And their children and their children!
Neil Munro at The Daily Caller today reported on the expansion of refugee resettlement to include what essentially involves the US State Department going to three Central American countries and bringing back the “kids.”
Oh, yeh, they say their “legal” parent in the US has to apply for them, but effectively we are picking them up. And, the contractor racket continues because applications can only be filed with refugee contractors listed here.
The Daily Caller quotes us:
President Obama’s new border security plan is being expanded to allow illegals in the United States to bring their children, their adult children, their grandchildren and even step-parents into the United States.
Obama is opening “a whole new pipeline for legal migration,” said Ann Corcoran, editor of Refugee Resettlement Watch. Once the new program is established, future officials can expand it to include more economic migrants from more poor countries, she told The Daily Caller.
I’m asked all the time, what can be done? This is pretty much it:
The program is being run in cooperation with federal contractors, such as Catholic Charities, said Corcoran. Those contractors will lobby Congress to keep the program funded until the public elects pro-American legislators to Congress, she said.
Ethnic groups will also support the program, partly because it allows new economic migrants quick access to the many federal welfare and aid programs that are normally off-limits to illegal immigrants. [They want to be declared “refugees” to get the welfare goodies! The kid will anchor the whole family!—ed]
I’ve been writing about the ‘Invasion of Europe,’ but sad to say, we are there now too! The Invasion of America is well underway. Can we stop it in time?
Our previous post on Obama opening the “refugee” flood gates for the “children” is here.
If you wonder why government leaders in those countries (which will be losing their children) don’t seem to care if the next generation is leaving, it is because of remittances baby! They want the money, money, money the migrants send home.
***Update*** International Business Times mentions RRW too, here.