Since we are on the subject of the stealth jihad this morning, I found it amusing that staunch defender of Muslim immigration to Canada, Doug Saunders, says it is illogical that people would make the difficult move to a faraway land while hating the place they moved to and wishing to change it.

See our Canada post earlier today. I didn’t give you anything from Muslim apologist Saunders, but this is what he said in a recent debate with Dr. Salim Mansur.
The Globe and Mail columnist also addressed concerns that Muslim immigrants will eventually attempt to impose Sharia law in Canada, enacting edicts that oppose secular values, oppress women’s rights, and discriminate against homosexuals.
“This narrative is built on a basic fallacy,” Saunders stated. “Why would any family endure the trouble and expense of immigrating to a faraway country because they hate its ways? People generally immigrate to places whose values and institutions they find agreeable.”
Saunders needs to tell that to the Muslims in the UK who are now making a move to take over some public schools according to The Mail (Islamist plot dubbed ‘Trojan Horse’ to replace teachers in Birmingham schools with radicals). Hat tip: ‘pungentpeppers.’
Muslim fundamentalists are plotting to take over state schools, according to leaked documents.
Activists have launched a campaign to oust headteachers using dirty tricks such as spreading false allegations and packing governing bodies with their supporters.
The plot, which ringleaders have named Operation Trojan Horse, has emerged in documents drawn up by the group and leaked to a local newspaper.
The dossier names several schools in the Birmingham area as targets of alleged plots.
The authors of the documents discuss extending the ‘jihad’ operation to Bradford and Manchester – cities with rapidly growing Muslim populations.
So, I would ask Mr. Saunders what is the difference between Canada’s Muslims and those in the UK? Only one difference as far as I can see, the numbers are not yet great enough in Canada, but they will be one day.
Where is the Muslim population in the US distributed most heavily, see our much-visited post here. Some states may surprise you!