’s rare for a city of its size to have two mosques.

“For the most part, they have been welcomed without much backlash,” Snyder said. “I think that says a lot about the nature of our community.”

The large growth of Bowling Green’s Muslim community occurred in a relatively short amount of time because the city is seen as a good place for refugees to resettle and a lot of those refugees happen to be Muslim, Snyder said.

“In some ways it’s just kind of a quirk of history,” he said.

What the heck—a quirk of history! 

Snyder wants you to believe these Muslim refugees “found their way” to Bowling Green ’cause from a continent away they heard Bowling Green was lovely.  Bowling Green was targeted by the US State Department and its resettlement contractors.  The US State Department planned this demographic change! Maybe someday we will know why!

The rise of Muslim immigrants is not limited to Bowling Green, but is a trend across the nation as well.

Compared to 20 years ago, a smaller percentage of new U.S. green card recipients are coming from Europe and the Americas and a growing number are coming from Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East and North Africa, according to a report from the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life.

In 2012, Muslims made up about 10 percent of new legal immigrants to the U.S., compared to 5 percent in 1992, according to the report.    [This is the study we told you about here.—ed]

To learn more about what “diversity” has brought to Bowling Green, we have an entire lengthy archive on this Kentucky city.  I think we first became aware of problems in Bowling Green in April 2008 when a Bosnian teen would-be robber was shot and killed by a homeowner.  The homeowner was exonerated.

The photo is from this blog which has photos from other mosques in Kentucky as well.

I’m AnnC@refugeewatcher on twitter. Please tweet this and also follow me!

Eric Hoffer explained Palestinian refugees — in 1968

The wise Eric Hoffer — the longshoreman who became a philosopher — said this in 1968, and it’s true today.  As quoted by Fred Gottheil on American Thinker:

The Jews are a peculiar people. Things permitted to other people are forbidden to the Jews. Other nations drive out thousands, even millions, of people and there is no refugee problem. Russia did it; Poland and Czechoslovakia did it; Turkey drove out a million Greeks, and Algeria a million Frenchmen; Indonesia threw out heaven knows how many Chinese — and no one says a word about refugees. But in the case of Israel, the displaced Arabs have become eternal refugees. Everyone insists that Israel must take back every single Arab. …  Everyone expects the Jews to be the only real Christians in this world.

The only update would be all the instances of nations driving out people since then.  And we can add that some people would like the United States to take all those other refugees in. Israel still has to take the Palestinians, and all their descendants.

Militant Islamists riot in Bangladesh, including militant Rohingya

Rioting in Dhaka yesterday. Which one of these Islamists do you want in your town?
Photo: Dhaka Tribune

Watch for it, Muslim hardliners are trying to overturn the Muslim government of Bangladesh as riots broke out in Dhaka in recent days.

Here is the story from the Dhaka Tribune:

 Fearing militant attacks, law enforcers  have kept close and constant surveillance on at least 40 Islamist groups in the country.

According to the intelligence department, supporters of those Islamist outfits are plotting to launch militant attacks by whipping up the masses through anti-government propaganda.

The members of law enforcing agencies were asked to remain vigilant and report anything suspicious by those Islamist organisations.

The 40 Islamist groups under intelligence watch are: International Khatme Nabuat Movement, Arakan Rohingya Force, Islamic Solidarity Font, Arakan People’s Army, Liberation Myanmar Force, Arakan Mujahid Party, Rohingya Independence Force, Rohingya Independence Army, Rohingya Patriotic Front Al-Harat-Al Islamia, Tauhidi Janata, World Islami Front, Jumaatul Al Sadat, Sahadat-e-Nabuat, Allahar Dal, Islamic Front, Jamaat As Sadat, Al-Khidmat, Hizbullah Islami Samaj, Muslim Millat, Sharia Council, Ahle Hadis Andolan Bangladesh, Dawati Kafela, Hizbul Mahdi, Bangladesh Anti-terrorist Party, Al Islam Martians Brigade, Jommiat Ahle Hadis Andolon, Jommiatul Ehzia Utraz, Hayatur Ilaha, Sattabad, Anjumane Talamize Islamia, Kalemar Jamaat, Tazir Bangladesh, Forkan Movement, Sahaba Parishad, Ketal Bahini, Eshar Bahini, Al Fahad, Horkatul Mujahidin, Mujahidin-e-Tazim, Jadid Al-Kayda, Al Markajul Al Islami and Jamatul Falaiya.

Intelligence sources said the parties are mainly active in the Baitul Mukarram Mosque area and Chittagong district.

The Chittagong district is where tens of thousands of Rohingya are living.

Why do we care?

We care because the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (the largest of the top nine federal refugee contractors) testified that they want to resettle Rohingya from Bangladesh to your towns!

Here is what Anastasia Brown told the US State Department on May 15th, in her testimony for the USCCB:

we strongly believe that the Rohingya in Bangladesh should receive a Priority Two designation from the U.S. government, allowing them to be resettled as members of a persecuted group.  [Meaning that someone need only say, I am Rohingya so therefore I am persecuted.—ed]

This is our 147th post in our Rohingya Reports category.  We have followed the “humanitarian” agitators public relations campaign to bring more Rohingya to the West ever since we began RRW in 2007.

The numbers! Wyoming took zero, California “welcomed” 48,813 refugees since 2007

Where does your state rank?

The list below represents the number of refugees resettled in your state from fiscal year 2007-2013.  The stats are maintained by the US State Department at their Refugee Processing Center in Virginia.  Here is the website, but its difficult sometimes to find the statistics easily.  The list below was discovered by one of our many friends from Tennessee.

This is what the Refugee Processing Center says of its job (you’ve heard me mention WRAPS before):

The Refugee Processing Center (RPC) is operated by the U.S Department of State (DOS) Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) in the Rosslyn section of Arlington, Virginia USA.

At the RPC and at Resettlement Service Centers (RSCs), an interactive computer system called the Worldwide Refugee Admissions Processing System (WRAPS) is used to process and track the movement of refugees from various countries around the world to the U.S. for resettlement under the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP).

By the way, they keep statistics on the refugees’ religious affiliations, they just don’t make those public.

I think you will find this list as interesting as I do!

From 2007-2013 your state got this many refugees:

Wyoming    0
Montana    11
Puerto Rico    25
Hawaii    39
Delaware    49
Mississippi    51
West Virginia    81
Arkansas    83
District of Columbia    199
Alaska    522
South Carolina    812
Alabama    934
Rhode Island    1,057
New Mexico    1,112
Maine    1,294
Louisiana    1,563
Vermont    1,961
Kansas    2,007
North Dakota    2,620
Connecticut    2,817
New Hampshire    2,864
Nevada    2,945
South Dakota    2,986
Iowa    3,289
New Jersey    4,073
Wisconsin    4,095
Nebraska    4,593
Oregon    4,901
Idaho    5,924
Maryland    6,451
Utah    6,559
Tennessee    7,993
Indiana    8,536
Virginia    9,091
Kentucky    9,260
Massachusetts    9,386
Colorado    9,654
Ohio    11,508
Minnesota    12,112
North Carolina    13,977
Pennsylvania    14,365
Illinois    14,520
Oklahoma    14,901
Washington    15,300
Georgia    16,692
Arizona    18,415
Michigan    19,442
Florida    21,458
New York    24,139
Texas    40,257
California    48,813
Total:     399,179

Pamela Geller, others to rally for free speech in Tennessee Tuesday!

Free speech is our Constitutional right and the one great defense we have to prevent us from falling into the demographic and cultural death spiral we are witnessing now in the UK and Sweden.

A few days ago I posted the news from Tennessee that a US Attorney and a special agent from the FBI were going to try to intimidate Americans into silence by suggesting that criticism of Islam was somehow against the law in the US.

My post is here, please read it if you haven’t already.  There is a correction.  Since the original story was published in the Tullahoma News, I hadn’t noticed that Tuesday’s meeting, organized by the American Muslim Advisory Council of Tennessee, was being held in Manchester, TN.

Now comes word that Pamela Geller (Atlas Shrugs), well known for her successful battle against the Ground Zero Mosque and her anti-Jihad public transit ads, and others concerned about the spread of Sharia law plan to descend on Manchester for a rally in defense of free speech.

Geller (Geller’s words, emphasis mine):

You must stand up. Now. No one is going to do this for you. Only YOU can save you.

I strongly urge every Atlas reader, twiter and Facebook friend that can be in Tennessee to join us in a major demonstration for free speech on June 4th at 5:30pm  Manchester-Coffee County Conference Center, 147 Hospitality Blvd, in Manchester, Tennessee to be there.  Change your plans, get off from work – g. Tweet it, Facebook share, get the word out.

AFDI, SIOA, and other major organizations will be rallying for free speech. On June 4th, an event titled “Public Disclosure in a Diverse Society” will be held from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM at the Manchester-Coffee County Conference Center, 147 Hospitality Blvd, in Manchester, Tennessee.

Speakers for the event are Bill Killian, U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Tennessee and the FBI special agent that runs the Knoxville office.

Plan on attending the meeting in Manchester.Don’t think that they is just going away. They have declared war on very freedoms. While we still have freedom of speech – we must use it. Bring FREE SPEECH signs. Peaceful resistance.

Note to the Justice Department — we will fight you on this every step of the way. We will drag your dhimmi asses all the way to the Supreme Court. This is sharia enforcement, and we are not going to stand for it.

As I have mentioned on many previous occasions, Tennessee is being targeted for Muslim refugee resettlement.  I think they would like nothing better than to get a symbolic foothold in the buckle of the Bible Belt.  But, Tennesseans are fighting back.  And, so is Geller!

Please tweet this news and get it to your facebook friends!