For new readers, Church World Service is one of the nine federal resettlement contractors with subcontractor office spread throughout the US. They receive millions of federal dollars amounting to 62% of their entire budget from you—the US taxpayer.See here.
Here they plan to join the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) on the Capitol steps looking to get arrested in a protest of the President’s refugee policy.
On Tuesday, October 15th, 18 protestors–including heads of Amnesty International USA, America’s Voice, CAIR, and Church World Service, as well as a former Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration–will risk arrest on the steps of the U.S. Capitol. The leaders will wear life vests symbolizing the life-saving refugee resettlement program.
Faith communities, human rights groups, clergy, refugees, and refugee agencies will hold a major action on Capitol Hill as Secretary Pompeo meets with Congress to finalize the administration’s 80% cut to the refugee admissions program.
WHAT: Protest and Civil Disobedience Responding to Decimation of Refugee Resettlement
WHERE: Capitol Lawn Area 9, Constitution and First St NE
WHEN: Tuesday, October 15th at 1:00 PM
DETAILS: 18 protestors–including heads of Amnesty International USA, CAIR, America’s Voice and CWS–wearing life vests symbolizing the lives that could be saved or lost through the resettlement program will risk arrest on the steps of the US Capitol. Supporters will hold 95 photographs of refugees, a nod to the historic average refugee cap of 95,000.
Anne C. Richard, Former Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) [She’s back!—ed]
Margaret Huang, Executive Director, Amnesty International USA
Rev. John L. McCullough, President and CEO of Church World Service
Nihad Awad, National Executive Director, Council on American-Islamic Relations
Frank Sharry, Founder and Executive Director, America’s Voice
Sarnata Reynolds, former counsel for the House Judiciary Committee
Sami Muya, a Refugee from Somalia separated from family members by anti-refugee policies
Endnote: I am so happy to have RRW backso history isn’t forgotten and images like those above can continue to be available for all to see.
You should take a minute and have a look at the church member congregations Church World Serviceis representing (see this post). Is your church among them?
Ah yes, Anne Richard, our old nemesis at State Refugee Replacement Cabal is back. Remember when she canceled the annual public input sessions because we sent her negative comments? lol
We recently attended a presentation by CAIR at Boise State University. Nihad Awad and Dr. Abbas Barzegar were here to talk about a “roadmap for community empowerment.” Only about 70 (50 Muslims) people showed–not surprising since there was no pre-event publicity! But the Boise mayor and chief of police were there (personal invitations??) Anyway, during the Q&A session, non-Muslim members of the audience asked direct, pointed question but got lies and evasive answers in return. Finally, Dr. Barzegar said “Are there any real questions from our people?” Only one question from a Muslim: it was about her history teacher saying “Arabs around the world celebrated on 911” and how should she have responded? Dr. Barzegar: “teachers are not educated on how to deal with Islam. The 19 perpetrators of 911 have nothing to do with CAIR and we do not have to justify or answer such a statement.” The only “roadmap” given was to wait because more resources for Muslims are coming to Idaho–CAIR is planning to open an office in Boise.
Let those profiteers who seek to destroy America from within be arrested….change their garments to the color orange…don leg irons and work the ditches of America in some prison gang….It is more than they deserve……….
Any and all who wish to live under sharia law should be deported from the USA and its territories at once, no exceptions! Sharia law is in direct opposition to our Constitution and federal system of government.
People that live in MD/DC should go to the same protest carrying photos of those killed and maimed and raped by refugees (lots of them) despite what the left advertises.
This website is heartbreaking. I had to read through it carefully to see if I was understanding what you are saying. Are you really ridiculing and mocking community leaders for taking a stand on behalf of individuals seeking refuge? As a person who has lived abroad for many years among (yes, Muslim!) communities that are being persecuted by their own governments, I am returning to the US only to be baffled that a community so against basic human compassion can exist within our borders. When I lived among my Muslim neighbors as a stranger from a distant land, they welcomed me and were kind to me, taking me in to their homes and feeding me their best in food. Can you not be equal in kindness to them?
Individuals should be kind to one another however, that doesn’t mean that governments must pay churches to be charitable against the wishes of those who do not have the same world view but are forced to foot the bill. Church World Service can find its own private money for their religious charity.
Thank you for providing information that I have not seen somewhere else
Ah yes, Anne Richard, our old nemesis at State Refugee Replacement Cabal is back. Remember when she canceled the annual public input sessions because we sent her negative comments? lol
Yes!!! And, do you know that the Trump Admin. never reinstated those public input sessions!
We recently attended a presentation by CAIR at Boise State University. Nihad Awad and Dr. Abbas Barzegar were here to talk about a “roadmap for community empowerment.” Only about 70 (50 Muslims) people showed–not surprising since there was no pre-event publicity! But the Boise mayor and chief of police were there (personal invitations??) Anyway, during the Q&A session, non-Muslim members of the audience asked direct, pointed question but got lies and evasive answers in return. Finally, Dr. Barzegar said “Are there any real questions from our people?” Only one question from a Muslim: it was about her history teacher saying “Arabs around the world celebrated on 911” and how should she have responded? Dr. Barzegar: “teachers are not educated on how to deal with Islam. The 19 perpetrators of 911 have nothing to do with CAIR and we do not have to justify or answer such a statement.” The only “roadmap” given was to wait because more resources for Muslims are coming to Idaho–CAIR is planning to open an office in Boise.
Let those profiteers who seek to destroy America from within be arrested….change their garments to the color orange…don leg irons and work the ditches of America in some prison gang….It is more than they deserve……….
“Ethnic diversity not a strength but a weakness”, study says
Any and all who wish to live under sharia law should be deported from the USA and its territories at once, no exceptions! Sharia law is in direct opposition to our Constitution and federal system of government.
I am so sick of these civilizational traitors. And that includes my fellow Tribe members who are active in this.
People that live in MD/DC should go to the same protest carrying photos of those killed and maimed and raped by refugees (lots of them) despite what the left advertises.
This website is heartbreaking. I had to read through it carefully to see if I was understanding what you are saying. Are you really ridiculing and mocking community leaders for taking a stand on behalf of individuals seeking refuge? As a person who has lived abroad for many years among (yes, Muslim!) communities that are being persecuted by their own governments, I am returning to the US only to be baffled that a community so against basic human compassion can exist within our borders. When I lived among my Muslim neighbors as a stranger from a distant land, they welcomed me and were kind to me, taking me in to their homes and feeding me their best in food. Can you not be equal in kindness to them?
Individuals should be kind to one another however, that doesn’t mean that governments must pay churches to be charitable against the wishes of those who do not have the same world view but are forced to foot the bill. Church World Service can find its own private money for their religious charity.
Sami Muya is a courageous, faithful man! God bless him. I will be praying for him tomorrow.
Arrest them all