But, the feds are still (more secretively) sending them into California.
Reuters has the story (hat tip: ‘pungentpeppers’):

U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, in an interview with MSNBC, said he found television images of that demonstration “very disturbing” to watch.
I found the section of the article entitled, ‘Send Washington a bill’ most provocative. The citizens of Murietta, CA continued their protest at a meeting last evening.
I have this wonderful image of instead of sending Washington a bill, how about sending Washington, DC the tens of thousands of illegal alien “refugee” teenagers—I would be along the route cheering the buses onward to the White House! (By the way, where does Jeh Johnson live?)
Here is more of what Reuters reported.
‘SEND WASHINGTON A BILL’ [Heck! Send Washington the illegal aliens!—ed]
Immigration officials said most of the families headed for California were likely to be released under limited supervision to await deportation. [What a joke! They will never be deported!—ed] Many would to be placed with relatives or friends or in temporary housing provided by charity groups [Charity groups which you are paying with your tax dollars—ed].
On Wednesday, border protection officials confirmed that a separate group of undocumented migrant families with children were sent to a processing center in El Centro, California, a desert community about 100 miles (160 km) east of San Diego.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency spokeswoman Virginia Kice said authorities were being especially careful to avoid disclosing the whereabouts of the detainees “so that mobs can’t go down and root out those people”.
At the town hall meeting in Murrieta, Mayor Alan Long told the angry throng that he had been advised by U.S. officials to expect another group of about 140 immigrants every three days for several weeks.
He blamed federal officials for the influx, saying that he intended to “send Washington a big fat bill” for expenses.
Residents filled the meeting hall to capacity and spilled out into a parking lot, carrying signs with slogans like “Illegals today, Jihadists with Nukes tomorrow!!”.
***Update*** Read about Murietta’s Patriot Nurse, here, thanks to Cathy for spotting it!
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