Jim Justice the West Virginia governor who has been a Republican, then a Democrat and now a Republican again, not only joined the fab-15 dumb governors who came out of the chute long before they needed to and declared their support for more refugees, but also foolishly embraced (in writing) the leading activists in the West Virginia Open Borders Left with plans to include them in mapping out a future for the state “in the interest of all West Virginians.”
West Virginia has gotten only a tiny number of refugees over the years.
So I guess the governor plans to change that—so much for supporting one of Trump’s major campaign promises of 2016 to rein-in the dysfunctional UN-driven Refugee Resettlement Program.
WV won’t get its MONEY?
By the way, the word is that the governor thought he must consent ASAP in order to get his funding. Funding for what—is there a rat in the administration telling governors that some funding will be cut off if they don’t agree to ‘welcome’ refugees. What exactly is that funding?***
Here below is the text of the governor’s press release earlier this month:
Gov. Justice responds to presidential executive order concerning refugee resettlement
CHARLESTON, WV – Gov. Jim Justice today sent a letter of consent to Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo in response to an executive order issued by President Donald J. Trump on Sept. 26, 2019, concerning enhanced state and local involvement in refugee resettlement.
“I am grateful for the Trump Administration’s consideration of states’ rights with this Executive Order and with other policies that impact what happens in West Virginia,” Gov. Justice said in the letter.
“Further, I understand that refugees who come to West Virginia will have been vetted and approved by the appropriate federal agencies, including the Department of State, and be granted legal entry to make a new home in America before settling here. [This is your usual refugee contractor lingo. He didn’t write this on his own!—ed]
“West Virginia has had great success with our refugee resettlement agency, which has been in operation since 1978. Refugees who have resettled here have become productive citizens and are welcomed into our West Virginia family. Therefore, as Governor of West Virginia, I consent to refugee resettlement in West Virginia, as per the terms of the Executive Order.”
Gov. Justice has reached out to Catholic Charities of West Virginia, The Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston, The Episcopal Diocese of West Virginia, The West Virginia Council of Churches, and Temple Israel and Congregation B’nai Jacob in Charleston to set up a meeting in the coming weeks to further determine the best way to move forward in the interest of all West Virginians.
Does the good Mr. Justice think it is in the “interest of all West Virginians” to invite third world poverty and cultural tensions to West Virginia?
I have an extensive archive on West Virginia, click here, to see how patriots there have held back the tide so far.
***On this issue of losing federal funds, if you live in a state where your Republican governor has caved, see those governors here, try to find out if they were threatened with the loss of some sort of funding. Clearly WV gets a tiny number of refugees—none in the last year—so they surely weren’t being threatened with any loss of federal money for refugees.