Update June 14th: More here.
There is breaking news this afternoon from the immigrant diversity capital of America — St. Louis. On Tuesday a promising Bhutanese refugee was shot while working at a 7-Eleven and ten days before that it was a Bosnian refugee killed apparently by a local thug, now its Somali refugees in what is being described as a murder-suicide. What’s next?

Photo: Robert Cohen St. Louis Post Dispatch
From the St. Louis Post Dispatch (hat tip: Michael):
ST. LOUIS • Two men and two women were shot dead this afternoon in a murder-suicide at a health care business on Cherokee Street, police say.
The male shooter is among the four dead, police say. Officers recovered a semiautomatic handgun from the crime scene.
St. Louis Police Capt. Michael Sack said the dead were in their early 40s to mid-50s.
The shots were fired about 1:40 p.m. at A K Home Health Care in the Cherokee Place Business Incubator at 2715 Cherokee Street, police say.
Sack said surveillance video showed the shooter opened fire after having a brief argument with people inside the business.
“We don’t know if this is a prior thing that carried over,” Sack said.
Michael Graff, who has a law office in the building, said the health care business* was owned and staffed by Somalian immigrants. He said he had heard heated arguing there on past occasions. Graff was not in the building Thursday when the shooting occurred.
Sack said the shooter appeared to be an employee or owner of the health care business, and that the victims were employees. No one else was injured.
Later Thursday afternoon, a woman with her head covered, as is common in Muslim countries, tried to walk to the scene before police turned her away. She openly mourned and eventually fell to the sidewalk.
Her nephew, Mohammed Ismail, 21, explained: “All of the people, these are our family.” Another man with them said they were from Somalia.
After the shootings were discovered and as police investigated inside, a fist-fight broke out between two women near where reporters stood. The cause wasn’t clear. One woman was taken into custody.
The shooting set the diverse neighborhood known for its Cinco de Mayo celebration and arts and music back on its heels.
I bet it did.
*Readers should know that these immigrant-run ‘health care businesses’ are often filled with fraud. We have reported on several cases where Somalis have been busted for ripping off medicare and medicaid through shady billing practices among other things. I’m not saying that is connected to this case, but, like food stamp fraud it is so easy to rip off the dumb infidels. Also, these storefront “entrepreneurs” are sometimes busy doing illegal money transfers to Africa in the back room.