A reader recommends Michael Savage's new book: No borders, no language, no culture

Here is a discussion at Breitbart about radio talk show host Michael Savage’s latest book.  I have not much time to say more because I woke up to literally dozens of things that need to be posted because the destruction of western civilization is advancing rapidly now across the world and you need to know more about it.
From Breitbart (hat tip: Mark):

This past weekend, conservative talk radio icon and author of multiple New York Times bestsellers Dr. Michael Savage and Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alexander Marlow discussed his latest book Government Zero: No Borders, No Language, No Culture.

Appearing on Breitbart News Saturday, which airs on SiriusXM Patriot channel 125, Dr. Savage explained that this is the first interview in the campaign for his new book. Marlow said he was honored and reminded Savage that their interview together last year, discussing Stop the Coming Civil War: My Savage Truth, was one of the highlights of the year for Breitbart News Saturday.

Savage, who holds a PhD in nutrition from the University of California at Berkeley, recounted that during his last interview with Marlow, when they discussed Stop the Coming Civil War, “I don’t know if we stopped it or started it.”

In 2012, Savage admits, “I told conservative voters who were not going to vote to hold their nose and vote for Romney.” He expected that when Republicans regained power in congress, “Our work would begin and we would have to hold their feet to the fire.” Unfortunately, that didn’t work very well, he acknowledged. “They have no feet to put to the fire. They’re footless.”

Continue reading here.


It is even worse than footless, we have traitors among us who have been masquerading as members of the deceptively titled “Freedom Caucus” and with funding from some of the Republican establishment’s elitist big donors and the Chamber of Commerce (those who have completely bought the notion that amnesty and more legal immigration are needed to supply cheap laborers for their businesses) we are about to get a wolf in sheep’s clothing as Speaker of the House—Rep. Paul Ryan.
Average middle class, patriotic American workers be damned.

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