They complain that the government isn’t giving them enough stuff and they want to move on to more ‘welcoming’ countries.
We’ve reported on trouble in Uruguay previously here. Now this! Merhi Alshebli brought his family of 15 children to Uruguay, but now wants out. He doused himself with gasoline in protest (never lit the match however). Photo:
From the Associated Press (at ABC NEWS):
When Uruguay announced last year that it would be taking in five families fleeing Syria’s devastating civil war, residents of this small town pulled together and lobbied to host one.
Then in November, locals welcomed a newly arrived Merhi Alshebli, his wife and their 15 children with food and seeds to plant vegetables. People in Juan Lacaze, a coastal city of fishermen and paper factory workers in southwestern Uruguay, wanted to do their part to help a country where more than 200,000 have been killed in the fighting.
But after months of the Syrians’ complaints about their living conditions and demands to be sent to another country, many Uruguayans in this town and elsewhere have come to see the refugees more as rude, ungrateful guests.This month the 51-year-old Alshebli shocked locals by dousing himself in gasoline in protest, furthering Uruguayans’ indignation and sense that this South American nation’s humanitarian gesture has gone off the rails.
There is much more! Read the whole shocking story. LOL! Perhaps the most shocking part is that the mainstream media is reporting on the ungrateful Syrians!
Uruguay is re-thinking its previous promise to resettle more Syrians.
What happens in America when thousands and thousands of mostly Muslim Syrians get here and the resettlement contractors and the taxpayers get overwhelmed?
I love this stuff, do-gooder socialists foiled by what?—a desire by some to make money! Making money off of the refugee flow is nothing new—just ask the US refugee resettlement contractors! Prime Minister Stefan Löfven: Hey, we are welcoming tens of thousands of Syrians and other Middle Easterners here. How dare you make gobs of money from the crisis?
From The Guardian (hat tip: Jon):
Sweden is in the grip of a row over housing for refugees, with private accommodation providers accused of making fat profits while the country struggles to find beds for tens of thousands of asylum seekers before winter.
Housing is so limited for record numbers of arrivals – 9,000 are arriving in Sweden every week – that the authorities are using heated tents to put people up.
But at the same time, private companies have been accused of charging exorbitant amounts to help the government find accommodation for more than 80,000 people who have made it to Sweden this year.
“We are living hand to mouth,” said Tolle Furegård, head of refugee accommodation at Sweden’s migration board, who said the service relies a heavily on the private sector in this situation. “They are not doing this to be nice to us… It is a big sector, a chance to earn lot of money quickly, and it’s safe, because the government pays its bills.”
The board had lowered its standards to attract more offers of accommodation, and is seeking 30,000 more beds by the end of the year – “a huge number”, Furegård said.
The prime minister, Stefan Löfven, has asked company bosses whether it “feels good when you look in the mirror” to be making big profits at a time when the country is pulling together over the refugee crisis.
More here of the classic supply and demand story. Sweden is learning the hard way, just hope it isn’t too late for them.
And, click here for our entire ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive. We have been following Sweden’s death spiral for years, go herefor more.
As we know, the Obama Administration is aiming to resettle 10,000 Syriansthis year. The resettlement contractors, including the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, are pushing for 100,000 (btw, this post on the Bishops and 100,000 took off on social media in the last few days).
From the US State Department’s Refugee Processing Centerfor October 1-October 15 (hat tip: Diane).
As we previously reported, 97% of the Syrians resettledto the US in FY 2015are Muslims. Make no mistake, this is not about saving the persecuted Christians or Yazidis.
Related: Have a look at this AP articleabout Syrians going to Michigan where the Republican governor is welcoming them (and wants many more). It was only posted yesterday and has 2,786 comments already (as of this writing) with the vast majority opposed to what Governor Snyder is doing.
Who is working against American workers and your American towns and cities? Find out!
Let me be clear, many of you have foolishly (in my opinion) tried to make the distinction between LEGAL and ILLEGAL immigration for way too long (legal is good, illegal is bad). Please notice that the side, pushing for MASS MIGRATION, makes no such distinction.
They are all happily coming together surely (in December of this year) to get their marching orders (community/union organizing instructions!) for the 2016 Presidential race. LOL! to be a fly on the wall and hear how many times the name ‘TRUMP’ is mentioned. Eva Millona is the Executive Director of the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition. MIRA is a co-sponsor of the pow-wow at which they will denigrate you for standing up for your communities.
From New American Dreams (click on the site to follow links and to register):
We’ll be making history together Dec 13-15, 2015 at NIIC 2015. [for those who have enough money to stay in a hotel in Brooklyn—ed]
Founded over 25 years ago, the New York Immigration Coalition (NYIC), the local Co-Host for NIIC 2015, is the leading advocate for New York’s immigrant communities on the local, state and national level. NYIC brinPrintgs together 165 organizations and entities that work with immigrants and refugees across the city and the state; together, our multi-ethnic and multi-sector constituencies pursue a common agenda and represent what is best about New York—diversity, energy, and the drive for positive change.
NYIC is a proud member of the National Partnership for New Americans, the national Co-Host and anchor for NIIC 2015. NYIC is committed to bringing voices from across New York to NIIC 2015 and share our experiences from the last quarter century of advancing immigrant integration. NIIC 2015 will also advance NYIC’s work with regional and national partners.
The National Partnership for New Americans (NPNA) is a national multiethnic, multiracial partnership. We represent the collective power and NPNA resources of the country’s 34 largest regional immigrant rights organizations in 29 states. Our members provide large-scale services—from DACA application processing to voter registration to ACA outreach—for their communities, and they combine service delivery with sophisticated organizing tactics to advance local and state policy.
Our aim is to achieve a vibrant, just, and welcoming democracy for all. We believe America’s success is rooted in our ongoing commitment to welcoming and integrating newcomers into the fabric of our nation, and to upholding equality and opportunity as fundamental American values. Immigrants are the soul of our organization, and immigrant communities inspire, implement, and champion our work.
Joining the Co-Hosts on the NIIC 2015 Executive Committee are key partners. Make the Road New York, which builds the power of Latino communities to achieve dignity and justice, as well as the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition, the largest organization in New England promoting the rights and integration of immigrants and refugees.
They are going to examine you!
LOL! They are going to have a session about us (about those of us who don’t want to CHANGE America, who want to know what they have planned for our towns, who want to put American workers first, who don’t want to spend enormous amounts of the federal treasury to care for third world migrants, who don’t want to dilute our Judeo-Christian culture and heritage). Check it out! At 3:15 on December 13th:
Understanding and Addressing Today’s Organized Backlash Against Muslim Immigrants and Refugees
This session will explore the resurgence of anti-immigrant and Islamophobic rhetoric and activism and the recent use of Islamophobia to undermine refugee resettlement. This new development has implications for receiving communities and for refugee resettlement, particularly of Muslim refugees. How does this backlash against resettlement fit within the broader attacks on Muslims in the U.S. and what are the best ways to respond? Who are the key actors fueling this campaign and how is their message spreading? Hear from experts from the Muslim community and from refugee resettlement leaders about this new challenge and potential responses.
Here is the list of those working against your American towns, against American workers and against American taxpayers (regular readers of RRW will recognize many of these groups from our previous reporting). The gang is all here!
Building Skills Partnership
CAPACES Leadership Institute
Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York
Catholic Legal Immigration Network
Center for Urban Research at the CUNY Graduate Center
Four Freedoms Fund
International Rescue Committee
JM Kaplan Fund
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services
Make the Road New York
Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition
Migration Policy Institute
National Association for Latino Community Asset Builders
National Council of La Raza
National Partnership for New Americans
New York City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito
New York Immigration Coalition
New York State Office of New Americans
Partnership for a New American Economy
Partnership for New York City
The Program for Environmental and Regional Equity at the University of Southern California
United Food and Commercial Workers International Union
Unbound Philanthropy
Welcoming America
Western Union
About the photo: Learn more about Ms. Millona here as she played a major role in the Obama Task Force on New Americans.
If you are in the Nashville area next Saturday (October 24th), maybe you would like to check it out. Stephan Bauman is CEO of World Relief and one of 5 employees making a six-figure salary largely on your dime while advocating for 100,000 Syrians be resettled in your towns and cities in the coming year! Photo: World Relief (Evangelicals), one of themajor federal resettlement contractors, is working in the Wilson-Fish state*** of Tennessee. According to their website, since 1987 they have seeded Nashville with diversity:
We have directly resettled refugees from various war torn areas including the following ethnic backgrounds: Afghani, Bhutanese, Bosnian, Burmese, Burundi, Chin, Colombian, Congolese, Cuban, Eritrean, Ethiopian, Iranian, Iraqi, Kachin, Karen, Karenni, Kurdish, Laotian, Pakistani, Palestinian, Somali, Sudanese, Vietnamese, and Ukrainian.
We’ll meet in the parking lot behind the Islamic Center of Nashville before heading in for a tour of the mosque and a Q&A presentation. This is a great time to ask any honest, but respectful, questions you may have about the Islamic faith and Muslim culture. [LOL! What is a dishonest question?—ed]
We will then enjoy an Indian lunch buffet ($9.95) at Sitar (116 21st Avenue North). During this time, you’ll have the opportunity to learn more about World Relief and the refugee community in Nashville. [Then they are off to a temple—ed]
We have been following the plight of Nashville for years and have an entire category devoted to news from there. Go here to learn more about how Catholic Charities, which runs the resettlement program in TN (working with other contractors like World Relief), has brought huge demographic change to the buckle of the Bible belt.
***If you live in one of 12 Wilson-Fish states you need to start learning more about what that means for you. Although elected officials at the state and local level in all states have little say about the administration of the program in the state, in Wilson-Fish states the resettlement of third worlders is run exclusively with a contractor and the federal government. After reading ourWilson-Fish post, go here and learn more.
Wilson-Fish states: Alabama, Alaska, Colorado, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Nevada, North Dakota, South Dakota, Tennessee and Vermont.