In a story about Indiana’s Pete Buttigieg, Vox News reports that he has released his immigration plan which includes a huge jump in refugee numbers that consequently will make the nine refugee resettlement contractors*** wealthier than they have been in their entire history.
Buttigieg’s refugee welcome numbers will put the old man’s (Obama’s) to shame!
Contrary to popular opinion, Obama admitted no where near the numbers the Dems are proposing.
He averaged just under 70,000 for his entire 8 years in office. See here.
A couple of those years were in the 50,000s!
These numbers being proposed by leading Democrat candidates will put Obama to shame.
And, as I have said repeatedly Open Borders Inc. will claim they need to be this high or higher to ‘MAKE UP FOR WHAT THEY WILL DUB THE LOST TRUMP YEARS.’
It isimperative that President Trump is re-elected and then in his second term he must work to dump the entire UN/US Refugee Admissions Program as originally crafted by Senators Ted Kennedy, Joe Biden and President Jimmy Carter.
Pete Buttigieg’s immigration plan rebukes Trump and calls for an overhaul of the system
Buttigieg’s plan aims to reverse various Trump policies: his travel ban on individuals from seven countries deemed to be security threats, the practice of family separations, and his cap on annual refugee admissions (to a historic low of 18,000), as well as the practice of keeping migrants trapped in Mexican border towns while they wait for decisions on their asylum applications.
Warren wants 175,000 needy third worlders (future Democrat voters!) admitted to the US as refugees by the end of her first term in office.
He proposes to raise the cap on annual refugee admissions to 125,000 during his first year in office, and says he supports legislation that would set an annual floor of 95,000 admissions.That’s on par with what Biden and Warren have proposed (though Warren has pledged to raise the cap to 175,000 by the end of her first term.) Sanders, by contrast, has vowed to increase the cap, but hasn’t specified a number.
By the way, the reason they are pushing the idea of legislatively setting an annual floor is to make the contractors happy because it will assure them job security from year to year (their income depends on numbers) in the event the country elects another President like Donald Trump.
And just so you don’t forget: ol’ Uncle Joe worked with Teddy to craft this original flawed program back in 1979. Jimmy Carter signed the Refugee Act into law in 1980. And, to show what a hypocrite Biden is, his home state of Delaware takes only a handful of refugees annually. Some years it has taken a big fat zero!
I laughed when I saw that ‘Creeping Sharia’ recently tweeted out this video I did a few years back and made a slight change!
The secretive and corrupt Refugee Admissions program that continues to fundamentally change America by resettling so-called "refugees" in small towns and cities was the brainchild of former senators Ted Kennedy and @JoeBiden
***For new readers these (below) are the nine federally-funded refugee contractors that monopolize all refugee placement in America. For decades they have decidedin secrecy where to place refugees and they don’t want to lose that power because even as they pontificate about their religious convictions and humanitarian zeal, they are Leftwing political activist groups working to change America by changing the people and using your money to do it!
And, they do not limit their advocacy toward only legal immigration programs, but are heavily involved in supporting the lawlessness at our borders.
The question isn’t as much about refugees per se, but about who is running federal immigration policy now and into the future?
I continue to argue that these nine contractors are the heart of America’s Open Borders movement and thus there can never be long-lasting reform of US immigration policy when these nine un-elected phony non-profits are paid by the taxpayersto work as community organizers pushing an open borders agenda.
“‘If I sign to let refugees in, is that going against the President?’ ”
(Refugee lobbyist Jen Smyers said elected officials want to know!)
The Answer: Yes!
When the White House designed their September Executive Order to give governors and county commissions the ultimate say on whether refugees would be placed in their states, they miscalculated on (at least) two fronts.
First they had apparently no idea of how networked and politically savvy the resettlement contractors*** are as their very survival is dependent on their federal funding. (Just for the record, no one in the administration asked those of us who know the operational structure of the contractor network for any advice.)
And, America Firsters! have no national grassroots network to begin to compare with the nine contractors and their friends.
But, most importantly, the supposed reformers working for the President apparently did not have a firm understanding of how weak most Republican governors are on immigration issues of any sort.
Open Borders Inc. has so thoroughly trained most elected officials to get in line with their agenda, or be called racists and xenophobes, and God forbid, nationalists, that most governors were shocked when they heard they were being forced to go on record on whether they would be ‘welcoming’ poverty and cultural diversity to their states or not.
One positive that might come from this exercise is that Americans, who have had enough of supporting migrants of all stripes, are going to have a list of those who are going against America First!
Yesterday New Yorker reporter Jonathan Blitzer provided detailson how the governors are falling one-by-one in line against the President on a key 2016 campaign promise. Of course we don’t know if Blitzer has all of his facts straight, but he sure sounds like someone with an inside track—a track that we don’t have!
How the White House Is Trying—and Failing—to Keep States from Resettling Refugees
One of the chief priorities of the Trump White House has been to dismantle the refugee system, which has existed, with broad bipartisan support, since 1980. Within the first week of Trump’s Presidency, his Muslim ban temporarily froze the resettlement of refugees in the U.S. and cut the over-all number of people whom the federal government would allow into the country. Every year since, the White House has lowered the annual refugee “ceiling,” which now stands at eighteen thousand, down from more than a hundred and ten thousand, at the start of 2017. But the President hasn’t limited his attacks on the system to Washington. A provision of the Muslim ban, for instance, specified that individual states and localities should be allowed to refuse to accept refugees. At the time, it wasn’t clear how states could do so, but the premise was obvious: if the White House could turn refugee resettlement into a partisan wedge issue, Republican-controlled states might abandon the program and side with the President.
Jen Smyers works for Church World Service. CWS is suing the Administration to stop the Executive Order. They have for decades decided where refugees will be placed in America and they don’t want any governor or local government messing with their power to change your community by changing the people.
On September 26th, Trump issued an executive order requiring that every local and state jurisdiction sign a consent letter in order to resettle refugees. If a governor or county commission failed to produce a letter, the U.S. State Department, which oversees the process, would effectively consider that jurisdiction ineligible for resettlement. The order was designed to put additional pressure on local officials, by forcing them to opt in to the resettlement program rather than opt out. “A lot of governors and state officials don’t want to make this decision,” Jen Smyers, of Church World Service, a resettlement agency, told me. “Immigration has always been the jurisdiction of the federal government, and they don’t believe it’s their role. At first, some officials would also say, ‘If I sign to let refugees in, is that going against the President?’ ”
Yes, of course it is going against the President! The President made it clear at a Minnesota rally that he wanted to curtail refugee resettlement in America.
These questions intensified after Trump, at a campaign rally in Minnesota, in October, complained about the number of Somali refugees who have settled in the state in recent years. “Leaders in Washington brought large numbers” of them, he said. The crowd booed, on cue, then cheered when the President announced that he would give states and cities an opportunity to prevent more refugees from coming. “No other President would be doing that,” he said.
Each year, nine refugee-resettlement agencies across the country bid for contracts with the government [LOL! bid for bodies!—ed] This time, at the behest of the White House, the State Department added a caveat to the application: the federal government would not resettle refugees in a particular place unless consent was provided in accordance with the executive order. Meanwhile, a few weeks after Trump signed the order, officials at the State Department told resettlement groups that they planned to contact mayors and governors to request consent letters from them. But the department never did; a month later, the resettlement groups had to start conducting outreach on their own. “The best way to get someone not to write a letter is to not tell them they need to do it,” Smyers said.
Lo and behold, the contractors went to work in October with a massive lobbying campaign in key states and counties and began racking up consent letters. The best prizes of all are the Republican Governors!
The Trump Administration was caught off guard by the positions taken by Republican-controlled states. Just before Thanksgiving, after the governor of North Dakota submitted his consent letter, the White House organized a phone call with governors’ offices to “enhance state and local involvement” in resettlement. Those invited to participate were given only a few days notice.
Blitzer reported also that the lawsuit the contractors have filed against the Executive Order will be heard by a friendly to them federal judge on January 8th.
Not mentioned by Blitzer, because he likely has no clue, is that big globalist corporations and Chambers of Commerce are lobbying the governors for more refugees to enhance the low wage labor pool especially in the heartland riddled with BIG MEAT slaughterhouses.
But that doesn’t fit the narrative that the likes of the New Yorker want to portray which is humble humanitarians vs. the menace in the White House.
We are seeing numerous news accounts of which governors are going against the President. Early next week we will post on which Republican governors have gotten their consent letters to the US State Department.
Before Monday, I might post on South Dakota’s Republican Governor Kristi Noem’s welcome announcement because of who is cheering her consent.
If you have opened RRWfor the first time with this post, please see my category ‘Where to find information’for all the news on the President’s Executive Order.
***For new readers these (below) are the nine federally-funded refugee contractors that monopolize all refugee placement in America. For decades they have decidedin secrecy where to place refugees and they don’t want to lose that power because even as they pontificate about their religious convictions and humanitarian zeal, they are Leftwing political activist groups working to change America by changing the people and using your money to do it!
And, they do not limit their advocacy toward only legal immigration programs, but are heavily involved in supporting the lawlessness at our borders.
The question isn’t as much about refugees per se, but about who is running federal immigration policy now and into the future?
I continue to argue that these nine contractors are the heart of Americas Open Borders movement and thus there can never be long-lasting reform of US immigration policy when these nine un-elected phony non-profits are paid by the taxpayersto work as community organizers pushing an open borders agenda.
But, he is up against a buzz saw—likely the most significant “Pocket of Resistance” anywhere in the country.
A what? A pocket of resistance?
That is a term one of Obama’s federal Office of Refugee Resettlement employees used at a 2013 refugee contractor pow-wow in Lancaster, PA to describe the citizens who were asking questions about the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program.
[T]he keynote speaker talked about how ‘Welcoming America’was working to get YOUR minds right about your new refugee neighbors (and, they received a federal grant from ORR to do it!).
Originally from Tennessee, David Lubell launched Welcoming America, a non-profit the feds hired to tamp down what they termed as ‘pockets of resistance.’ Lubell was later awarded Obama’s ‘Champion of Change’ award.
Before Susan Downs-Karkos from ‘Welcoming America’ spoke, we had been alerted by the Office of Refugee Resettlement’s Director of Placement, Mitiku Ashebir that (gasp!) “three pockets of resistance against new arrivals” had developed. He assured the gathering it was not widespread and that Pennsylvania, thankfully, was not one of them. Drum roll please! Here are the pockets of resistance and Mr. Ashebir’s brief description of the unwelcoming problems:
New Hampshire—some mayors have problems, said Ashebir
Georgia—budget reductions for some service providers
Tennessee—they want to control arrival numbers! Imagine that!
As far as I know the resistance in Georgia and New Hampshire has been brought under control by Leftwing refugee industry activists, but they have not been able to quell the rebellion by Tennessee patriots who are hopping mad at the governor for going against the President and saying—send us more poor people from across the world. (Lee caves here.)
Consequently, see this mornings news about the uprising against the governor, a governor conservatives put their faith in and now feel he has betrayed them.
From the state should have a publication like this one to keep especially your Republicans accountable):
Bill Lee Tithes For the Federal Refugee Resettlement Program With Taxpayer Money
Why do millionaires like Bill Lee feel so free to use state tax dollars to live out their personal religious beliefs?
Remember when Bill Lee was campaigning and trying to dazzle gullible voters with his “brilliant” idea for an Office of Faith-Based & Community Initiatives?
Good ol’ country boy Bill Lee bows to Leftists that run the big urban centers of Tennessee.
Once elected he launched this initiative and it may end up being the vehicle for Bill Lee to funnel more state dollars to pad the pocketbooks of federal refugee contractors and other groups that want to get into the lucrative refugee resettlement business.
In fact, Bill Lee told us as much while he was on the campaign trail:
“My wife has worked in a ministry that serves Kurdish refugees, I’ve been to Kurdistan and served with refugees from ISIS in refugee camps,” Lee replied. “I believe that the work of nonprofits is powerful and important, and that’s what this is about. And I am a Christian, so my experiences and my work with non-profits that are doing effective work has been Christian organizations, so that’s what I talk about, because I talk about my experience, and I will support works that are doing, meeting some of the greatest challenges in our community that I believe government shouldn’t meet, it’s not the role of government to do that. But it is the role of the nonprofit community and I would encourage that kind of work, for sure.”
But he might just use the government to provide the greenbacks – we’ll get to that in a minute.
So why is anyone surprised that when offered, he jumped at the chance to say “YES!” I want to put Tennessee back into the refugee resettlement program!!!
And because of the 50-100 mile placement rules from the four urban centers where the federal resettlement contractor offices are located, when he consented for Tennessee, he pretty much put every county in the state up for grabs.
Judith Clerjeune an immigrant activist in TN is thrilled with the governor. But you can bet they still won’t vote for him next time around.
Conservatives in Tennessee who put Bill Lee in office get a lump of coal for Christmas while the radical left TN Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC) congratulates it’s lobbying effort on the consent push:
“We thank Governor Lee for his moral clarity and leadership in making his decision today…‘Refugee communities across Tennessee have played a powerful role in defending not only the resettlement program but the values and aspirations of this country’, said TIRRC Policy Officer Judith Clerjeune. ‘We will continue to work with refugee leaders and partner agencies to advocate for a robust and generous resettlement program.”’
During Bill Lee’s campaign his first major policy initiative was his “Roadmap for Rural Tennessee” which he highlighted by riding around on a tractor and talking about “his farming roots” and about how Tennessee is just one generation away from losing this way of life.
Not sure what happened to all that rural love, because what we have now, is the rural governor scrooging Tennessee’s rural counties in deference to the urban-based federal contractor resettlement agencies.
As of this writing, Lee’s ‘welcome refugees’ letter is not on file at the US State Department. See if your governor is here.
The nine federal refugee contractors salaried workers are working day and night to get those consents into the State Department by Christmas. Therefore….
As a proud life-long resident of Springfield and in response to a City Council resolution – No, I will not be issuing a letter of consent to the White House, U.S. Department of State, The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in support of continuing refugee resettlements in Springfield.
It’s time for other much more affluent communities to take on their fair share.
My position has been very clear on that this issue taxes our city and school services and calls into question the accountability and follow-through aspects of refugee agencies, who not too long ago, placed a number of refugees in condemned housing units. We have a number of residents in Springfield who need assistance and that will continue to be the concentration of my efforts. Springfield has proudly done more than its fair share on this issue.
As a recent Boston Federal Reserve report indicated about Springfield – “you cannot continue to concentrate poverty on top of poverty.”I ask, as those more affluent communities demand of Springfield, to step up to the plate and put their money where their mouth is — to take on their fair share of social justice responsibilities. The familiar tune I always hear from these much more affluent communities is that we do not have the capacities for refugees, the homeless, subsidized housing and methadone clinics.
Springfield is at capacity – the ball is now in their court.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Happy Holidays – God Bless.
Domenic J. Sarno, Mayor of Springfield
The mayors letter echos a common theme of many America Firsters! Take care of our own poor and vulnerable citizens first!
Also, readers should know that the rules that guide the President’s reform initiative say specifically that it is county governments that must opt-in or opt-out of the resettlement program.
For each state and locality where the applicant proposes to resettle refugees during the award period, the applicant should seek written consent for resettlement of refugees from the state governor’s office and the chief executive officer of the local government (county or county equivalent).
Springfield is in Hampden County and when I visit the State Department’s list of siteswhere elected officials have said, sure send us more poverty, I’m not seeing Hampden County listed. For Massachusetts at this time, I’m seeing five city governments are going to create an additional tax burden on their citizens, but no counties have weighed-in.
I have no idea what the feds are going to do about this apparently great misconception!
It is not too late! You should still be trying to get your governors and county commissioners to say NO, not this time!
The federally-funded refugee resettlement contractors*** are working overtime (and LOL! probably receiving overtime pay!) to get governors and county elected officials to send their consent to ‘welcome’ refugees to your state and county by Christmas.
Pennsylvania’s Governor Tom Wolf was the first governor to send a letter to say his state would be thrilled with more refugees. His letter arrived in mid-October, weeks before the official funding guidance was released by the State Department. Clearly the contractors had a jump on soliciting elected officials.
The consents will be good only for a portion of this fiscal year (2020) beginning in June.
News accounts are too numerous for me to write about, except I will find time to write about any counties in America that join Appomattox, County, Virginia! Or, where any patriots put up a fight!
And, if the contractors fail in court—yes, of course, they have filed a lawsuitto stop the President’s reform initiative—the process is expected to be repeated for the 2021 fiscal year which begins October 1, 2020.
However, although news accounts are plentiful, actual approval letters on file at the US State Department are sparse as of this morning.
Click hereto see which governors and which counties have signed up.
Note that cities have sent approvals, but according to the funding guidance, here, it is the county government that must opt-in or opt-out.
If you have opened RRWfor the first time with this post, please see my category ‘Where to find information’for all the news on the President’s Executive Order.
The contractors are working to acquire as many consents by Christmas so that they then know how to craft their grant proposals which are due in to the State Department by January 21st. This whole initiative is built around federal money (your money) for the contractors.
***For new readers these (below) are the nine federally-funded refugee contractors that monopolize all refugee placement in America. For decades they have decided in secrecy where to place refugees and they don’t want to lose that power because even as they pontificate about their religious convictions and humanitarian zeal, they are Leftwing political activist groups working to change America by changing the people and using your money to do it!