So, they can be with their kind of people!
David Miliband, former UK foreign secretary and recently installed head of one of the nine major federal refugee contractors told the news media in a visit to San Diego this week that 12,000 Syrians should be admitted to the US in 2014. (Keep in mind that the UK has recently reluctantly agreed to take a whopping 500!).
From KPBS (be sure to watch the clip!). Emphasis is mine:
This week, the United Nations officials said Syrians are about to replace Afghans as the world’s largest refugee population.
The IRC is working to bring Syrian refugees to the United States.
You have to follow the link in the following excerpt to find out that the IRC is lobbying for 12,000. Remember they are paid by the head for each “refugee” they place in your city or town, and conveniently they have a resettlement office in San Diego!
He said, the IRC is calling on the U.S. to increase the number of refugees ***allowed to resettle in here, and if that happens, some may wind up in San Diego.
Believe me it won’t be only the women, the orphans or the Christians going to San Diego. And, if the civil war should end in months or a year, they won’t go home to Syria either—this is permanent resettlement!
“If I hope, when the U.S. government decides to increase that number and allow some Syrians, the most needy cases, the kids who’ve have lost their parents, the women who’ve lost their husbands, this would be an ideal place for them to rebuild their lives,” he said.
He said the small Syrian community and larger Middle Eastern community here could give Syrian refugees some sense of of roots and a bit of stability that can allow them to make a contribution to society.
I’m wondering if those San Diego Somali refugee terrorists recently sent to prison were “clients” of the IRC?
Not a peep in any interview about persecuted Christians in Syria.
***Be sure to read the NPR interview where an IRC representative says 12,000 is their magic number this year, but expresses puzzlement as to why the US might be dragging its feet. NPR interviewer asks:
Would you be at all concerned that letting in thousands of refugees from this particular civil war will also allow in bad actors?
Even NPR gets it (if the refugee importers pretend not to)!
We have an ever-expanding archive on David Miliband, here.
For more ambitious readers, see this 2010 post and follow the links to a National War College Report by State Department employee David Robinson who explained in 2000 how the International Rescue Committee (IRC) (others!) pressured the State Department (through Al Gore!) into taking more than 10,000 Kosovar refugees who didn’t want to come here and who were later flown back to their home country at taxpayer expense. The IRC apparently needed the warm bodies to resettle because those bodies came with a per head resettlement payment to the IRC, and I feel sure they were never asked to return the $$$.