Buried deep in a story about Niagara County, NY cracking down on food stamp fraud and other types of welfare fraud is a little nugget we have always suspected but never have seen in writing until the ever-watchful ‘pungentpeppers’ spotted it near the end of the story in the Buffalo News.
Remember Buffalo is a “preferred” refugee placement site for the US State Department and its resettlement contractors.
Here is how the story begins:
LOCKPORT – The Niagara County Sheriff’s Office is playing hardball with individuals and store owners who try to cheat the public assistance system.
And it’s paying off, with Niagara County taxpayers saving more than $500,000 in overpayments in 2013. The department added a second welfare fraud investigator in 2013, which has easily paid for itself, and says adding a third would do the same.
Read all about the crooks who ran the Indian General Store. Then this:
And sadly, New York State taxpayers are being victimized not only by their own residents, but also by people from outside of New York.
Niagara County Legislator David E. Godfrey, R-Wilson, who works with the Sheriff’s Office as the community, safety and security liaison, said people are being trained in southern states to get benefits and then are being bused to New York State.
“I spoke with the joint terrorism task force and they say that in refugee camps overseas there are pamphlets of how to come to New York and get benefits,” said Irons-Rindfleisch. But she said Social Services does have access to databases to make sure that people are not getting benefits in more than one state.
“One of the things that the legislatures are looking at – and it’s not just in Niagara County, it’s all of New York State – is welfare fraud by those non-residents,” Godfrey said.
We have a fairly large archive on Buffalo (including other food stamp fraud cases), so if you are from that area, you might want to check it out here.