RRW weekly roundup for the week ending January 23rd, 2015

This month we are on target to having the best daily visitor average ever!  However, since I am going away to speak about refugees at the end of the coming week and won’t be able to post for three days, we might not make it to the best month ever (which so far is October 2014).

We didn’t publish a weekly summary last week mostly because the same posts that topped the list were the same ones that everyone was reading the previous week!  And, because I am lazy sometimes!

I don’t get it, but one of those posts is still the Top Post three weeks running!  Here are this week’s top three (daily top posts are in the right hand side bar):

1)  Syrian Muslims headed to North Dakota, Nebraska and Kentucky  (LOL! Don’t think you are off the hook if you live in another state, just about every state is going to get some!)

2)  Denmark: How its Muslim immigrants are destroying the country (economically and culturally)

3)   Construction of new mosque in Twin Falls, ID the result of Muslim refugee influx

Top countries

Here are the top ten countries from which we received readers (excluding the US) this past week.  Looks like many of the usual ones:





South Africa






Slightly lower on the list and much more interesting are: Jamaica, Japan, Israel, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Turkey, Czech Republic and Saudi Arabia.

For new readers!

Since we get new readers every day, here is my usual spiel with two new comments from me:

First, we do screen our comments and don’t post any that threaten any kind of violence and we don’t post ones filled with foul language.  An occasional expletive might slip in if the comment is otherwise a good one.  You are always free to disagree with our point of view if you follow those two simple rules.

And the other thing I want to mention is about e-mails that come to you every time we post.  They come directly from wordpress to subscribers.  We don’t send out e-mails.  So, if we are posting too much for your e-mail inbox, then just unsubscribe and visit RRW when you have the time I understand completely about too many e-mails!  You might want to simply follow us on twitter or on facebook (below).

This is where you can find information if you are arriving here at RRW for the first time (in addition to our fact sheet). We have over 6,000 posts.

*  See our categories (left hand sidebar)

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*  Also, we have a great search function and since neither the categories nor the tags go all the way back to our first posts more than seven years ago, use the search window with a few key words.  You might want to first try your city, state, or country to see what we have reported from there over the years.

Readers from Europe should search for key words ‘Invasion of Europe’ for all of our many posts on the migration crisis on the Continent.

By the way, our category entitled ‘where to find information’ is filled with reports and documents, but with 319 posts archived there, it is pretty unwieldy now.

Past weekly roundups can be found in our category entitled ‘blogging.’

If you wish to be notified when we post, consider subscribing or follow us on twitter (@refugeewatcher) or facebook (RefugeeInfoResource).  ‘Like us’ on facebook!

And apologies to all who e-mail and comment, sorry if I don’t respond much, there are just not enough hours in my day!

It occurs to me that I do see everyone’s comments to posts because we do screen them (no foul language, no threats), so if you have something you want me to see, I don’t at all mind if you send the link as a comment to a post, even if it’s off-topic.

To regular readers, thank you for your continued concern for this very important issue.


Refugee murdered in Dresden was killed by fellow refugee, not by raving mad neo-Nazis!

The German media should be ashamed of itself!


Thousands turned out to march for Khalid, the murdered Muslim, when they thought some crazed PEGIDA supporter had knifed him to death.


We didn’t mention the story (the murder) when it happened mostly because it seemed too convenient that just as the anti-immigration (anti-Islamization) movement PEGIDA was expanding dramatically, and the Paris slaughter had just occurred, the media directed us to ‘look over here’ where some German right-winger MIGHT have murdered a poor African migrant in Dresden.

January 15th: Here is just one of MANY articles that came out after an Eritrean Muslim ‘asylum seeker’ was found dead in Dresden:

Germany’s recent upsurge in anti-Islam sentiment appears to have taken a dark new turn, as a 20-year old asylum seeker was murdered in Dresden this week.

Khaled Idris Bahray, a Muslim originally from Eritrea, was found stabbed to death close to his home in southern Dresden on Tuesday morning. The previous night, an estimated 25,000 demonstrators from the far-right Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West (PEGIDA) group, which proclaims to oppose Islamic extremism, had marched through the center of the German city. Many have now linked the murder of the 20-year-old to the ongoing increase in racist attacks there. 


Immediately following the incident, questions were raised regarding the increasing prevalence of anti-immigrant and anti-Islam sentiments in the city. Just days before the attack, neo-Nazi graffiti, including a swastika, was painted on the door of the flat in which Khaled was living, accompanied by the message “We’ll get you all.”

Many foreigners feel insecure on the streets of the city amid the upswing in attacks in Dresden. After a PEGIDA demonstration in December, a group of “foreign-looking youths” came under attack in a Dresden mall, with several injuries reported. An Eritrean speaker at a vigil held in memory of Khaled told the crowd: “We are afraid. Help us,” before claiming that most asylum seekers in the city want to leave.  [So let them leave!—ed]

The rise in hostility towards refugees and migrants has been linked to the ongoing PEGIDA demonstrations, which began in October 2014 and have now risen to attendance levels estimated at 25,000 people.

Then get this!  Thousands turned out to proclaim,”Ich bin Khalid!” 

January 17th: Here at Deutsche Welle:

Under the slogan “Rights and security for refugees – in memory of Khaled,” the march on Saturday aimed not only to remember Khaled I., but also to show a sign of solidarity with asylum seekers and refugees in Dresden, particularly in light of an apparent increase in xenophobic sentiment in recent months.

Following in the footsteps of mourners across the world who last weekend remembered the Paris attack victims with the slogan “Je suis Charlie,” many of those marching in memory of Khaled I. on Saturday were seen holding signs bearing the words “Ich bin Khaled” (I am Khaled).

Amid claims that Khaled I.’s stabbing could have been racially motivated, the participants at the march also demanded an explanation for his death and criticized the anti-Islamization group PEGIDA, which the marchers accuse of turning Dresden into a “center of xenophobia.”

Another asylum seeker arrested in the murder!

January 22nd:  Oopsy!  Deutsche Welle, with no apology for its previous reporting, tells us that Khalid’s roommate, another Eritrean, has been arrested in the murder.  Shouldn’t the press now be asking about the sorts of people being allowed to reside among German citizens?

The Dresden district attorney’s office confirmed on Thursday that an arrest warrant for manslaughter had been issued in the case of an asylum seeker who was found dead a little over a week ago. The accused killer had been remanded into custody as a result of DNA evidence found on the murder weapon.

The suspect was a housemate of Khaled B., the 20-year old from Eritrea who was discovered dead in his high-rise in Dresden’s Leubnitz-Neuostra district where he lived with other asylum seekers. The police originally issued a report saying there was no evidence of foul play, but reversed this statement when a coroner’s report listed multiple stab wounds to the neck and chest.

The 26-year-old suspect is also thought to be from Eritrea, quelling rumors that the murder was a hate crime, which had been circulating since swastika graffiti was found in the staircase near Khaled’s apartment. The accused has alledgedly confessed while in custody and given his motive as a fight over household concerns that turned violent.  [Ha! “Rumors” that Deutsche Welle has been only too happy to perpetuate.—ed]

Have you noticed that the authorities almost never figure out who is doing the graffiti writing—I wouldn’t be surprised if it isn’t the wannabe new Germans doing it themselves.

Final note:  A recent poll (before the atrocity in Paris!) in Germany found that 57% of Germans feel that Islam is a threat!  See The Local.

The survey was carried out in November – before the massacre of journalists in Paris by Islamist gunmen – but as the numbers attending anti-Muslim rallies in Dresden and other cities began to escalate.

The Bertelsman Foundation think tank survey looked at the perception of Islam in Germany from the eyes of Muslims and non-Muslims. Of the non-Muslims surveyed, 57 percent thought that Islam was threatening or very threatening to German society.

TNS Emnid, which conducted the survey for the Bertelsman Foundation think tank, said it’s a rise of four percent since 2012 when the study was last conducted. The research institute surveyed 937 non-Muslim Germans for the survey in November 2014.

Even more respondents felt that Islam did not fit into western society: 61 percent said not really or not at all. A rise of nine percent over 2012.

Forty percent felt like “foreigners in their own country” because of the perceived increase in the Muslim population.

Thanks to ‘Pungentpeppers’ for many contributions to this story.

One more in our ‘Invasion of Europe’ series.  See our previous post this morning—Most Europeans want immigration stopped. Click here for all we have written about Germany’s migration mess.

Poll: Most Europeans want immigration to the Continent stopped

In North America 39.3 want immigration numbers decreased.

This is a story put out by the International Organization for Migration (IOM).  I mentioned this US government contractor the other day—their role for us is to prepare and ship out the refugees headed for America (I guess other countries too, just never paid enough attention to them).  They have a $1.6 billion budget, here.  According to USA Spending, the US donated over $375 million to the IOM in fiscal year 2014.

Illegal migrants arrive in Malta. Is it any wonder 76% of Maltese citizens do not want more? Photo: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-23848749

The IOM did a worldwide poll on opinions toward immigration which they say will be out later this year.  For whatever reason, they are giving out some preliminary numbers now.

At the Tribune (emphasis is mine):

GENEVA: More than half of Europeans want less migration with up to 84 per cent of Greeks against any further rise, the International Organization for Migration said on Friday.

Releasing the preliminary findings of a Gallup poll held across more than 140 nations, the IOM said the trend in Europe went against the sentiment recorded in other regions of the world.

Across Europe, which has been battling to fight an influx of migrants arriving via often perilous land and sea routes, 52.1 per cent said migration levels should drop.

A total of 30.2 per cent Europeans wanted to maintain the status quo while 7.5 per cent wanted more migrants.  [Guess that means the cheap labor advocates like German Chancellor Angela Merkel are in the minority—big time!—ed]


But there was a divide in the continent in North-South terms.

The majority in Scandinavia wanted the level of newcomers to remain constant or increase but countries in the Mediterranean region, an entry point for many migrants, wanted a sharp fall.

Eighty-four percent Greeks were against higher immigration. The figures for other affected countries were also steep with Italy at 67 per cent, Spain (56 per cent) and Malta (76 per cent).   [Well, heck, if I were running the government in Malta I would surely be shipping the illegal migrants north!—ed]


At the same time anti-immigration rhetoric is growing across the European Union, fuelled by concerns about faltering economic growth and prompting calls for tougher border controls.

I betcha that they did this survey involving North America before the US border invasion by the children this past summer!  And, don’t you wonder how they asked the question and where they asked it!

But in North America, another coveted region for immigrants, the majority would like the status quo maintained (34.2 per cent) or to see the levels increase (22.8 per cent).

They go on to say that 39.3 of North Americans want immigration levels decreased.

I would say that is a very significant number, and possibly more so if we knew when and where they were polling.

See our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive on the immigration crisis in Europe, here.

About the photo:   For our many new readers, we have an extensive archive on the tiny island nation of Malta which has been besieged for all the years (since 2007) we have been reporting.  You will be astounded to hear that every year the US State Department takes a significant number of these illegal migrants and transforms them into refugees for resettlement in your towns.   Here is just one recent post on that issue.  Click here for the whole sad story on Malta and how the US helps to create a “pull” factor for that country.

Numbers USA: True Champion for the American worker, Sen. Jeff Sessions, named chairman of Senate Immigration Subcommittee

Chris Chmielenski at NumbersUSA sent out this important announcement today:

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) was named chairman of the Senate Immigration, Refugees and Border Security subcommittee this week, giving significant control over immigration legislation to Congress’ top champion of lower immigration levels and American workers. Sen. Sessions has already renamed the subcommittee “‘Immigration and the National Interest,’ as a declaration to the American people that this subcommittee belongs to them,” according to a statement on his website.

Congratulations Senator Sessions! Our first ray of hope in a very long time!

“The financial and political elite have been controlling this debate for years; this subcommittee will give voice to those whose voice has been shut out … the voice of all Americans who believe we must have a lawful system of immigration they can be proud of and that puts their interests first.”

— Sen. Sessions

Sen. Sessions’ record on immigration speaks for itself. He was the most ardent opponent of the Senate’s Gang of 8 mass amnesty bill in 2013 and has consistently spoken out against Pres. Obama’s executive actions on immigration. Earlier this month, his staff hand-delivered a 25-page memo he wrote to all House GOP in advance of their retreat, making the case for lower immigration levels and increased enforcement.

The appointment could prove to be extremely significant should new Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell stick to his pledge to return the Senate to “regular order”. It would mean that every immigration-related bill would have to pass through Sen. Sessions’ subcommittee before it could reach the Senate floor for a vote.

The subcommittee’s vice-chair will be another immigration-reduction champion, Sen. David Vitter (R-La.). Both Sessions and Vitter have NumbersUSA Career grades of A+.

Senate considers its options

Thank you to all of our activists who placed thousands of phone calls to Senate offices this week pushing for passage of the House-passed DHS spending bill that would defund most of Obama’s executive actions. Your calls reminded lawmakers of their midterm campaign promises and that voters won’t forget pledges to do everything in their power to stop Pres. Obama’s executive actions on immigration.

The Senate is not in session today, but will return on Monday. Debate over some bills is running longer than expected, so it’s still uncertai n when Sen. McConnell will bring the House-passed DHS spending bill to the Senate floor. But, Politico is reporting that GOP Leaders are looking for alternative solutions to stopping the President’s executive overreach should the DHS spending bill not pass.

“Top Republicans are exploring ways of escaping their political jam on immigration, with steps that could avoid a funding cutoff for the Department of Homeland Security while letting conservatives vent their anger at President Barack Obama.”

— Politico, “GOP seeking Plan B on immigration”, Jan. 21, 2015

NumbersUSA President Roy Beck protests that thinking:

We aren’t interested in venting anger; we’re interested in results that protect American workers and their families from the wage depression of Mr. Obama’s actions.

We can’t let Members of Congress off the hook! We’ll be coming to you next week with more phoning and faxing opportunities as we continue to pressure Congress to uphold its promise to stop Pres. Obama’s executive amnesties and work permits for millions of illegal aliens.

Border bill moving quickly through the House

Earlier this week, the House Homeland Security Committee passed an amended version of Rep. Michael McCaul’s (R-Texas) border bill, the Secure the Border First Act.

The bill purports to require completion of the 700-miles of double layered fencing that was authorized by the Secure the Fence Act of 2006, but in fact, counts vehicle barriers and single-layer fencing in the 700 miles, even though they don’t comply with the requirements of the law. It also requires implementation of the biometric entry/exit system that has been authorized by Congress and funded on at least six separate occasions and requires DHS to achieve “operational control” along the Southern border. But the bill allows 5-7 years for these provisions to take effect, letting the Obama Administration off the hook for its lack of enfo rcement over the last six years.

The bill’s title, however — the Secure the Border First Act — suggests that Congress should take no further actions on immigration, including guest worker programs and amnesty, until the provisions are implemented and the border secured.

It’s been pointed out by both Sen. Sessions and Jessica Vaughan at the Center for Immigration Studies that the bill throws lots of resources at the border but doesn’t actually change the current administration’s policies, including catch-and-release. Thus, this administration and future ones could intercept every person crossing the Southern border illegally, but if they’re simply issued notices to appear an d relocated to the interior of the country, it wouldn’t really stop future waves of illegal border crossings like the one last summer. So, in reality, the bill really doesn’t do anything to reduce illegal immigration.

The bill will come before the House Rules Committee on Monday and then move to the House floor during the week.

Maybe we can persuade the new Sessions subcommittee (Immigration and the National Interest) to have a look at the Refugee Resettlement Program!  After three decades it needs a review!

Construction of new mosque in Twin Falls, ID the result of Muslim refugee influx

Throughout America mosque construction is underway due to the ever-expanding population of Muslim refugees that the US State Department is tucking away in the most unlikely places.  Recently we learned that Muslims in Anchorage, Alaska were building a new mosque.  Now comes this news from Twin Falls, Idaho (Magic Valley!)….

Does the State Department understand that, as they create Muslim enclaves, they are facilitating the Hijra–the Islamic Doctrine of Immigration—which says it is the responsibility of all Muslims to migrate?

(The story is from AP and published at Seattle.pi.)

You should know at the outset that the refugee program in Idaho is a Wilson-Fish program which means the state of Idaho government itself (including elected officials) have absolutely no say in the program.

In truth, no states can veto anything the feds and their contractors do (I don’t know any that have tried!), it’s just in Wilson-Fish states the secrecy surrounding resettlement is even worse.  Refugee resettlement is a complete abrogation of State’s rights under the US Constitution, but has never been challenged as far as we know.

Bye! bye! Magic Valley.


TWIN FALLS, Idaho (AP) — One recent Friday, men took off their shoes and placed them in a shoe organizer near the entrance of the Islamic Center of Twin Falls.

They walked across green carpet into an area no bigger than a living room and paused, facing northeast toward Islam’s holiest city, Mecca. Several kneeled, heads bowed, while others sat in front of their imam, Bakhritdin Yusupov.

The room quickly filled until four lines formed before Yusupov. As many as 60 men gather to pray in this room on Fridays. In many countries, Muslims get Fridays off from work to go to their mosque, much as Christians have Sundays off to attend church.

Women also use the Twin Falls mosque, but jumu’ah, or Friday prayers, are required only of men. Sometimes the mosque is so crowded that people stand outside the door.

On Dec. 9, members of the Islamic Center of Twin Falls applied for a special use permit to expand and erect a new building on their site at 455 Addison Ave. The permit was approved the same day. [Chickens feared to speak post-Paris?—ed]

The next step is to get a building permit. But the nonprofit might need two or three years to raise $200,000 to build its 2,500-square-foot structure, said Imad Eujayl, center spokesman.

Recent terrorist attacks in Paris, Belgium and elsewhere have drawn much attention to Muslims, and stereotypes abound.

Indeed, two Muslims who frequent the Islamic Center here declined to be identified in the Times-News, saying public knowledge of their religion could hurt their business.  [Interesting! Could there be other reasons they wouldn’t give their names?—ed]

But many others said they feel secure in Twin Falls, a city noted for its Refugee Center and constant influx of foreign immigrants. An estimated 1,000 Muslims live in the Magic Valley.

Read on if you feel like it.  The article, written post-Paris terror attack, seeks to make readers feel better about Muslims.

More on “welcoming” Idaho by clicking here.  Refugee Center website is here.