Islamic terror recruitment in Minneapolis not over yet?

I posted yesterday about a new book on Somalia whose author contends the following, according to a reviewer at the Star Tribune:

It turns out that one of the largest populations of Somalis outside their national borders is in the Twin Cities. Some of those residents are almost surely linked to violent organizations overseas and thus might constitute a terrorist threat, according to Fergusson.

Islamic terrorists using twitter to encourage refugees to find the “path to paradise!”

When I saw that I thought to myself:  I think it’s over, it’s been pretty quiet on the Islamic terror recruitment front.  I guess I was wrong because later in the day I came across this story about Al-Shabaab using twitter to recruit among the refugee population in Minnesota.

From CBS Minnesota:

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) – An international terror group is once again targeting young Somali men and women in the Twin Cities.

This time the group is using social media to get them to travel to Somalia to fight.

A propaganda arm of Al-Shabaab has been tweeting information about a video that will be released featuring the true stories of Minnesota Somalis who died fighting.

Two years ago, more than 20 men from Minneapolis left for Somali. According to community leader Abdirizak Bihi, the Somali community knew this new recruiting effort was coming.

They’ve seen this tactic before, Al-Shabaab praising the Minnesota teens who left to fight jihad, calling them martyrs, in order to get others to follow in their footsteps.

The “path to paradise” is how Al-Shabaab is trying to sell war to young people here in the Twin Cities.


The tweets glorify those who fight by saying, “True to the covenant some have sacrificed their blood for the sake of Allah and attained Martyrdom while others are still on the battlefield. They were like their peers deeply immersed into the Western society before Allah opened their eyes and instilled in them the spirit of Jihad.”

For new readers:  We have resettled more than 100,000 Somali refugees to cities large and small in the US over the last 25 years.  See one of the most widely read posts here at RRW.  Large numbers went to Minneapolis, and now they are spreading out throughout the state.  In three years since 9/11 ( Bush years 2004, 2005, 2006) the number of Somalis arriving topped 10,000 per year.  Those refugees then began bringing in the family (chain migration!) until 2008 when shock of shocks! the State Department discovered that as many as 30,000 Somalis had lied about their kinship and weren’t related at all.  The State Department then closed the “family reunification” program for Somalis.  It has recently been re-opened for new and legit family members, but they have no intention of finding and deporting the liars.

The first few years of our coverage of the Somali youths returning to Somalia for Jihad training is here (began in 2008).  Thank those Minnesota Lutherans (Catholics and Evangelicals too) for bringing us the joys of multiculturalism!

Here is the latest shocker!  Just when Somalia has a new government and is encouraging Somalis to return home, the US is on target to make 2013 rival those Bush years by bringing in thousands of Somali “refugees.”  So far this year, as of July 31st, the US State Department has brought to your towns and cities 6,185 !!! Somalis.  Check out all the numbers in FY 2013 by going here, then click on Refugee Admission Reports as of July 31.

The world’s most dangerous place is Somalia

That is the conclusion of author James Fergusson in a new book aptly titled ‘The World’s most dangerous place.’

Interesting to us is this review by Steve Weinberg at The Star Tribune in which Weinberg draws attention to Fergusson’s research in the United States, in Little Mogadishu/Minneapolis.    Emphasis below is mine.


When James Fergusson, a journalist based in Edinburgh, Scotland, decided to write a book about a chaotic African nation, he initially had no clue that his research would require a visit to Minneapolis.

It turns out that one of the largest populations of Somalis outside their national borders is in the Twin Cities. Some of those residents are almost surely linked to violent organizations overseas and thus might constitute a terrorist threat, according to Fergusson. He was drawn to Minneapolis in large part by the presence of Omer Abdi Mohamed, a resident who had pleaded guilty to a U.S. government charge of conspiring to recruit warriors for possible illegal activities within and outside North America.

Beyond Omer’s case, Fergusson wondered why the Twin Cities had become the destination of between 75,000 to 100,000 Somalis, especially given the frigid weather — frigid, at least, compared with the parched heat in the Horn of Africa.

Enter those Lutherans again!  Weinberg continues:

Here is part of the answer, in a fascinating paragraph written by Fergusson: Lutherans whose ancestors arrived from Scandinavia to settle Minnesota run social service agencies efficiently and generously. [With taxpayer money!—ed] “A number of voluntary Somali migrants, mostly professionals with ambitions to study or to set up businesses, had been drawn to the Twin Cities even before the [Somali] civil war by the abundance of jobs and social housing on offer, at a time when the local economy was conspicuously booming. Word soon spread of the good life in Minnesota, making the state the destination of choice when the main refugee exodus began in the early 1990s.” When Fergusson visited Minneapolis, he identified “the de facto parliament of the Somali community” as a Starbucks coffee shop just off Riverside Avenue.

While in the Twin Cities, Fergusson concluded that the large refugee population consists mostly of hardworking Somalis. But he demonstrates that the recruitment of suicide bombers has occurred in the Twin Cities, and that various gangs of Somali refugees have shattered the peace of the Twin Cities from time to time.

I do hope Fergusson went beyond the notion that Somalis ‘found their way to Minneapolis.’  We have extensively chronicled how Minneapolis and increasingly elsewhere in Minnesota has been targeted for refugee resettlement by the US State Department and resettlement contractors like the US Conference of Catholic Bishops/Catholic Charities and the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services/Lutheran Social Services which are PAID to resettle them in “welcoming” cities (not so welcoming cities too!).

Here is a 2011 post we wrote explaining in some detail how the contractors brought the Somalis to Minneapolis, most didn’t find their way there!  Perhaps now they do, but when there is no serious and sustained squawking by the community as it reaches overload, the contractors just keep pouring in the refugees.  This 2011 post is daily one of our most-read posts here at RRW.

Samantha Power arrives at the UN dressed like a teenager

On her first day at the United Nations, great friend of Valerie Jarrett and one of the chief architects (with Hillary and Susan Rice) of our Libya involvement, new UN envoy Samantha Power spoke to refugee kids dressed like a teeny-bopper going to the beach in a sleeveless, above the knee, tank-top dress (and it wasn’t very hot in NYC that day, so she didn’t have that excuse!).

Samantha Power talks to refugee kids affiliated with federal contractor International Rescue Committee in NYC Monday. Photo: Reuters Eric Thayer

LOL!  this is my outreach to the low information crowd!

I figured maybe she had changed clothes to talk to the youngsters, but no, if you check the news, this (see photo) is how she dressed to present her credentials to the august body.  Her attire is the equivalent of John Bolton arriving in shorts and a polo shirt!

Maybe I’m just too old fashioned and think women in power should be more professional looking.

And, we cannot assume she is sending a message to the Islamists in the UN about freedom for women with her choice of clothes! (Other than a message that she is not to be taken seriously).

From Reuters:

(Reuters) – U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power faced some tough questions during her first day on the job on Monday, but they did not come from other U.N. Security Council envoys – instead she was grilled by refugee students in New York City.

At the International Rescue Committee’s Refugee Youth Summer Academy in downtown Manhattan, students asked Power questions ranging from how did she meet President Barack Obama to would she send troops to Afghanistan and her thoughts on communism.

Wouldn’t you love to know her opinion on communism!  And, by the way, as a protege of George Soros she earlier sat on the Board of the International Rescue Committee that will soon see David Miliband take the reins.

She apparently gave some thought to what she would wear on her first day….

At the Refugee Youth Summer Academy – a six-week program that helps prepare newly arrived refugees aged 5 to 19 for the New York school system – Power likened her first day on the job to their first day at school.

“Like me you’ll probably think about what you’ll wear and will it go well and will people like me,” she said. “Every time you do something new it’s scary.”

On a serious note:  We have written extensively about Power’s career (click here for our complete archive).  She was tasked with reforming the Refugee Resettlement Program when she arrived at the White House in Obama’s first term.  Human rights lobbyists were thrilled to call her the ‘Iraqi refugee czar.’  She did throw some money to the resettlement contractors, but there wasn’t much reform that I could see.

She was quoted as saying she was sick of doing “rinkey-dink do-gooder stuff” in relation to Christian Iraqis, here.   And, I was very surprised to see her go into hiding when the Benghazi terror attack happened because she, Hillary and Rice were in on pushing Obama to get on the oust-Gaddafi bandwagon in the first place.   I even wrote a post suggesting the White House (Jarrett?) was keeping Power safe from criticism when the Benghazi fire storm erupted.

On August first, the Senate voted 87-10 to confirm Power as the new US Ambassador to the UN.  Here is the vote (hat tip: Robin).  The ten sensible and brave Republicans who voted NO! are:  Barrasso, Cruz, Enzi, Heller, Lee, Paul, Rubio, Scott, Shelby, and Vitter.

As Robin pointed out, a big disappointment is that Sessions voted Aye.  Power’s doctrine—the responsibility to protect—is, and will be, responsible for many more impoverished migrants arriving in the US, so what was Sessions thinking?

Greenfield at Frontpage reports on Muslim immigration numbers

Muslim immigration to America doubled in twenty years, but these are only the legal ones!

Daniel Greenfield has analyzed that Pew demographic study we told you about here in May and has brought us a few more facts to ponder.  Information like this is worth repeating.

Here is Greenfield—it’s about the babies!

The numbers still aren’t anywhere as bad as in Europe. We’re looking at 100,000 Muslims a year or 10 percent of the 1 million immigrants a year who enter the United States.


But it’s the birth rate that really counts more than just the number of immigrants. We aren’t just accepting immigrants, but their children and their children’s children. That’s how the Boston Marathon bombing happened.


….we’re importing as many as 2,500 Muslim babies a year into our demographic pool.

Read it all!  Then order your copy of ‘Modern Day Trojan Horse: Al-Hijra, the Islamic Doctrine of Immigration, Accepting Freedom or Imposing Islam?’

Civilizational change is a more significant threat to the survival of America and our Western values then Islamic terrorists blowing up some things along the way (in my opinion!).

Germany: Asylum-seeker beaten until unborn child is dead

A few minutes ago I posted a comment from tomasrose to my post on ‘unaccompanied minors.’   Tomasrose told us that a few years ago one of the ‘minors’ murdered a pregnant woman who had befriended him.    I went to search for that story and found this one from just a few days ago at Jihad Watch.

Barbarians (oops! asylum seekers) at the Brandenburg Gate in 2012 demanding to stay in Germany

Seems some of those lovely asylum-seeking Muslims murdered the unborn child as an Islamic ‘morality’ lesson.  And this is the new Germany!

Islam Versus Europe (re-posted at Jihad Watch):

“Germany: Muslims break in to home of couple and beat unborn child to death to enforce sharia,” by Nicolai Sennels for Islam Versus Europe, August 4:

Islamists from Chechnya have severely abused a couple in the central receiving point [for asylum seekers] in the Brandenburg, Germany. Their motivation: The couple, who are refugees from Caucasus, had behaved immorally.

Ten men forced their way into the couple’s bedroom. The attackers kicked the 23-year old Zulikhan in the stomach, who thus lost her unborn child. Her husband, who was seriously injured by numerous blows, was sent to the hospital for inpatient treatment.

The ‘punishment action’ for allegedly immoral behavior occurred last week, on Friday. The 38-year-old leader of the Islamists has enforced ‘traditional values​​’ of Islam on several occasions in the area, according to police interrogation records.

According to FOCUS information, the man apparently belongs to the radical separatist movement “Caucasus Emirate”. The two Boston bombers, the Tsarnaev brothers, were also part of this movement.

An investigator from the Federal Criminal Office told FOCUS: “The people come from the civil war, they’re so brutalised.”

Our complete archive on problems in Germany is here.