Why do American Leftwing Jews hate Israel so much?

Update August 11th:  A Washington Post reader asks Hetfield and Schwartz, why the Israel bashing?

Honestly, I don’t get it.  Why would the likes of Mark Hetfield (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) and Eric P. Schwartz (formerly the Asst. Sec. of State for Population, Refugees and Migration for Obama) want Israel to become overloaded with African migrants?  Anyone in their right mind can see that a small country (no matter how prosperous) overwhelmed by needy people will eventually fall.

Why do they want Israel to die?

Eric P. Schwartz, a George Soros groupie

Those Israelis working and paying taxes will not be able to sustain the social services needed by large numbers of poor and uneducated migrants as the numbers grow and they begin to vote.  The destabilization of government (this is the Cloward-Piven strategy) will happen in Europe (is happening!) and in the US too, just over a longer time frame.

Here Hetfield and Schwartz pen a joint scolding of Israel in the Washington Post. (Israel Turns its back on African refugees) The Op-ed is a week old (I don’t see where it got much attention).  You might first want to visit our category on ‘Israel and refugees’ to get an idea of the huge problems and public tension being created by the African illegal aliens there.

There is a lot of boiler-plate guilt-tripping in the piece (kind of like the ‘nation of immigrants’ propaganda we get in the US), so you can go read most of it yourself.

Hetfield and Schwartz:

The Israeli government sent 14 Eritreans back to their country of origin last month after they formally abandoned their requests to remain in Israel. Many more such returns are expected. Israel is seeking to address its refugee challenges by promoting the fiction that it hosts few, if any, Africans fleeing persecution, only “infiltrators” and “illegal work migrants.” The action is a troubling departure from Israel’s proud tradition of refugee protection.

Mark Hetfield: HIAS

Gee, maybe this is about whacking the Netanyahu government?  Hetfield and Schwartz surely don’t like the fence!  The two continue:

With the Netanyahu government’s recent construction of a 144-mile Sinai border fence between Israel and Egypt, the flow of asylum seekers has been reduced to a trickle. But Israel must still deal with the 55,000 asylum seekers within its borders, and the government’s statements, record and plans are troubling. Eli Yishai, who served as interior minister until this year, recklessly stoked anti-immigrant sentiment and xenophobia by repeatedly referring to asylum seekers as “infiltrators” and urging large-scale detention of migrants. In May 2012, he declared that south Tel Aviv, where many migrants reside, “has turned into the garbage can of the country.”

Read it all (if you feel like it).

Taking the sugar off the table!

As for the detention business, recently a commenter to one of RRW’s other posts said a country must “get the sugar off the table” in order to stem the illegal migrant tide and that is exactly what detention could do.

The WaPo gives us this bio for Hetfield and Schwartz:

Eric Schwartz was assistant secretary of state for population, refugees and migration from 2009 to 2011. He is dean of the Humphrey School of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota and a board member of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS). Mark Hetfield is president of HIAS.

We have written a lot on Schwartz (another Soros protege’) over the years, click here.  And, Hetfield (President of one of the top nine federal refugee contractors) has become increasingly visible and vocal especially as he has taken a leading role in backing the Gang of Eight amnesty legislation (before and after some donors questioned whether HIAS should be involved in pushing amnesty).

Al-Shabaab terrorist recruitment video released in US

But, you likely won’t get to see it because according to this report it’s been pulled down already.

The film (we first heard about here on Thursday), described as professional and well-made, features three of the “youths” (for the first time I see one was not a Somali refugee) we chronicled ad nauseam starting back in 2008 beginning here who thumbed their noses at the good life given to them by the US taxpayer and refugee resettlement contractors and went back to Somalia for Jihad training.

Abdi Bihi: Not enough “programs” or jobs for Somali youths to keep them in Minnesota!

Thanks to reader Cliff, here is the story at Fox News 9:


A new recruiting video from the terror group al-Shabaab posted to YouTube and called “The Path to Paradise” focuses on the journey of three men who left Minnesota to die in Somalia.

The video, which demonstrated high production values, has since been taken down; however, FOX 9 News obtained a copy of the never-before-seen footage of three young men who left Minneapolis six years ago to join training camps in Somalia.

All three of the men profiled in the video — including the only non-Somali to be recruited — are now dead, killed either in combat or in suicide attacks.


The nearly 40-minute video features Dahir Gure, Mohammed Hassan and Troy Kastigar, all of whom left for Somalia in 2007 and 2008. The video chronicles the path of the three “from the Twin Cities to the Land of 2 Migrations,” and each of them spoke directly to those who are still in Minnesota.

“I would like to speak to my brothers in western countries,” Gure said.

The story discusses how the newly-minted Jihadists went back home to Africa supposedly to fight the ‘invading’ Ethiopians (that was their story and one some US Senators bought, here, in 2009), but it was (and is) a war against the infidel culture of the West especially America.

Although over the years we give Abdi Bihi credit for sounding the alarm and fighting the radicalization of the refugee “kids,”  this is not about how much stuff Americans give refugees, it is the prevalence of radical teaching in local mosques and the lack of parenting in the Somali community (indeed the parents probably are encouraging attendance in radical mosques).

Here Bihi sounds like he has been talking to too many ‘progressive’ activists there in Minnesota:

“It is targeting, for the first time, specifically our young men and women,” said Abdi Bihi, who works with Somali youth and whose own nephew, Burhan Hassan, went to Somalia and died.

Bihi said the video indicates al-Shabaab needs new soldiers and is hoping to find them in the large population living in the Twin Cities, where unemployment is high and there are few programs to help young Somali men and women.

By the way, most of the Somali youths who gave up life in America to fight for Allah were well-educated (thanks to the US taxpayer) and had bright futures ahead of them.   A shiny new community center with more basketball courts was not going to hold them in Minneapolis (one proposal years ago).  Material ‘stuff’ and the good life does not trump Allah’s message to kill the infidels!

For new readers, we have probably a hundred posts on the ‘Somali youths’ who left America or Canada or Europe to learn to be Jihadists.  If you type those words (Somali youths) into our search function this is the extensive archive you get.

Why so many Somalis in Minneapolis?  This post is almost daily one of our ‘top posts.’

Pennsylvania: Somali baby feared murdered by man allegedly on terror watch list

Diversity is beautiful alert!

‘Paki’ arrested in the disappearance of Somali baby in bucolic Pennsylvania where the likes of Church World Service is changing America.

Here is another Somali in Pennsylvania story (see Erie earlier today) this time one with an apparently sad ending.   A Pakistani man is under arrest for kidnapping his Somali girl friend’s baby.  Authorities near York, PA are searching for the 7-month-old, but are not hopeful of finding him alive.

Here is how the article in the Philadelphia Inquirer begins, but please read the whole sorry tale.   (Hat tip: pungentpeppers)

A PAKISTANI NATIVE who a source said is on the FBI’s terrorist-watch list kidnapped his girlfriend’s baby from an Upper Darby home Sunday and may have killed the 7-month-old and buried his lifeless body along a rural roadside in York, police said.

Ummad Rushdi, 30, has been charged with kidnapping and related offenses after he was arrested early yesterday at his home in York. The baby, Hamza Ali, was last seen alive Saturday night and hasn’t been found, said Upper Darby Police Superintendent Michael Chitwood.

“Our hope is that the child is alive, but the reality of the investigation thus far . . . is that the baby is probably dead,” Chitwood said.

The baby’s mother, Zainab Gaal, 20, who was born in Somalia and raised in Yemen, began dating Rushdi just three or four weeks ago, police said. Gaal and her son were already living with Rushdi and his brother at their home in York, police said. Authorities didn’t immediately know when Gaal came to the United States, and did not know the whereabouts or identity of her child’s father.

For more information on the Somali woman, the police and reporters should check with the US State Department and the Refugee Resettlement contractors operating in Pennsylvania.  Off the top of my head, the major contractors in PA include Church World Service, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (yes, they resettle Muslims too), US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, and the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service.  One of them will surely know where to reach this woman’s baby’s father or her extended family.  Almost all Somalis in the US came in through Refugee Resettlement or the chain migration related to it.

****update**** We hear that the young mother is from Lewiston, Maine.  So, check with Catholic Charities (primary refugee contractor bringing Somalis to Maine) up there to see if they will help find her family.

Last week, the three adults and baby Hamza traveled to Upper Darby to stay with Rushdi’s parents at their well-kept stone rowhouse on Chestnut Street near Powell Lane, police said.

Several days before the kidnapping, Rushdi allegedly hurt the baby’s shoulder, Chitwood said. Gaal wanted to take Hamza to the hospital because she feared his shoulder may have been broken, but Rushdi and his parents wanted to “self-medicate” the boy, Chitwood said.

On Sunday morning, Gaal and Rushdi’s family awoke to find Rushdi and Hamza missing, police said. Rushdi’s brother began to relay calls between Rushdi and Gaal, saying that the baby was fine and that Rushdi would return him to Upper Darby, Chitwood said.

Read on for the rest of what the police think may have happened…..

For new readers, Pennsylvania is the 11th state in the list of states receiving the largest number of refugees with 14,365 having been sent there by the US State Department between 2007 and 2013.   See where your state ranks by clicking here.

Erie, PA: Neighbors clean up yard for Somali refugee

Somali immigrant Faduma Abdulkadir Salah, 26, talks with neighbor George Buntz, Jr. Salah said she’s lived there for two years.

Americans are so nice. 

But, here is what I want to know:  This 26-year-old woman with an 11-month-old child has lived in the rental property for two years—WHERE IS HER HUSBAND?   And, when you watch the film, who is that old unsmiling goat in the background?  Isn’t it standard procedure that when one rents a house, one takes care of the yard?

It’s all the landlord’s fault!

The story is here at the Erie Times-News.

We’ve written about problems in “preferred community” Erie, PA before.  Back in 2008 there was some question about mismanagement of funds at the primary resettlement contractor there.  Here is another post on the strange doings at the International Institute office in Erie.

Erie was (and probably still is) one of the top ten small cities in the US with refugee overload problems, here.

Tensions flare in Germany over housing for asylum-seekers

Your average middleclass German (country class!) is rising up to oppose plans by the government elite (ruling class!) to put asylum-seekers (from mostly Muslim countries) in their neighborhoods.  I wonder why?—here, perhaps, is one reason we posted earlier this week.

Berlin here we come! Fall 2012 pro-immigrant march. Note the red flag with the clenched fist—it’s not a sign of peace.

From AP at ABC News:

Daniel Krawczyk is convinced bad things will happen to his Berlin neighborhood once the refugees move in: “They’ll break into our basements,” he says, “steal our kids’ cell phones, bring crime and violence and take away our jobs.”

The 29-year-old janitor in the eastern outskirts of Berlin is among many locals up in arms over the city’s plans to turn an empty high school into a center for up to 400 asylum seekers, part of growing opposition to refugee shelters across the country.

The boat-is-full mentality in Germany is finding an echo in the government: “Even an economically strong country like Germany is considerably challenged” by the influx, Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich said recently, in an apparent attempt to reflect voter fears two months ahead of general elections. Meanwhile the far-right is exploiting anti-refugee fears, seeking new supporters as its members participate in rallies against new asylum shelters.


About 43,000 people applied for asylum in Germany in the first six months of 2013, almost double the roughly 23,000 for the same period in 2012. While the numbers are a far cry from the hundreds of thousands who flowed into Germany at the height of the 1990s Yugoslavia wars, German cities still find themselves struggling to cope with the influx of recent refugees, mainly from Syria, Chechnya and Afghanistan [likely all Muslims!—ed]. Germany is the top destination for refugees to the European Union, followed by Sweden, France and Britain, all of which also received thousands of asylum applications during the last few months.

Backlash by the middle class was swift!

….. Berlin authorities were caught off guard by the hostile backlash in Hellersdorf — a neighborhood that is almost entirely German — and by the speed with which the far-right, anti-immigrant National Democratic Party moved to exploit that anger.

No sooner had the plan been announced than posters appeared proclaiming “Nein zum Heim” — “No to the Shelter.” Leaflets and a Facebook page warned that the neighborhood would be overrun with thieves, littered with garbage and that the playground would no longer be safe for German children.

To hell with what the residents think!

Despite the resistance, Berlin authorities insist they will push ahead with the center, although they have postponed moving asylum seekers into the building — and won’t say when the move will take place.

Read it all!

Why is it that most times the country class ‘gets-it’ intuitively?

Maybe the German government needs to look to Switzerland for a new plan (btw this was our top post yesterday and was read around the world!).

Check out our category on Europe with its 400-plus posts on problems there.

The Photo can be found here.