Reader Bruce sent us this great timeline prepared by the blog—The Last Refuge. Someone did a lot of work!
I would just like to add a 2004 “backgrounder” by Don Barnett published by the Center for Immigration Studies. We posted on Barnett’s report last month, here. The Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) in Health and Human Services and their contractors knew for some time that the rush on the border was coming.
The contractors are paid to either care for the children in contractor-run facilities or find them foster care (here is just one such attempt to find foster care).
Addendum: Just so I don’t lose this link, here are some more stats on the cost and other stats from ORR via News5.
You know they had to be doing it and doing it for months—moving the illegal border-crossers throughout America—in secrecy. AfterMurietta, CA and Lawrenceville, VA they aren’t about to be making announced visits to your town.
If your community finds out in advance about large groups to be housed by the federal government, then locals become motivated to protest. It didn’t take even one protest (just the threat of one) to turn the Dept. of Homeland Security and the Office of Refugee Resettlement (HHS) away from a proposed location in Westminster, MD last week. However, it’s the individual deliveries that are going to be hard to spot.
Bristol County Massachusetts Sheriff joining other Sheriffs on the border tomorrow! “We are all border Sheriffs now!”
These two stories making the news—secrecy in Nebraska and in Massachusetts—involve not buses arriving en masse, but chartered flights of illegal aliens where the illegal “children” are being distributed to families and “sponsors” throughout certain areas. I think you can be sure this is happening almost everywhere.
In a sign of the far-reaching impact of the U.S. immigration crisis and its political fallout, Nebraska’s governor says 200 children who entered the country illegally were sent to his state this week without warning and that federal officials are refusing to identify them or their locations.
Gov. Dave Heineman, a Republican, said federal officials also wouldn’t answer questions about public school attendance by the children and the potential costs to taxpayers.
“Governors and mayors have the right to know when the federal government is transporting a large group of individuals, in this case illegal immigrants, into your state,” Mr. Heineman told The Wall Street Journal in an interview on Saturday. “We need to know who they are, and so far, they are saying they’re not going to give us that information.”
By the way, the federalresettlement contractors*** have been busy “welcoming” the regular refugees to Nebraska for years.
For all you Marylanders there is a mention of Presidential wannabe, Gov. Martin O’Malley, supporting the “children.” No surprise!
….Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, a Democrat weighing a presidential bid in 2016. “We are not a country thatshould turn children away and send them back to certain death,” he said on Friday.
Illegal immigrants are being secretly flown to Massachusetts and kept in local lockups in an under-the-radar operation that has alarmed lawmen who are raising health and security concerns amid recent spikes in detainees coming up from Texas during the latest border crisis.
“We’re all becoming border sheriffs now with these people being carted all over the country,” said Bristol County Sheriff Thomas M. Hodgson.
“The blame goes all the way up. It’s a travesty and people ought to be upset,” Hodgson said. “This is un-American and has raised the stakes to the public health and public safety threat.”
Hodgson said buses from his facility were recently used to transport six planeloads of illegals sent up from San Antonio to Hanscom Field in Bedford en route to the Plymouth County
Correctional Facility.
The sheriff said he’s also heard of 100 immigrant children recently arriving in his county. But he couldn’t say if they are part of the deluge of 50,000 unaccompanied kids crossing the nation’s southern border.
Sheriffs to meet at the border tomorrow!
He said he’s heading to the Texas border Tuesday with other sheriffs from around the country to meet with ranchers and immigration officials to address the porous border crisis.
After weeks of denying an increase in flights to the Bay State, federal immigration officials finally admitted this weekend that four planes filled with detainees captured at the southern border have been flown to Hanscom and Logan International Airport since April as part of a “large-scale nationwide response” to the crisis.
Bug them all for information!
Some of your local elected officials are going to get word that the illegal aliens (aka refugees) are headed your way, so please keep talking with them, and keep asking your state refugee coordinatorsfor information (even if they are stone-walling you). They were supposed to have a conference call with the mothership (Office of Refugee Resettlement in HHS) late last week to plan for locations. Call the contractors too, they will know!
Click herefor all of our coverage of the invasion of ‘unaccompanied minors.’ As one of my commenters noted yesterday—who could have known that this “obscure program” (refugee resettlement) could end up being at the very heart of our great Nation’s loss of sovereignty and our security perhaps for all time.
Americans for Legal Immigration‘s national day of protest is this next Friday and Saturday (July 18 & 19) in dozens and dozens of locations. Hat tip: Bruce
This is what they say at their website:
More than 170 protests nationwide see below. If you want to add a protest near you, please email all of your details to with “new event” in the subject line.
Please join us at the times and places below to protest at state capitals, on overpasses, outside the offices of amnesty supporting lawmakers, and at locations where Obama is trying to bus and house illegal aliens as part of his new federal smuggling operation!
One suggestion for ALIPAC from someone who has followed LEGAL immigration programs that are destroying America, maybe it’s time for a name change! The Refguee Resettlement progam (used now for the invasion), Diversity Visa Lottery, and Temporary Protected Status are all LEGAL, but are helping to bring down America just the same.