Crime up in Postville with influx of strangers

Update September 22nd:  More on how Postville is changing.

Little Postville, Iowa is getting an additional police officer since crime is on the rise in that town.  Postville, you recall, is the home of Agriprocessors—a meatpacking plant raided in May by ICE where almost 400 illegal aliens were employed.   (Hat tip:  Blulitespecial)

Agriprocessors sent out the word that it needed workers and the town was flooded by assorted immigrants and refugees, mostly Somalis.   See an earlier post here which shows how these meat packing companies disrupt towns.

Yesterday the Des Moines Register reported that the town needs more police:

Postville Police Chief Michael Halse says the workers who have come to replace those picked up in the raid are temporary. He says he doesn’t know their backgrounds or where they came from.

Halse says he hopes life will return to the way it was before the raid, but predicted that normalcy could be years away.

Dramatic proposal in the UK to cut immigration

While I slept Blulitespecial was busy doing my work for me by finding all sorts of important stories to share with you.  Hat tip to him again!

Barack Obama went to Europe and said if he were elected President he would make America more like Europe.   O.K. Barack does that mean you would drastically cut immigration like one country after another is attempting to do in Europe?  We’ve told you about France and Italy and just a couple days ago we heard that Spain is following suit.   And, now the UK.  Wow!

The Telegraph is reporting today that a plan to balance the number of immigrants with the number leaving the country has been proposed.

A cross-party parliamentary group – the first to tackle such a politically divisive issue – says net immigration must be reduced to zero, with the numbers arriving balanced by those leaving.

The group hopes this will stabilise the swelling UK population and reduce pressure on public services at a time when immigrants are entering at the highest rate in recorded history.

“We strongly believe we must ease the pressures that immigration is placing on our public services, environment and, indeed, on the cohesion of our society,” it says in a report, Balanced Migration.

Just like the United States the UK is expecting a population explosion, fueled exclusively by immigration, over the next 30 years putting huge demands on jobs, housing, schools and the environment with the brunt of the pain inflicted on the country’s poor.

In April, the Lords’ economic affairs committee labelled official statistics on migration “seriously inadequate” and concluded immigrants are not needed to fill labour shortages or help fund the state pension for retiring Britons.

Immigrants were found to have an “important economic impact” on public services, with some schools struggling to cope with the number of children who do not speak English as a first language.

Lowly paid Britons are being priced out of work and millions face being unable to afford a house.

Government statistics show in the past decade 2.5 million people have arrived in the UK, while only three quarters of a million have left.

The UK’s population is set to soar from 60 million to close to 80 million by the middle of the century, making it the most populous nation in Europe.

Figures suggest Britain will need seven new cities the size of Birmingham to house the growing population by 2031.

Again, hint to John McCain, it’s time to change your mind on immigration.   We don’t actually know where our statistics are, but I will bet the US numbers would come close to this British poll on the subject of immigration.

A poll released to coincide with the proposal found eighty one per cent of Labour voters and 89 per cent of Conservative voters favoured substantial cuts in immigration.

Immigration is the elephant in the living room.    It is the issue directly related to the environment, jobs, crime, terrorism, poverty, cultural conflicts, and education.    We ignore that elephant every day at our peril.

Muslims in Greeley today and that city’s role in the birth of Al Qaeda

Update September 10th:   Talks break down.

Update September 8th:  Is there a cover-up?

This is a follow-up to my post this morning where I reported on protests at a Swift meatpacking plant in Greeley.  Seems non-Muslim workers have had it with the demands of Somali workers who want special accommodations in the workplace.  Said one of the protesters, “Somalis are running our plant.”  Apparently, the Somalis got violent but that went unreported in the local press.

I’ve written several posts about the influx of refugees to this area of Colorado lured apparently by the prospect of employment in the meatpacking industry.  (Sorry this may seem like a lot to wade through, but if you are really interested in this, please follow the links back.)

I first made note of the activity in July 2007 when I reported that the Office of Refugee Resettlement (US Department of Health and Human Services) was helping open a refugee office for the cities of Ft. Morgan and Greeley, which, by the way, are about 50 miles apart.

This is from the local paper last summer:

An influx of Somalian and other African refugees to Greeley and Fort Morgan is spurring the formation of a refugee and asylee office.

In the course of about a year, about 150 refugees have moved to the Fort Morgan and about 40 to Greeley. The refugees migrated here from other states, including Minnesota, primarily to pursue jobs in the meatpacking industry, said Paul Stein, Colorado state refugee coordinator.

The office is funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services office of Refugee Resettlement, through the Colorado Department of Human Services’ Refugee Services Program.

This told me at the time that the meatpacking industry, in this case Swift and Cargill, were in the process of bringing Somali refugees to the area and the federal government was in on the plan.   The purpose of this office is to facilitate all the other aspects of the worker’s lives:  apartments, food stamps, medical care and English lessons, etc.  In other words, you are subsidizing the labor needs of these giants by taking care of the other needs of the imported workers.  To hell with the American workers who have to take care of their own needs and to hell with the community that gets overrun.  

So if Swift is getting shafted now, they brought it on themselves!

Then here is an update, again in July 2007, where the prayer issue raises its ugly head in Greeley/Ft. Morgan.

Another article that attracted my interest involved four questionable Somali men, or at least questionable to me!  Perhaps it is nothing more than an example of the annoying State Department practice of bringing hordes of single men ‘refugees’ to the US (yes, and I bet you were thinking most refugees were sweet women with needy kids), but this account of Somalis in Greeley looked strange to me.  (This is from an AP story that I now see is no longer available).

GREELEY, Colo. — The four Somalis moved into the apartment last August, six floors up in a downtown Greeley building. The living room is furnished with only a metal folding chair and small table covered in papers and a laptop computer. A Somali flag, a white star against light blue, is the only wall hanging, draped behind the table.

They sound like 4 guys really hankering to be Americans don’t they?

And finally from this news account a month ago, one could tell things were not going well in the community with refugees who had come to Ft. Morgan and Greeley to work for meatpackers.

Here is the answer to my comment at this morning’s post about what role Greeley played in the birth of Al Qaeda.   Sayed Qtub had come for a visit:

Communism had Karl Marx. Al Qaedaism has Sayed Qtub. Who’s he, most people would ask. The ideology that nurtured modern Islamic extremism, and spawned every violent movement from Hezbollah to al Qaeda, was born in 1952 when Qtub, an Egyptian writer, returned from studying American literature at the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley, Colo.

The tipping point from detached observer to extremist ideologue took place at a church dance in Greeley when, as Qtub recalled in “The America I Saw,” the pastor dimmed the lights and put on the come-hither number “Baby, It’s Cold Outside,” a hit tune from the MGM movie “Neptune’s Daughter” — a guy, girl and bathing suit lemon — with Esther Williams and Ricardo Montalban.

“The room,” Qtub wrote “became a confusion of feet and legs; arms twisted around hips; lips met lips; chests pressed together,” That was the scene that turned him off American culture in particular and Western culture in general — and onto Islamic fundamentalism.

Read more here and consider how Greeley could just be an excellent target city in which Shariah might be planted in America.   The irony.

Workers protest Somali accommodation at Colorado meatpacking plant

Update September 11th:  Over 100 workers fired!

Update September 10th:   Talks break down.

Update September 8th:  Cover-up of the violence?

Update I promised:  Meatpackers and Muslims in the ideological birthplace of Al Qaeda!

Thanks to Always on Watch for sending me this article from Greeley, Colorado where Swifts meatpacking plant workers walked out to protest the company’s accommodation of Somali Muslim demands for a change in break time.

A complaint by Somali workers earlier this week that they weren’t getting early enough break times to accommodate religious fasting snowballed into worker protests at the JBS Swift & Co. plant Friday.

Employees from both early and late shifts converged in the afternoon in front of the human resources office at the north Greeley plant.

About 100 employees, some of whom were supposed to be working, protested company officials accommodating Muslims by moving their break time to accommodate those fasting for Ramadan, a Muslim holy month. The company allowed Muslim workers to take their breaks about an hour earlier than normal to break their fasts.

One worker had this to say:

“They have no respect for the Spanish or white people,” said Brianna Castillo, a Swift employee of four years. “Many times we are forced to pull extra count… I don’t feel that is right.”

Castillo, who is white, said every race was represented in the protest with the exception of Somalis. Castillo said employees are frustrated by what they feel is a double standard when it comes to other races and Somalis.

“Somalis are running our plant,” Castillo said. “They are telling us what to do.”

All of this is no surprise, except that finally some workers are saying they have had enough.  Go over to Jihad Watch today on this story and see what Robert Spencer has to say about the issue of accommodating Muslim religious practices—something we have talked about at length here.

And this is very important!  There was violence by the Somalis before the peaceful protest by non-Muslim workers.  A reader at Jihad Watch had first hand knowledge of the incident and reported the following:

There’s much more to the story than what the Tribune printed. It was not all peaceful, as the Tribune has led us to believe. My neighbor, directly across the street from my home, is a Registered Nurse. She is currently employed at the Swift Meat Packing plant at Greeley in the medical department. She was an eyewitness to the building conflict and post-riot damage within the plant that happened at about 7:30 p.m. on Friday evening, 9-5-08.

The Greeley P.D. SWAT Team and many police officers had to come into the plant to stop the destruction by approximately 200 angry Muslims of tables, equipment, and helmets inside the cafeteria at about 7:30 pm last night. My neighbor said that the medical department rendered treatment to one non-Muslim female worker who was assaulted during the melee.

There is more at Jihad Watch.

I’ll have more later because we have written several times on Greeley/Ft. Morgan.   Check back for Part II to learn about the federal government’s involvement in helping supply refugee workers to this part of Colorado.

Just a reminder,  the US State Department has brought over 82,000 Somali refugees to the US in recent years.

To all of you students of Islam, what else is Greeley famous for?  It is ironic!

Arabs and Muslims “chilled” by possible McCain/Palin victory

There is an intersting article from the Middle East Times posted over at Jihad Watch about how Arabs and Muslims generally are shaking in their boots about McCain and Palin in the White House.   Actually when you read the Times article it’s hard to tell whether McCain or Palin strikes more fear in their hearts.

The first Republican woman to be on a national ticket must especially scare Muslim countries that are trying so hard to keep their women subservient.   A strong independant woman with lots of children has got to be their worst nightmare, especially in light of their goal to outbreed us.  And Palin hasn’t yet succumbed to the politically correct word police as demonstrated by this account in the Times article:

Particularly highlighted in the media Friday were remarks made by Palin in June that the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003 and the American troops there were “on a task from God.”

“Our national leaders are sending soldiers out on a task that is from God,” Palin told ministry students at her former church in a video that spread like wildfire across the Internet.

She asked her audience to pray for the troops in Iraq. “That’s what we have to make sure that we’re praying for, that there is a plan and that plan is God’s plan,” she said.

The article also takes a swipe at our western values in a segment about the pregnancy of Palin’s 17-year-old daughter.  Imagine the nerve of people who sanction female genital mutilation, forced marriages of children to old men (see Jihad Watch for one such girl murdered this week when she tried to get out of the marriage), and honor killings.

Check out the lively comments at Jihad Watch while you are there.