As we know, the Obama Administration is aiming to resettle 10,000 Syrians this year. The resettlement contractors, including the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, are pushing for 100,000 (btw, this post on the Bishops and 100,000 took off on social media in the last few days).
From the US State Department’s Refugee Processing Center for October 1-October 15 (hat tip: Diane).
As we previously reported, 97% of the Syrians resettled to the US in FY 2015 are Muslims. Make no mistake, this is not about saving the persecuted Christians or Yazidis.
Related: Have a look at this AP article about Syrians going to Michigan where the Republican governor is welcoming them (and wants many more). It was only posted yesterday and has 2,786 comments already (as of this writing) with the vast majority opposed to what Governor Snyder is doing.